Open Bug 84948 Opened 23 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Print: charset (encoding) override (manual setting) is not honored in mail print/print preview.


(MailNews Core :: Internationalization, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: marina, Assigned: jshin1987)



(Keywords: intl)


(1 file)

*** observed with 2001-06-07-13 build ****
Steps to reproduce:
- take a message that is NoMime encoded ( has no charset info in header or body)
- correct the display by setting the right charset;
//note: the display is correct before you Print;
- hit Print; get the printed page ;
//note: printed page looks as of no charset override was done
NoMime JA printing will work on JA system but won't work on US system, NoMime
iso-8859-1 will work on US system and won't work on JA. Mime encoded messages
will loose accented chars whenprinted on JA system
>- correct the display by setting the right charset;
By charset menu or by folder charset setting?
by charset menu( i have a multilingual folder so i didn't specify the folder
Keywords: intl
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.3
changing qa contact to myself
QA Contact: ji → marina
move to future
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.3 → Future
Keywords: nsBranch
Blocks: 99171
with folder charset setup printing of NoMime messages doesn't have this problem,
the problem is showing up when the folder charset is set to the default and
different from the message charset.
marking nsbranch- as per Frank's comment
Keywords: nsbranchnsbranch-
Blocks: 107067
Keywords: nsbranch-
Product: MailNews → Core
*** Bug 208788 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 275888 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Assignee: nhottanscp → jshin
Summary: Print: charset override is not remembered for NoMime messages when printing → Print: charset (encoding) override (manual setting) is not honored in mail print/print preview.
sorry for bug spam.
OS: Windows 2000 → All
Hardware: PC → All
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla1.8beta
*** Bug 347715 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Product: Core → MailNews Core
QA Contact: marina → i18n
Jungshik are you still working on this ?
The simple fact is that the user's choice of character encoding is not respected when printing.

This occurs whether or not the original email has the wrong character set specified (and so the user has had to manually change the encoding for it to display correctly - as is my case) or whether the original email has no character encoding information (and so the user has to manually choose the correct one).

This bug has been open for about 10 years now. I'd love to see it fixed in the next version. Cheers.
Removing myslef on all the bugs I'm cced on. Please NI me if you need something on MailNews Core bugs from me.
Hi, is this still happening?
We are touching print preview in bug 759039 and this could be related.
Flags: needinfo?(lasdka88+mozbugs)
Re Comment #19:
Still happening with Thunderbird 56.0b4 . And thus still preventing the BiDi Mail UI extension (which I maintain) from applying its misdetection-correction of RTL language charset when printing messages.
Whoops, forgot the flag.
Flags: needinfo?(lasdka88+mozbugs)
I've only got access to Thunderbird 52.3.0 (64-bit) at the moment. I can confirm that the issue is still present in it.

Still happening in Thunderbird 60.4.0 (64-bit)...

Seen also here (Thunderbird 60.9.0 on Ubuntu Linux).

I have received a message which appears with "weird" looking chars, because Thunderbird cannot detect the encoding correctly and tries to use UTF-8 when the encoding is Western (Latin1, I suppose). Using View->Text Encoding->Western, I can see the message correctly on screen. However, it seems impossible to print the message correctly.

Severity: normal → S3
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