Closed Bug 86989 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Unable to print out Japanese characters from Win98-J with HP Laser Jet driver (Japanese version)


(Core :: Printing: Output, defect)

Windows 98
Not set





(Reporter: ji, Assigned: dcone)




(Keywords: intl)

Build: 06/18 trunk build When I print out Netcenter Japan page from my Japanese win98 system, the Japanese characters are stripped off, only ascii-characters are printed out. Please note that my Win98-J is upgraded from Win95-J. I didn't have this problem when I printed out the same page from Win95-J. Steps to reproduce: 1. Launch browser. 2. Go to 3. Select File | Print or click on print icon. 4. Click on OK button on Print window
Reassign to
Assignee: nhotta → dcone
Keywords: intl
It prints OK on my WinME-Ja / 06-19-11 trunk build though.
QA Contact: andreasb → ylong
Please test this on Windows 98 JA (not the upgraded one).
Is this a new bug introduced in 6/20 ? or is this a old bug there for a while?
It is new reported on today(06-20). I checked it on Andreas's Win98-Ja/06-19 trunk build, it prints fine also.
On the same system, 4.x and IE can print out the same page correctly w/o any problem. It's reproduciable with earlier builds, like beta1 branch and 06/12 mtrunk build. It could be limited to upgraded win98-J system.
I could reproduce this on Win98J with 6-21-06 Win32 trunk build. I checked Xianglan's Win98J and my Win98J system's version are same. I checked Andreas's Win98J system. The printer was setup to Sanma (Postscript printer) only. After I changed to Lungish which is HP Laser Jet 5Si/5Si MX PS with HP Japanese printer driver. (Xianglan's Win98J machine and my Win98J machine have this printing environment.), I could reproduce this problem in his machine also. I could not reproduce this on Win95J with 6-21-06 Win32 trunk build.
So this problem is NOT limited to upgraded Win98-J then.
It's no problem when print this page on WinME-Ja /lungfish printer too. So, is there any possible that Japanese printer driver doesn't work well on Win98-Ja?
No. Again the same page can be printed out correctly from IE and 4.x. And we can print out Ja chars from notepad too.
Keywords: nsbeta1, nsBranch
This sounda like a pretty serious problem that affects all Win98J systems. Adding nsbranch keyword.
From what I understand, poor Don is overloaded with last minute print issues. This might get prioritized to a later limbo build. As usual, needs fix, s=, sr= and a=. Once Dan has had a chance to assess severity let's consider PDT+ for this one.
I just got back from vacation.. I will look at this today.
I can get the print page OK on Win98-US / 06-21 trunk build
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.3
can someone verify that this bug appeared on 6-20-2001. There was a checkin on 6-19 that might have caused this.. is someone could verify this for me. I would bug I dont have all the systems that reproduce this bug. So run the 6/18, 6/19,6/20 6/21 builds and see if the bug is on all three.. or just the last one..
On my Win98-J, this problem exists on beta1 and 06/18 build.
marking PDT+ (msanz using selmer's account)
Whiteboard: [PDT+]
Date system machine printer type results 06/12 Win95-Ja ji good 06/18 Win95-Ja ji good 06/18 Win98-Ja ji error 06/18 Win98-Ja ji error 06/19 WinME-Ja ylong good 06/19 Win98-Ja Andreas Sanma PS good 06/19 Win98-Ja Andreas Lungfish HP 5Si/5Si error 06/21 Win98-Ja error 06/19 WinME-Ja ylong Lungfish good 06/21 WinME-Ja good 06/21 Win98-US good
Looking at the matrix.. It looks to me like maybee there is an incompatibilty between Win98-Ja and LungFish, maybee that HP printer driver will not work correctly with that system. Are there other printers to try.. Win98-Ja and any other printer. Is there an upgraded printer driver for LungFish. what about Win95-Ja and Lungfish.. I am assuming that works, is that assumtion true.
*** Bug 88295 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Win95-Ja and Lungfish worked fine with 6-21-06 Win32 trunk build.
ylong, please try asap with today's build. please try win 98 and win ME
I did some more test on both Win98-Ja and WinME-Ja: 1. WinME-Ja: a. Using a new profile, when you try to print a page using LUNGFISH first, then you won't get print out page, even try to print pages using SANMA, still can not get print out page. b. On N6.1PR1 build(06-07-13 beta1), I got the almost same results, the only difference is if I printing from SANMA first then try LUNGFISH, I still can get right print out page. The reason I haven't see this problem was because I have printed pages from SANMA first. c. If I can get a print out page, I'll get Japanese characters print out correctly as well. 2. Win98-Ja: Still got exactly same result as Xianglian before - I can get print out page, but the Japanese characters are not been printed. This is nothing to do with which printer first printing. Bug 88295 has been marked as dup of this one, however, that one seems has different problem even it still matters with which printer.
There is a very important part that I missed in previous comments: WinME-Ja: Using a new profile, if I try to print from LUNGFISH first then I can not get any print out page, even I try SANMA later, still can not get print out pages.
can you try from the same machine to the same printers with any other program? If it doesn't print, then it may be machine related, but if it does, then we have a bug
I had no problem with print on N4.7 and IE5.5. I believe Xianglian said before that she didn't has problem on N4.7 and IE too.
So, we have a bug if it prints from other programs, right?
NO, we don't have this print problem on N4.7 or IE.
Whiteboard: [PDT+] → [PDT+], investigating- no ETA
Xianglan and I tested this further. We used HP Laser Jet 5Si (Japan) driver for LUNGFISH printer. We downloaded this printer driver from HP Japan site. This driver works for Win95-J and Win98-J. When we setup the Lungish printer, HP Laser Jet 5Si/5Si MX PS driver (English version) can be installed from Win98-J CD. If we use HP Laser Jet 5Si/5Si MX PS driver (English version) to print Japanese page with 7-5-06-0.9.2 Win32 build in Xianglan's Win98-J and my Win98-J, Japanese characters are printed out correctly. I can print out the same page by using same English driver from IE or Communicator 4.7x, Japanese characters are printed out correctly. When we use HP Laser Jet 5Si (Japan) driver, Japanese characters are not printed out correctly with Netscape 6.1. However, we do not have any problems to print out same page with IE or Communicator 4.7x.
So is the bottom line on this? 1.) HP Laser Jet driver (English version) to print Japanese - works 2.) HP Laser Jet driver (Japanese version) to print Japanese - does not work and if this IS the case.. has it always been like this.. so this would not be a regression?
I didn't have this problem with HP Laser Jet driver (Japanese version) on win95-J when I tested NS6.0/NS6.01. I upgraded my system to win98-J, and upgraded system sticks to the old HP driver. Not sure about when it started to happen, but it happens on NS 6.1 beta1 too. I think this will more affect users who have upgraded their systems from win95-J to win98-J, since for win95-J users, the driver which comes with the installation CD doesn't work with any application on HP Laser Jet printer, and users have to replace the driver with HP Japanese one. After they upgrade the system, they will probably continue using the old drive they had for win95-J and then will get this problem. However for users who have new installed win98-J, it won't affect that much since the driver which comes with the installation CD works for NS6.1, unless they install the HP Japanese Laser Jet Driver on purpose.
Modified the summary accordingly.
Summary: Unable to print out Japanese characters from Win98-J → Unable to print out Japanese characters from Win98-J with HP Laser Jet driver (Japanese version)
I think this is a driver issue.. so I dont think this is a PDT+ bug, does everyone agree?
Don - As we discussed yesterday, let's let Ftang, and you look into this a little further. I'd like to make sure we have a solid understanding of exposure in the JA market, before lowering the priority of this issue (i.e. We need more data before we can de-escalate). Thanks . . .
*** Bug 88468 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 88295 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Here is little test results while I am setting up the development environment: 1) 20010710 trunk build Win98-Ja with HP LaserJet (Japanese version): a) - Create new profile ( very important, if you have a 'dirty' profile you may not able to reproduce.) - clear cache - visit - print - CAN'T PRINT b) - now change fonts in the Preference, say - MS UI Gothic for Serif - MS UI Gothic for Sans-serif - MS UI Gothic for Monospace - clear cache - visit - print - PRINTS FINE !!!!!! c) - now change the font pref back to default - MS P Mincho for Serif - MS P Gothic for Sans-serif - MS Gothic for Monospace - clear cache - visit - print - PRINTS FINE !!!!!! 2) 20010710 trunk build Win98-Ja with HP LaserJet (English version): - Create new profile - clear cache - visit - print - PRINTS FINE !!!!!!! Is this to do with the HP PS driver where it downloads TT font into printer before printing? It looks like the printer is using the wrong downloaded font to print Japanese chars. However it still doesn't explain the case 2) above.... Note: I captured the default Pref fonts for Win98Ja - MS P Mincho for Serif - MS P Gothic for Sans-serif - MS Gothic for Monospace for W2K-Ja - MS P FixedSys for Serif - MS P Gothic for Sans-serif - MS Gothic for Monospace
I tested this by using the different printer, vanhalen. Vanhalen is HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS 300. I tried to print out this Japanese page by using this printer on Win98J, Netscape crashed. I did not have any problems to print out from Communicator 4.7x. I used the default HP LaserJet 4/4M Plus PS 300 driver from Win98J CD which is English driver. I did not have any problems to print out Japanese page on Win2K-J by using vanhalen. Tested 7-11 branch build.
I sent a help message on - netscape.public.mozilla.i18n - to see if somebody know more about this Japanese HP printer driver.
Any progress, this probably loses its PDT+ this afternoon...
Removing PDT+. Please apply your work on the trunk when you're ready.
Whiteboard: [PDT+], investigating- no ETA
One reply from newsgroups: "It sounded like HP driver problem. We should contact HP." Does anybody know of an HP contact? cc'ing bobj.
Rob Jaworski has contacts at HP. But they may just be HP-UX contacts... Has anyone tried to look up Win98J printer bugs on the HP (or HP-Japan) website? Is a workaround to install the driver from the Win98J CD? If so, can we document this in the release notes? > ------- Additional Comments From 2001-07-09 13:11 ------- > ... > However for users who have new installed win98-J, it won't affect that much > since the driver which comes with the installation CD works for NS6.1, unless > they install the HP Japanese Laser Jet Driver on purpose.
My contacts at HP are strictly hp-unix folks. They're pretty far removed from the printer business.
Teruko and I have tested this. The drive that comes with the installation CD works. This can be a workaround. We need to document this in release notes.
Keywords: relnoteRTM
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.3 → mozilla0.9.4
Component: Internationalization → Printing
Keywords: nsBranchnsbranch
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.4 → mozilla0.9.6
Keywords: nsbranch+
This bug has an nsbranch+, however target milestone is set to m0.9.6, can we pull this in to m0.9.4?
Don - Should we remove the "+" for this one, or is this something you will be able to trouble shoot in the next day? Note: The nsbranch+ in this case, is most likely a legacy item from a previous release. Let's let Don and Kevin make the call on this one.
Updated keywords. There seems to be an issue with printer drivers that we are trying to track down.. but there is not an ETA on this. I think the relnotes should take care of this for a while.
Thanks Don! One down . . .
adding nsbranch- to keep track of nominations
Keywords: nsbranch-
*** Bug 98790 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.6 → mozilla0.9.8
Blocks: 107067
Keywords: nsbranch-
is anyone still experiencing this problem ?
As far as I know, this is a printer driver issue - seems it can get the print out page fine after IS changed the driver.
resolving.. works for me bases on the last comments. Please re-open if the problem still exsists.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → REMIND
Xianglan, could you try this?
The problem still exists on my win98-J when using Japanese version of HP Laser Jet driver. It's okay when I switch to English version of the driver. Reopened the bug.
Resolution: REMIND → ---
sounds like a driver problem then.. not a Mozilla issue.. right?
I dont really know how we can fix this.. since this seems to be a driver problem. Also.. can someone re-test this since printing now works differently.. maybee(if we are lucky).. we bypassed that printer driver problem. I really think this is gonna have to go away by itself.. because we have no control of these driver issues.
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.8 → Future
We still have problem at least with this kind of printer on win98 (bug 117262). Since it's has been a long time, and both IE and N4.7 work fine, I think we really need fix it.
we need to find a developer who can run mozilla with that setup.. and find out where its hanging up.. then.
are people still experiencing this problem ?
I think we have a workaround for this bug. workaround = go into printer properties, choose details tab, choose spool settings, choose "print directly to printer option". seems this is a problem only on Win 98/ME systems.
DUP...see workaround in DUP bug... *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 130083 ***
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Change QA contact to Kasumi - the current printing IQA.
QA Contact: ylong → kasumi
verified as dup of 130083
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