Closed Bug 94506 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

parameter named "arguments" is not accessible in JavaScript method


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect)

Windows NT
Not set





(Reporter: deneen, Assigned: shaver)


(Keywords: js1.5, Whiteboard: Also failing in Rhino (as of 2001-08-24))


(1 file)

From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.2+)
BuildID:    2001073103

the following function does not do what is expected.

javascript:function f(arguments) { return arguments; }; f(5)

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. paste javascript line from description into location bar, press enter

Actual Results:  [object Object]

Expected Results:  5

this example works as expected in NS4 and IE5.5
At first, I thought it was enough to just tag the function as heavyweight when
we saw a formal parameter named "arguments".  Turns out that doesn't work,
because we never bind the formal parameter's name in a visible scope, due to the
righteous GETARG optimizations.

Instead, I moved the check for "arguments" in LookupArgOrVar to only run if we
can't optimize to a slot access.  This seems to fix the problem, though I'll
have to find the time to run the test suite to be sure (or beg Phil nicely):

js> function f(arguments) { return arguments; } 
js> dis(f)
00000:  getarg 0
00003:  return
js> f(5);
js> function g() { var arguments = 5; return arguments; }
js> g()
js> dis(g)
00000:  defvar "arguments"
00003:  bindname "arguments"
00006:  uint16 5
00009:  setname "arguments"
00012:  pop
00013:  arguments
00014:  return
js> g()
js> function h() { return arguments; var arguments = 5; }js> dis(h)
00000:  defvar "arguments"
00003:  arguments
00004:  return
00005:  bindname "arguments"
00008:  uint16 5
00011:  setname "arguments"
00014:  pop
js> h()
[object Object]

Patch coming presently.
Ever confirmed: true
shaver, you want to take this bug?  Else maybe khanson will, it's yet another
jsemit.c patch. on the patch, although comment punctuation style is
*slightly* off (two spaces after full stop, less ragged-right through judicious
word choice :-).

Assignee: rogerl → shaver
Testcase added to JS testsuite:


It includes another possiblity: an identifier "arguments" defined
as a global variable:

var arguments = 5;
function F() { return arguments; }

In this case we WOULD expect the return value of F to be the 
arguments object of F, and NOT the value 5  -  right ? 
This seems obvious, but I just want to be absolutely sure. 

Will now run the testsuite with Mike's patch applied - 
Summary: parameter named "arguments" is not accessable in javascript method → parameter named "arguments" is not accessible in JavaScript method
Ran the JS testsuite on WinNT and Linux with and without Mike's patch.
With the patch applied, no new regressions were introduced, and the 
testcase for this bug passed.
Here is the above testcase for this bug:

var arguments = 5555;
function F1(arguments) { return arguments; }
function F2() { var arguments = 55; return arguments; }
function F3() { return arguments; var arguments = 555; }
function F4() { return arguments; }

I am expecting these return values:

F1(5) == 5
F2()  == 55
F3()  == arguments object (not 555)
F4()  == arguments object (not 5555)


1. Do I have the expected values right?

2. Without Mike's patch, case F1 fails, but case F2 passes.
   Is that to be expected?
Added this to test as well: invoking F1 with too few; too many parameters.
I am expecting:

F1()          == undefined
F1(3,33,333)  == 3
If I write a script consisting of this one line:

                print('x = '  +  x);

The output is: 

                ReferenceError: x is not defined

If I write a script of two lines:

                print('x = '  +  x);
                var x = 555;

The output is:

                x = undefined

Thus, the var x statement is hoisted above the print() and x is recognized
as an identifier. The variable x has the value undefined, however, 
because the assignment to 555 is not done until after the print().

So in case F3 above:

      function F3() { return arguments; var arguments = 555; } 

Shouldn't we have the same hoisting taking place within the function's scope?
Thus, shouldn't F3() == undefined ?
Phil wrote:
>So in case F3 above:
>      function F3() { return arguments; var arguments = 555; }
>Shouldn't we have the same hoisting taking place within the function's scope?
>Thus, shouldn't F3() == undefined ?

Only if there is no pre-existing property.  Recall that var (by itself,
initialization is a separate issue) never changes the binding of a property that
already exists.

cc'ing Norris. Testcase is failing in Rhino as well as in SpiderMonkey.
Whiteboard: Also failing in Rhino (as of 2001-08-24)
shaver, you want to pass this off to someone else?  It shouldn't miss 0.9.5 (it
has missed 0.9.4 unless you wanna carry water to drivers :-).

Keywords: js1.5, mozilla0.9.5
Fixed in jsemit.c 3.61.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified with smdebug and smopt shells built 2001-09-27 on WinNT, Linux.
The above testcase now passes - 

Note: testcase still fails in Rhino; bug 102093 has been filed against Rhino
for this issue - 

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