[Tracking Requested - why for this release]: Weird/scarry thing, random topsite refuses to send telemetry and attribution after restart. ##### [Suggested Severity:] S1/S2 #####[Description:] Main-preview environment on Kinto staging. After multiple tests and edits, I ended up with a record that still reproduces bug 1664203. The record has been multiple times edited with no issue, but when I ended up re-verifying the timestamp bug 1665757, I realized out of the 4 attribution enabled topsites, only this one would refuse to send telemetry events and attribution request. This is especially weird since this is a simple standard engine: amazon.de, with nothing special, like a timestamp. Adding user.js for ease of reproducing. (you need env. variable for non-nightly versions XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR=foo) Note that verifying the RS pipeline in Firefox lists the right RS topsites synced. ##### [Environment:] dao's nightly try build ([82 Nightly + fixes](https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&revision=c357ff98404e8f8be5f4b786576e7bd5505b26d6)): ryan's RC2 trybuild ([RC2+ fixes](https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&group_state=expanded&resultStatus=testfailed%2Cbusted%2Cexception%2Csuccess%2Cretry%2Crunning%2Cpending%2Crunnable&revision=fa7f2b77f5abeb9eb0a66f068594374ba076d2a1&searchStr=shippable)) Windows 10 Ubuntu 20.04 ##### [Steps:] 1. Open a terminal for non-nightly versions. 2. export XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR=foo 3. Create a profile and add the attached user.js 4. Open browser console, enable XHR. 5. New tab and click on amazon.de, example.com, baidu.com and abc.com 6. Restart. 7. New tab and click on amazon.de, example.com, baidu.com and abc.com ##### [Actual Result:] 5. 4 XHR requests to https://topsites.services.mozilla.com/cid/amzn_2020_a1 7. 3 XHR request to https://topsites.services.mozilla.com/cid/amzn_2020_a1 Clicking again the amazon.de tile will not generate any telemetry or attribution ping. ##### [Expected Result:] 5. 4 XHR requests to https://topsites.services.mozilla.com/cid/amzn_2020_a1 7. 4 XHR requests to https://topsites.services.mozilla.com/cid/amzn_2020_a1 Clicking again the amazon.de tile will generate telemetry or attribution ping.
Bug 1665971 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
[Tracking Requested - why for this release]: Weird/scarry thing, random topsite refuses to send telemetry and attribution after restart. ##### [Suggested Severity:] S1/S2 ##### [Description:] Main-preview environment on Kinto staging. After multiple tests and edits, I ended up with a record that still reproduces bug 1664203. The record has been multiple times edited with no issue, but when I ended up re-verifying the timestamp bug 1665757, I realized out of the 4 attribution enabled topsites, only this one would refuse to send telemetry events and attribution request. This is especially weird since this is a simple standard engine: amazon.de, with nothing special, like a timestamp. Adding user.js for ease of reproducing. (you need env. variable for non-nightly versions XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR=foo) Note that verifying the RS pipeline in Firefox lists the right RS topsites synced. ##### [Environment:] dao's nightly try build ([82 Nightly + fixes](https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&revision=c357ff98404e8f8be5f4b786576e7bd5505b26d6)): ryan's RC2 trybuild ([RC2+ fixes](https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&group_state=expanded&resultStatus=testfailed%2Cbusted%2Cexception%2Csuccess%2Cretry%2Crunning%2Cpending%2Crunnable&revision=fa7f2b77f5abeb9eb0a66f068594374ba076d2a1&searchStr=shippable)) Windows 10 Ubuntu 20.04 ##### [Steps:] 1. Open a terminal for non-nightly versions. 2. export XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR=foo 3. Create a profile and add the attached user.js 4. Open browser console, enable XHR. 5. New tab and click on amazon.de, example.com, baidu.com and abc.com 6. Restart. 7. New tab and click on amazon.de, example.com, baidu.com and abc.com ##### [Actual Result:] 5. 4 XHR requests to https://topsites.services.mozilla.com/cid/amzn_2020_a1 7. 3 XHR request to https://topsites.services.mozilla.com/cid/amzn_2020_a1 Clicking again the amazon.de tile will not generate any telemetry or attribution ping. ##### [Expected Result:] 5. 4 XHR requests to https://topsites.services.mozilla.com/cid/amzn_2020_a1 7. 4 XHR requests to https://topsites.services.mozilla.com/cid/amzn_2020_a1 Clicking again the amazon.de tile will generate telemetry or attribution ping.
[Tracking Requested - why for this release]: Random topsite refuses to send telemetry and attribution after restart. ##### [Suggested Severity:] S1/S2 ##### [Description:] Main-preview environment on Kinto staging. After multiple tests and edits, I ended up with a record that still reproduces bug 1664203. The record has been multiple times edited with no issue, but when I ended up re-verifying the timestamp bug 1665757, I realized out of the 4 attribution enabled topsites, only this one would refuse to send telemetry events and attribution request. This is especially weird since this is a simple standard engine: amazon.de, with nothing special, like a timestamp. Adding user.js for ease of reproducing. (you need env. variable for non-nightly versions XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR=foo) Note that verifying the RS pipeline in Firefox lists the right RS topsites synced. ##### [Environment:] dao's nightly try build ([82 Nightly + fixes](https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&revision=c357ff98404e8f8be5f4b786576e7bd5505b26d6)): ryan's RC2 trybuild ([RC2+ fixes](https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&group_state=expanded&resultStatus=testfailed%2Cbusted%2Cexception%2Csuccess%2Cretry%2Crunning%2Cpending%2Crunnable&revision=fa7f2b77f5abeb9eb0a66f068594374ba076d2a1&searchStr=shippable)) Windows 10 Ubuntu 20.04 ##### [Steps:] 1. Open a terminal for non-nightly versions. 2. export XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR=foo 3. Create a profile and add the attached user.js 4. Open browser console, enable XHR. 5. New tab and click on amazon.de, example.com, baidu.com and abc.com 6. Restart. 7. New tab and click on amazon.de, example.com, baidu.com and abc.com ##### [Actual Result:] 5. 4 XHR requests to https://topsites.services.mozilla.com/cid/amzn_2020_a1 7. 3 XHR request to https://topsites.services.mozilla.com/cid/amzn_2020_a1 Clicking again the amazon.de tile will not generate any telemetry or attribution ping. ##### [Expected Result:] 5. 4 XHR requests to https://topsites.services.mozilla.com/cid/amzn_2020_a1 7. 4 XHR requests to https://topsites.services.mozilla.com/cid/amzn_2020_a1 Clicking again the amazon.de tile will generate telemetry or attribution ping.