Bug 1825436 Comment 0 Edit History

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+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1825281 +++

When there's an active search in Unified toolbar customization dialog which happens to have no matches currently (all matching buttons on toolbar, or no matches), no button can be removed from toolbar. The UX is quite unpredictable: Will sometimes work (as long as there's a single result from the button's origin section still shown), and sometimes not, without any apparent reason for the user. This is related to bug 1825281 and would hopefully be covered there, as the proposed solution is the same: Just dropping a button outside the toolbar area should suffice to remove it.

- Right-click on Unified Toolbar > Customize… 
- Drag some buttons from both sections onto the toolbar.
- Enter a unique button label into the search field, e.g. `Delete`.
  => the button is the only result.
- Drag the `Delete` button onto the toolbar.
  => No buttons left in search result
- Try to drag any button (even the `Delete` button) off the toolbar for removal while the search is still active.

Actual result
- If a section does no longer have any buttons matching the search (because there are no matches or the matching buttons are all on the toolbar), it's not possible to remove any buttons belonging to that section while the search is still active.
- If both sections are empty from an active search, no button can be removed from the toolbar as long as the search is active, not even buttons matching the search. Iow, if user changes his mind and wants to reverse adding the `Delete` button (only search result), it's not possible before clearing the search (for which there's really no reason).
- This makes removing buttons unnecessarily clumsy for no apparent reason.

Expected result
- Kindly simplify removing buttons from the toolbar:
  - Dragging and dropping any button *anywhere outside the toolbar* should always remove it, regardless of active search with or without other matches.

From Bug 1825281 Comment 0:
> Removing a button from the Unified toolbar target in the customization dialog is a bit difficult and should be simplified - just dragging it off the toolbar should suffice to remove it, and we should take care of the rest automatically (putting the button back into the right section of the button stock where it belongs).
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1825281 +++

When there's an active search in Unified toolbar customization dialog which happens to have no matches currently (all matching buttons on toolbar, or no matches), no button can be removed from toolbar. The UX is quite unpredictable: Will sometimes work (as long as there's a single result from the button's origin section still shown), and sometimes not, without any apparent reason for the user. This is related to bug 1825281 and would hopefully be covered there, as the proposed solution is the same: Just dropping a button outside the toolbar area should suffice to remove it.

- Right-click on Unified Toolbar > Customize… 
- Drag some buttons from both sections onto the toolbar.
- Enter a unique button label into the search field, e.g. `Delete`.
  => the button is the only result.
- Drag the `Delete` button onto the toolbar.
  => No buttons left in search result
- Try to drag any button (even the `Delete` button) off the toolbar for removal while the search is still active.

Actual result
- If a stock section does no longer have any buttons matching the search (because there are no matches or the matching buttons are all on the toolbar), it's not possible to remove any buttons belonging to that section while the search is still active.
- If both stock sections are empty from an active search, no button can be removed from the toolbar as long as the search is active, not even buttons matching the search. Iow, if user changes his mind and wants to reverse adding the `Delete` button (only search result), it's not possible before clearing the search (for which there's really no reason).
- This makes removing buttons unnecessarily clumsy for no apparent reason.

Expected result
- Kindly simplify removing buttons from the toolbar:
  - Dragging and dropping any button *anywhere outside the toolbar* should always remove it, regardless of active search with or without other matches.

From Bug 1825281 Comment 0:
> Removing a button from the Unified toolbar target in the customization dialog is a bit difficult and should be simplified - just dragging it off the toolbar should suffice to remove it, and we should take care of the rest automatically (putting the button back into the right section of the button stock where it belongs).

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