**Found in** * 113.0a1 (2023-04-02) **Affected versions** * 113.0a1 (2023-04-02) **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 10x64, macOS 12, Ubuntu 20.04 * Unaffected platforms: none **Preconditions** * zoom installed **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open a camera or microphone permission page (e.g https://www.onlinemictest.com/) and allow or block microphone access. 2. Open the permission panel from the URL bar. 3. Observe the Allowed/ Blocked Temporarily permission string. **Expected result** * The permission string is correctly arranged. **Actual result** * The permission string is on two rows. **Regression range** * Last good revision: 2cc925315ab4bc13d89167646695eece8d6f6a63 First bad revision: b50655fcce3faf31b2c1779c263ac7c1bca94863 Pushlog: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/autoland/pushloghtml?fromchange=2cc925315ab4bc13d89167646695eece8d6f6a63&tochange=b50655fcce3faf31b2c1779c263ac7c1bca94863 Potential regressor: bug 1822578. **Additional notes** * Attached a screenshot.
Bug 1826072 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
**Found in** * 113.0a1 (2023-04-02) **Affected versions** * 113.0a1 (2023-04-02) **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 10x64, macOS 12, Ubuntu 20.04 * Unaffected platforms: none **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open a camera or microphone permission page (e.g https://www.onlinemictest.com/) and allow or block microphone access. 2. Open the permission panel from the URL bar. 3. Observe the Allowed/ Blocked Temporarily permission string. **Expected result** * The permission string is correctly arranged. **Actual result** * The permission string is on two rows. **Regression range** * Last good revision: 2cc925315ab4bc13d89167646695eece8d6f6a63 First bad revision: b50655fcce3faf31b2c1779c263ac7c1bca94863 Pushlog: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/autoland/pushloghtml?fromchange=2cc925315ab4bc13d89167646695eece8d6f6a63&tochange=b50655fcce3faf31b2c1779c263ac7c1bca94863 Potential regressor: bug 1822578. **Additional notes** * Attached a screenshot.