**Found in** * 120.0a1 (2023-10-12) **Affected versions** * 120.0a1 (2023-10-12) * 119.0b8 **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 11, macOS 12 * Unaffected platforms: none **Preconditions** * browser.shopping.experience2023.enabled: true * browser.shopping.experience2023.optedIn: 1 * browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.enabled: true * browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.userEnabled: true **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open an Amazon product that needs to be analyzed and has the `More to consider` card displayed. 2. Click to analyze the product and `Turn off review checker` from settings. 3. Open the review checker and opt-in. **Expected result** * On Firefox 119: The `Show ads in review checker` is displayed as disabled and enabled automatically showing the more to consider card after the checking is completed. **Actual result** * The `Show ads in the review checker` option is not displayed in the Settings card only after the checking is completed. **Regression** * It seems that this changed with bug 1851246 per mozregression (https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/autoland/pushloghtml?fromchange=b3cfd41c58abae895ac658247166ef8c6a555da5&tochange=f5b27964c6131977bd3bad9a98bdb43fea55cb99) **Additional notes** * Attached a screen recording.
Bug 1858909 Comment 0 Edit History
Note: The actual edited comment in the bug view page will always show the original commenter’s name and original timestamp.
**Found in** * 120.0a1 (2023-10-12) **Affected versions** * 120.0a1 (2023-10-12) **Tested platforms** * Affected platforms: Windows 11, macOS 12 * Unaffected platforms: none **Preconditions** * browser.shopping.experience2023.enabled: true * browser.shopping.experience2023.optedIn: 1 * browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.enabled: true * browser.shopping.experience2023.ads.userEnabled: true **Steps to reproduce** 1. Open an Amazon product that needs to be analyzed and has the `More to consider` card displayed. 2. Click to analyze the product and `Turn off review checker` from settings. 3. Open the review checker and opt-in. **Expected result** * On Firefox 119: The `Show ads in review checker` is displayed as disabled and enabled automatically showing the more to consider card after the checking is completed. **Actual result** * The `Show ads in the review checker` option is not displayed in the Settings card only after the checking is completed. **Regression** * It seems that this changed with bug 1851246 per mozregression (https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/autoland/pushloghtml?fromchange=b3cfd41c58abae895ac658247166ef8c6a555da5&tochange=f5b27964c6131977bd3bad9a98bdb43fea55cb99) **Additional notes** * Attached a screen recording.