Pr-requisite Create CFR with layout as `addon_recommendation` , template as `CFR_doorhanger` and `skip_address_bar_notifier` as false similar to [YOUTUBE_ENHANCE_3 message here]( STR: 1. Go to devtools 2. Click Show button next to YOUTUBE_ENHANCE_3 message 3. Page Action buttons in UrlBar doesn't render correct This could be an underlying reason for intermittent seen in [browser_asrouter_cfr tests]( that uses above properties for most of its test cases Noticed Page Action buttons shows correct with layout `icon_and_message` that was fixed with
Bug 1893675 Comment 0 Edit History
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Pr-requisite Create CFR with layout as `addon_recommendation` , template as `CFR_doorhanger` and `skip_address_bar_notifier` as false similar to [YOUTUBE_ENHANCE_3 message here]( STR: 1. Go to devtools 2. Click Show button next to YOUTUBE_ENHANCE_3 message 3. Page Action buttons in UrlBar doesn't render correct This could be an underlying reason for intermittent seen in [browser_asrouter_cfr tests]( that uses above properties for most of its test cases Noticed Page Action buttons shows correct with layout `icon_and_message` that was fixed with Bug 1840867 and Bug 1831198