Closed Bug 1007342 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

mh and device changes for relocated p3 panda racks


(Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard :: CIDuty, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kmoir, Assigned: kmoir)




(2 files, 3 obsolete files)

In bug 1001705, some pandas were moved to new racks in a new datacenter. This revealed a problem where the address of the mobile imaging server was a fqdn that was tied to a data center in the mozharness scripts. Also, the devices.json lists the relay hosts per device, this needs to be updated too.
Assignee: nobody → kmoir
So changing "mobile_imaging_format": "", to "mobile_imaging_format": "http://mobile-imaging", doesn't work will have to refactor how things work a bit.
update to relay hosts
Attachment #8419438 - Flags: review?(bugspam.Callek)
Attached patch bug1007342mh.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
fix mh scripts, tested in staging
Attachment #8419439 - Flags: review?(bugspam.Callek)
Attachment #8419438 - Flags: review?(bugspam.Callek) → review+
Attached patch bug1007342mh-3.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
I tested this today and this worked. Although most of the pandas on the new datacenter that I'm using for testing on my dev-master are failing to verify so testing took a really long time, I had to disable many.
Attachment #8419711 - Flags: feedback?(bugspam.Callek)
Attachment #8419439 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8419439 - Flags: review?(bugspam.Callek)
Blocks: 1001705
Comment on attachment 8419711 [details] [diff] [review] bug1007342mh-3.patch Review of attachment 8419711 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- ::: mozharness/mozilla/testing/ @@ +33,2 @@ > raise self.MozpoolException("This panda board does not have an associated BMM.") > + return self.mobile_imaging_format I'd just drop the whole .getfqdn and exception here... Or at least don't try to regex the *panda*, maybe do a fqdn = socket.getfqdn(mobile_imaging_format) and then use the fqdn in mozharness, rather than the short-CNAME? (this is optional imo, but either way, no sense in doing a matching regex and a fqdn resolution for something we're not going to actually use in code)
Attachment #8419711 - Flags: feedback?(bugspam.Callek) → feedback+
Attached patch bug1007342mh-4.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #8419711 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8420364 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8421067 - Flags: review?(bugspam.Callek)
Comment on attachment 8421067 [details] [diff] [review] bug1007342mh-5.patch tested in staging
Comment on attachment 8421067 [details] [diff] [review] bug1007342mh-5.patch Review of attachment 8421067 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- lgtm
Attachment #8421067 - Flags: review?(bugspam.Callek) → review+
Attachment #8421067 - Flags: checked-in+
Verified green tests on tbpl. Not sure if this bug should stay open for the tools changes required for the next panda move.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: mh and device changes for relocated panda racks → mh and device changes for relocated p3 panda racks
Component: Platform Support → Buildduty
Product: Release Engineering → Infrastructure & Operations
Product: Infrastructure & Operations → Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard
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