Closed Bug 1011669 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[B2G][Browser]Double-tapping on plus sign (New Tab) presents more New Tabs than what shows when returning to New Tab screen


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Browser, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(blocking-b2g:2.0M+, b2g-v1.3 affected, b2g-v1.4 affected, b2g-v2.0 affected, b2g-v2.0M verified, b2g-v2.1 wontfix, b2g-v2.2 verified)

blocking-b2g 2.0M+
Tracking Status
b2g-v1.3 --- affected
b2g-v1.4 --- affected
b2g-v2.0 --- affected
b2g-v2.0M --- verified
b2g-v2.1 --- wontfix
b2g-v2.2 --- verified


(Reporter: mclemmons, Assigned: yifan)




(Whiteboard: [flame-1.4-exploratory])


(4 files)

User taps Browser App and taps the 1> sign then taps the plus sign for a new tab with a double tapping motion. Visually, the double-tap displays a full New tab rectangle and briefly shows the origins of a second New tab rectangle. However, when user returns to the New tab area, there is only a single New tab rectangle displaying. Example in video demonstrated between 6 and 11 second marks. 1) Updated Flame to BuildID: 20140515000202 2) Tap Browser App 3) Tap 1> sign and double-tap + sign 4) Tap X sign and observe screen Actual: Visually, the double-tap displays a full New tab rectangle and briefly shows the origins of a second New tab rectangle. However, when user returns to the New tab area, there is only a single New tab rectangle displaying. Expected: Multiple tabs appear and remain or a single tab appears if that is the limit to the number of tabs added in a user instance Notes: Repro frequency: 9/10 – 90% See attached: video clip = Environmental Variables: Device: Flame 1.4 BuildID: 20140515000202 Gaia: 2e97bee6bb79d3577dba1bf2a1bbfcba64ee99ab Gecko: 0cb91945f404 Version: 30.0 Base: v10F-3
This issue does reproduce on Buri 1.4 following the STR from Comment 0. Visually, the double-tap displays a full New tab rectangle and briefly shows the origins of a second New tab rectangle. However, when user returns to the New tab area, there is only a single New tab rectangle displaying. Environmental Variables: Device: Buri 1.4 MOZ BuildID: 20140515000202 Gaia: 2e97bee6bb79d3577dba1bf2a1bbfcba64ee99ab Gecko: 0cb91945f404 Version: 30.0 Firmware Version: v1.2-device.cfg
This issue does reproduce on v10F-3 without 1.4 following the STR from Comment 0. Visually, the double-tap displays a full New tab rectangle and briefly shows the origins of a second New tab rectangle. However, when user returns to the New tab area, there is only a single New tab rectangle displaying.
This issue does reproduce on Buri 1.3 following the STR from Comment 0. Visually, the double-tap displays a full New tab rectangle and briefly shows the origins of a second New tab rectangle. However, when user returns to the New tab area, there is only a single New tab rectangle displaying. Environmental Variables: Device: Buri 1.3 MOZ BuildID: 20140515024003 Gaia: 96e3fa769a436a2182e6d54088fb41386eb2b5b5 Gecko: 2e902c53be8d Version: 28.0 Firmware Version: v1.2-device.cfg
verify and can reproduce whti issue with today's v2.0 on Flame Gaia d056733f8a7a1a152f5458b323f092c47dbffa48 Gecko BuildID 20140903160204 Version 32.0
See Also: → 1059650
Attached file pull request for v2.0
At handleNewTab function, only respond to new tab clicks if not in transition and the current screen is TABS_Screen to prevent multiple empty tabs from created.
Attachment #8492837 - Flags: review?(bfrancis)
Hi Yliao, I tested this patch in V2.0. The issue is still reproduced after clicking the '+' icon more than 40 times. Please find the below observations. 1.After clicking '+' icon more than 40 times,click on tab count(1>) is stops working. 2.i got the below error once the issue is reproduced 09-22 12:22:28.472: E/GeckoConsole(234): [JavaScript Error: "TypeError: tab is undefined" {file: "app://" line: 1147}] In setTabVisibility the tab is undefined. setTabVisibility: function(tab, visible) { if (!tab.dom) return;
Flags: needinfo?(yliao)
Hi vsireesha246, From what you described it seems more related to bug 1059650. Are you still able to reproduce the issue and the video described in this bug? If not I'll reopen bug 1059650.
Flags: needinfo?(yliao)
Hi Yliao, I can't able to reproduce this bug-1011669 with your patch. But the Bug-1059650 is reproduced as said in comment#7. Thanks.. Sireesha
Comment on attachment 8492837 [details] [review] pull request for v2.0 This patch looks fine, but please open a pull request against master and then request uplift. You'll need to do this before the browser app is deleted.
Attachment #8492837 - Flags: review?(bfrancis) → review+
Thank you! Created the pull request against master branch.
Attachment #8493520 - Flags: review?(bfrancis)
Attachment #8493520 - Flags: review?(bfrancis) → review+
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: Woodduck
blocking-b2g: --- → 2.0M?
Triage: Hi Kai-Zhen, Could you please land this fix in 2.0M? Thanks!
blocking-b2g: 2.0M? → 2.0M+
Flags: needinfo?(kli)
The browser app has been removed in v2.1.
Attached file PR for v2.0m
Tree is closed. Need to merge it when tree is opened. Keep NI.
Blocks: 1075333
Comment on attachment 8509284 [details] [review] PR for v2.0m This appears to be contributing to other bugs partners are requesting fixes for like bug 1059650 and bug 1075333. This already landed on 2.0M, should it land on 2.0 too? [Approval Request Comment] [Bug caused by] (feature/regressing bug #): n/a [User impact] if declined: User is able to create multiple new tabs by tapping the new tab button in quick succession, which the browser app is not designed to handle. This is reported to cause broken user facing functionality like the back button not working and the start screen not showing. [Testing completed]: manual only, there is not extensive test coverage for this legacy code [Risk to taking this patch] (and alternatives if risky): Relatively low but non-zero risk of regressions [String changes made]: none
Attachment #8509284 - Flags: approval-gaia-v2.0?
Comment on attachment 8509284 [details] [review] PR for v2.0m Clearing the approval for 2.0 given where we are with the release. Unless anyone can substantiate that this is a show-stopper for the release this will be fixed in a future release.
Attachment #8509284 - Flags: approval-gaia-v2.0?
This issue has been verified successfully on Woodduck 2.0;Flame2.2. Reproducing rate: 0/5 See attachment: Verify_Woodduck_Browser.mp4 Note: The design of browser is different between Flame2.2 and Woodduck 2.0. On Flame 2.2, the STRs are: 1). Launch Browser, select a website in Topsites. 2). Tap settings button,and double-tap "New window" quickly. 3). Tap seetings,and check Tabs. Expected Result: Insert one Tab. Woodduck build version: Gaia-Rev d742e375aca6dc1bf3a36638000ad7f5338ef457 Gecko-Rev d049d4ef127844121c9cf14d2e8ca91fd9045fcb Build-ID 20141126050313 Version 32.0 Flame2.2 build version: Gaia-Rev 824a61cccec4c69be9a86ad5cb629a1f61fa142f Gecko-Rev Build-ID 20141125040209 Version 36.0a1
Assignee: nobody → yliao
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