Closed Bug 10139 Opened 26 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Compose: if error sending, window doesn't close or display error


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jay, Assigned: bugzilla)



(Whiteboard: [PR1])

compose message window does not close upon sending message Steps: 1. Launch messenger 2. Click "New Message" 3. Compose a new message and click "Send" Expected Behavior: Compose window should close upon sending message. Actual Behavior: Window does not close, must be closed manually (message is sent out ok) Machine & Build: Win98 build 1999071911
Jay - I don't have this problem on today's Win32 builds. Isn't this the same as that bug you reopened last week which was marked fixed?
No, this is different than 4561 because the message is actually sent ok. The only problem here is that the window does not go away.
Assignee: phil → ducarroz
Hmm. I can't reproduce this either. When you get today's build, can you try this out again and see if it's still happening. Reassigning to ducarroz and cc'ing rhp.
What could append here is that the message is correctly sent but the move to the sent folder failed. Therefore the windows won't go away (same with 4.5). The real problem here is that we still not have alert to tell the user what append! Jay, could you give us the output you have in the dos window when the problem append.
I am still getting this with win32 build is what DOS puts out: Compose: ComposeStartup [format=0] [type=0] Created nsEditorShell Created editorShell editor initialized in HTML mode Attaching to WebShellWindow[] Reading file... Reading file...Done SendMessage from XUL GenericSendMessage from XUL Looking for identity id1 Identity = [xpconnect wrapped nsIMsgIdentity] Looking for identity id1 Alert: [StringID -2147024809?]SendMessage from XUL GenericSendMessage from XUL Looking for identity id1 Identity = [xpconnect wrapped nsIMsgIdentity] Looking for identity id1 Alert: [StringID -2147024809?]
You get an error during the send: Alert: [StringID -2147024809?] Normally we should have displayed a nice alert box that would have explained the poblem!
If there is an error on the send, then why would the message be sent still. I can send the message and receive it is read just as i wrote it.
Ok, What append here is that the copy operation of the sent message into the mailbox://sent folder failed because: 1) you don't have a local sent folder 2) or because you don't have a local mail account (pop3), you have only a imap account. This is totally normal, it's a miss configuration. The solution is either to sole problem 1 or 2, or to set the following prefs into the file prefs50.js to disable the copy operation: user_pref("mail.default_fcc_server","");
Actually, to disable, set that pref to "nocopy://" not null...I wanted to error on the side of safety (i.e. copy unless specifically told not to.) - rhp
Closed: 26 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Target Milestone: M9
For clarification, set the following pref to disable the copy operation if your local mail account doesn't have a "Sent" folder: user_pref("mail.default_fcc_server","nocopy://");
set TM to M9
lchiang, do you agree that this is Invalid? Or is this still an open issue?
I'll read this more carefully later on - no time today.
Linux (1999-07-26-14 m9) and win_nt4.0 (1999-07-26-16 m9) The Compose window does not close automatically upon Send. I think we should keep this bug open
Resolution: INVALID → ---
With discussion with Esther, we both have Sent folders in our pop accounts. Yet the Compose window appears to re-open upon Sending. I don't know if Jay's is the same scenario.
I used ducarroz's suggestion: user_pref("mail.default_fcc_server","nocopy://") and the problem went away...and to clarify, i originally reported this bug for just win98...i never saw this problem on linux or mac. Also, i am sending my messages from an IMAP account and i do not have a "Sent" this might just be a misconfiguration problem like someone said earlier.
Target Milestone: M9 → M11
OS: Windows 98 → All
Hardware: PC → All
Linux (1999-08-11-01 M9) Reply compose window does not close either in both plain text and HTML windows.
Whiteboard: [PR1]
Sounds like this needs to be fixed for PR1, so I added a note to the Status Whiteboard
*** Bug 12668 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 11091
(target milestone is M11 or M12 - add to mail beta tracking bug)
Summary: compose message window does not close upon sending message → Compose: if error sending, window doesn't close or display error
Closed: 26 years ago25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Should be ok now, we will always show an alert and then reopen the compose window (normal behavior).
Linux Redhat 6.0 (1999-11-01-08 M11) Win_nt 4.0 (1999-11-02-09 M11) Mac (1999-11-02-08 M11) This problem has been fixed.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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