Closed Bug 1021629 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[uz] Firefox News reader setup for Uzbek


(Mozilla Localizations :: uz / Uzbek, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gueroJeff, Assigned: flod)




(Keywords: productization)

News readers are web services allowing users to subscribe to RSS/ATOM feeds online and view them. If Firefox detects a feed, it offers the user the option to subscribe to it, either as a live bookmark or via one of the web services.

The current News Reader in en-US is My Yahoo!.

We want to ship a good set of defaults for Uzbek and will do that in three stages.

First, the localization team and flod (Francesco Lodolo) will look at the market for the language and come up with good candidates. Akmal, we'll need your input on this. The guidelines for making recommendations are on <>. After we decide on a particular news reader, flod will contact the owner and ask for permission. Akmal, we'll likely need your help to at least get the contact information.

Once we have a specification on what the set of news readers for Uzbek should look like, flod will work on an implementation for that. flod will create and attach patches for the desired changes and request a review. After a successful review, flod team will land them. If you're interested, you can provide those patches too and request a review from flod before landing.

Please don't commit any modifications in browser/chrome/browser-region/ to the hg repository without a patch reviewed by flod, Stas, Axel or someone else appointed by flod/Stas. The data here is sensitive to users and our search partners, thus requiring the extra care here.

The Uzbek team will be driving this bug to completion.
I suggest for the first (, ( and ( They are news site.
Then can suggest sport sites: (, (
Akmal: "News reader" are web sites that let you read news in RSS format, like Google Reader used to be.
These days, common option are My Yahoo (shipping with en-US), some locales ship NetVibes.
Some Uzbek internet users suggested
That should be possibile, en-US is shipping it for SeaMonkey

So, the list would be: Yahoo, NetVibes, Feedly. Or removing some of them?
Hi Akmal,

Just wanted to follow up with you about this bug and if you approve of flod's suggestions. Please let us know if you have questions.
Flags: needinfo?(akmalxster)
I thinkm it’s ok. 
Yahoo, NetVibes and Feedly.
Flags: needinfo?(akmalxster)
Component: Other → uz / Uzbek
Landed on mozilla-aurora
Assignee: nobody → francesco.lodolo
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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