Closed Bug 1027039 Opened 11 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Intermittent marStageSuccessCompleteSvc.js | test failed (with xpcshell return code: 0), see following log:


(Toolkit :: Application Update, defect)

Windows 8
Not set





(Reporter: cbook, Assigned: robert.strong.bugs)




(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

WINNT 6.2 mozilla-inbound debug test xpcshell on 2014-06-18 03:51:45 PDT for push 45dd001f865a slave: t-w864-ix-085 TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | C:\slave\test\build\tests\xpcshell\tests\toolkit\mozapps\update\tests\unit_service_updater\marStageSuccessCompleteSvc.js | test failed (with xpcshell return code: 0), see following log: non-fatal error removing directory: a/b/searchplugins/, rv: 0, err: 41 non-fatal error removing directory: a/b/0/00/, rv: 0, err: 41 non-fatal error removing directory: a/b/0/, rv: 0, err: 41 non-fatal error removing directory: a/b/, rv: 0, err: 41
Brian, could you take a look at this? It is failing with error 27 which is SERVICE_UPDATER_COMPARE_ERROR.
Flags: needinfo?(netzen)
Strange, yep I'll take a look
Assignee: nobody → netzen
Flags: needinfo?(netzen)
we're going to backout the bug that is causing these errors by the way and reland after it is fixed.
Little worried about that "back out the cause" thing given that we're starring failures on esr31 and b2g30.
that's interesting, we're still backing it out for an independent issue unrelated to this one though. Let's see what happens within the next couple days anyway. I'll check for other things that landed recently too to see if it could be related.
This is only affecting talos machines by the way, this error doesn't come up in telemetry data.
So, it appears that my try pushes have updated the maintenance service to the version in my try pushes and it is what is causing this spike of failures.
Depends on: 1067756
FYI: I've updated the changes I am making to the maintenance service so this should no longer fail on other branches.
Assignee: netzen → robert.strong.bugs
The cause has been resolved by the systems getting the correct binary for the maintenance service and by the updated maintenance service being backwards compatible so my try pushes no longer break these tests. Resolving wfm and I will be creating a permanent fix in bug 1070148.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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