Closed Bug 1028545 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

backup1.db.corp filling up because of objectcache table in db


(Data & BI Services Team :: DB: MySQL, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bjohnson, Unassigned)



backup1.db.corp has been alerting disk usage since thursday. I've been clearing it because of backups, but I found the root cause this morning.

The mysql objectcache table has grown from 2.8 GB to 4.3 GB in the last 3 days.

It's a 3 column table with an expdate column, 480k rows of mediumblob, and 479k of those 480k are set to expire in 2038. This is simply bad practice.

We'll need to contact whoever made changes to that recently and get them to undo it.

For now, I'm wiping all the cache from this table that expires in 2038 in order to save the disk from crashing.
make that 4.79 Million rows expiring in 2038, out of 4.8 million rows total. I missed a number apparently, but caught it when I was removing rows by the 100,000 at a time and was able to do this more than 5 times.
Depends on: 1028547
This is an ongoing issue blocked by webops bug 1028547. 

It will recur every 5 days until fixed. We could (if webops can't contain it) throw in a cron script to run once a day to do the following as a workaround:
- delete from objectcache where exptime > '2038-01-01' LIMIT 1000000;
- REPAIR TABLE objectcache;
Cylia wanted to do the prod change for 1028547 on Monday. Ran a full purge to make it through the weekend.
Cyliang pushed the change today. I did a purge and tested.

Fixed, resolved, purged, and verified. :)
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Data & BI Services Team
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