Bug 1032964
Opened 11 years ago
Closed 7 years ago
[B2G][SpeechRTC][User Story]: Enabling Voice input in Firefox OS
(Firefox OS Graveyard :: General, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: skamat, Assigned: anatal)
(Keywords: feature, Whiteboard: [webspeechapi])
User Story
As I user, I would like to have a support for voice input on my FxOS device for executing various actions on device, as well as fetching info from the cloud.
(1 obsolete file)
As I user, I would like to have a support for voice input on my FxOS device for executing various actions on device, as well as fetching info from the cloud.
Current thought is to break it down into 2 phases
phase 1: Grammar based, local actions
phase 2: Natural lanaguage, server assisted actions
This will be used as a user story meta bug to track dependent work items.
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Updated•11 years ago
User Story: (updated)
Comment 1•11 years ago
Currently we have it running on Firefox. Steven, Can we do same approach linking against the pre-compiled lib as we did on Desktop at FxOS only to start testing?
Flags: needinfo?(slee)
Comment 2•11 years ago
(In reply to anatal from comment #1)
> Currently we have it running on Firefox. Steven, Can we do same approach
> linking against the pre-compiled lib as we did on Desktop at FxOS only to
> start testing?
Sure, we can do that. :)
Flags: needinfo?(slee)
Comment 3•11 years ago
Let's synch a more comfortable hour for us to work on it together.
Comment 4•11 years ago
This is the current status of Web Speech API support on browsers :
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Comment 5•11 years ago
A lot of progress was made since we met last and here is the summary. First, WebSpeechAPI integration is completed in a test build and we prepared a couple of demos. This implementation uses Acoustics/language models & decoder from PocketSphinx (all open source):
Desktop demo: (Firefox nightly on Mac):
B2g (Flame) demo:
Completed Items
1. Coding the integration of pocketsphinx API with Web Speech API layer at Gecko
2. Modify gUM C++ layer to return pcm as 8khz
3. Test the api with the speech decoder
3.1 Adjust pocketsphinx parameters to enhance accuracy
3.2 Define which languages we'll support initially -> Focused on English at this time
4. Include pocketsphinx sources on gecko and write the's for each library to be multi-platform and compiled with ./mach
5. Integrate the gecko-dev with b2g and compile them together to support FxOS (OK)
6. Test build Images ready for Mac and Flame (b2g) -- (Please send a note to
Next Steps
1. Fix minor adjusts on API implementation, code reviews
2. Write mochitests (discussing with QA/Jonathan)
3. Write the prototype (grammar based) app integrated with Gaia. (codenamed "Vaani")
4. Create remaining desktop images for Windows (and Android)
5. Plan integration into the baselines (Gecko, b2g)
Sandip Kamat & Andre Natal
From: "Sandip Kamat" <>
To:,, "" <>
Cc: "André Natal" <>, "Dietrich Ayala" <>, "Josh Carpenter" <>, "Larissa Shapiro" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 1, 2014 12:46:26 PM
Subject: Enabling Voice Input in Open Web / Firefox OS
"Many Voices, One Mozilla"
Hi All,
Here is the summary of high level draft plans we are beginning with for enabling Voice Input in Open Web / Firefox OS. One of our Firefox OS contributors Andre Natal (Brazil community) has done lots of preparatory work and is currently continuing on a GSOC (Google Summer of Code) project around this. The proposed 2 phases of the plan are in email below.
Please note the releases and estimates marked below are *all tentative* (will change) and will be refined over next several months. We will continue adding updates here:
Bug 1032964 - [B2G][SpeechRTC][User Story]: Enabling Voice input in Firefox OS
Trello board to track status:
There is lots to do here and we are just starting, so if you are interested, pls watch this wiki and help with the dependent bug# being added to the meta-bug above. This kind of project could use great community participation with contributing code, collecting / testing voice samples with various accents (Remember "many voices, One Mozilla") to improve the acoustic / language models, creating fun gamifications to achieve that and yes, we would need tons & tons of testing!
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Comment 6•11 years ago
Phase 1 is tracked with a separate bug now in 1049931.
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Comment 7•11 years ago
Phase 1 is tracked with a separate bug now in 1049937.
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Comment 8•11 years ago
Phase 2 is tracked with a separate bug now in 1049937.
Updated•11 years ago
Assignee: nobody → anatal
This is the part 1 of 8 for this bug.
This patch that introduces the B2G specific build flags (all enabled initially):
* MOZ_WEBSPEECH - Enables/Disables the STT API
* MOZ_WEBSPEECH_MODELS - Enables/Disables the model installations
* MOZ_WEBSPEECH_POCKETSPHINX - Compiles/Doesn't Compile Pocketsphinx, Sphinxbase, and relevant XPCOM models
The try for this patch is running here
Attachment #8604626 -
Flags: review?(bugs)
Assignee | ||
Updated•10 years ago
Assignee: kdavis → anatal
Assignee | ||
Comment 10•10 years ago
(In reply to kdavis from comment #9)
> Created attachment 8604626 [details] [diff] [review]
> Part 1 of 8: Introduces the B2G specific build flags, initially enabled.
> This is the part 1 of 8 for this bug.
> This patch that introduces the B2G specific build flags (all enabled
> initially):
> * MOZ_WEBSPEECH - Enables/Disables the STT API
> * MOZ_WEBSPEECH_MODELS - Enables/Disables the model installations
> * MOZ_WEBSPEECH_POCKETSPHINX - Compiles/Doesn't Compile Pocketsphinx,
> Sphinxbase, and relevant XPCOM models
> The try for this patch is running here
This is the metabug. This patch should be included in its appropriate bug inside the tree.
Assignee | ||
Updated•10 years ago
Attachment #8604626 -
Flags: review?(bugs)
Attachment #8604626 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Assignee | ||
Updated•7 years ago
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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