Closed Bug 1041544 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

browser_certViewer.js leaks until shutdown when run as a directory instead of a full suite


(Core :: Security: PSM, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jmaher, Unassigned)



in bug 992911 we are working on running our tests per directory instead of as a full suite.  When we do that, browser_certViewer.js fails on linux64 debug (bc2) and windows debug (bc3):

You can see a link to the raw logs here:

We are planning on switching to this mode of running tests in 2 weeks and would like to do what we can to fix the tests.
David, can you look at this and see what we might be able to do?
Flags: needinfo?(dkeeler)
of course I forgot we have an almost identical failure (linux debug bc2, windows debug bc3) in browser_certificateManagerLeak.js.

Unfortunately there are only 3 tests in this directory and this accounts for 2 of the 3 :(
Is there something other than "--run-by-dir" I need to do to reproduce this locally? I'm on a linux 64-bit machine, and nothing is leaking when I run `./mach mochitest-browser --run-by-dir security/manager/ssl/tests/mochitest/'.
Flags: needinfo?(dkeeler)
are you using a debug build?

here is a link to the build that I had on try (from friday):

by running it with --test-path=security/manager/ssl/tests/mochitest/browser it should reproduce, maybe you have to run it 3 or 4 times to see it, but if you run it 5 times and it doesn't fail, we should look at solving this another way (either on try, or with a loaner).

I have learned over time that our machines we run tests on end up finding issues that we can never get to reproduce locally- although half the time we can solve it locally.
I used the build you linked to from try, but I still can't reproduce locally. As it happens, I requested a loaner test machine in bug 1042198 to investigate another bug I can't reproduce locally, so maybe I'll have more luck with that.
Depends on: 1042198
Hey David, did you have any luck with the loaner machine?
Flags: needinfo?(dkeeler)
Well, I did manage to vnc into the loaner and get the test suite running, but even with the build you provided, I wasn't able to reproduce the issue. Is there a set of instructions I can follow?
Flags: needinfo?(dkeeler)
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)
It appears that the work that ttaubert has done in bug 1041537 fixes this.  Here is a try server with this test running:
Closed: 10 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(jmaher)
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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