Closed Bug 1043956 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[Flame] Plugging device to USB then reboot device causes device to switch to non-working state with black screen


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Vendcom, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cedric, Unassigned)


With an out-of-the-box Flame device, doing the following:

1/ Start device, it works well
2/ Plug device to PC through USB, or even plug device to USB cable without connecting it to anything
3/ Reboot device through menu

Causes device to boot into weird state (I don't recognise it) with black screen and no vibration at boot. If I monitor USB on my PC, I can see a connected device with USB product name "QHSUSB__BULK" (and not FirefoxOS like when booted normally), USB vendor name "Qualcomm CDMA Technologies MSM", USB idProduct "0x9008", idVendor "0x5c6", which disconnects/reconnects every 30 seconds exactly. Even after some minutes, it keeps being into this state. "adb devices" shows empty list. Pushing boot button for 10 seconds doesn't change anything.

Then removing battery, unplug USB cable, boot, works well.

Alternate scenario: with device off:
1/ plug USB cable (which is itself NOT connected to anything)
2/ Attempt to start device

Has same effect. Pushing boot button for 10 seconds doesn't change anything.

It has same effect for any version of firefox os I tried (the one shipped with phone, and current nightly today).

Additional informations: I'm using a Mac, and used to flash my device, but I am quite sure this bug happened BEFORE I actually flashed anything.
Flags: needinfo?(vchen)
Flags: needinfo?(asa)
Confirmed with my Flame 100% out of the box.
Ever confirmed: true
Not a bug.
We used the recovery cable.
We will now flagellate ourselves with this recovery cable.
Flags: needinfo?(vchen)
Flags: needinfo?(asa)
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Well this is obviously not a bug, but it will be necessary to communicate to the owner of the Phone as I suspect some other people will be confused as well.
A message was sent through everbuying services:

"Dear Customer:

Thank you for choosing Flame Developer phone.

Here we want to remind you the recovery cable, sent with Flame outside of the giftbox with red label “Recovery Cable”.

This cable is only for EMERGENCY situation, and it is to rescue Flame when it is in ‘dead’ mode—a status that your Flame cannot power up by long-pressing the POWER button. This status is RARE in normal using. In case you phone is “dead”, please contact technical support for recovery cable’s operation instruction. 

This recovery cable is NOT an normal USB cable, please keep it carefully and use the USB cable inside of the giftbox for daily use. Thank you very much. "
Duh, that'll teach me to not read the manual.

Thanks for reiterating this, thought I had a lemon.

Thanks again team.
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