Closed Bug 1044733 Opened 10 years ago Closed 8 years ago

[Flatfish] Provide multi-locale builds


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jeliu, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [flatfish][flatfish-hardware])

It will be very useful if we can have multi-locale builds for Flatfish, so developers can contribute more on the program.
Blocks: flatfish
Whiteboard: [flatfish][flatfish-hardware]
I can't get the idea of multi-locale builds and the language settings can be changed in FTU or Settings application. Could you define multi-locale builds more clearly?
Flags: needinfo?(jeliu)
Currently only 4 languages are supported on Flatfish, we're wondering if we can support the same number of languages as phone?
Flags: needinfo?(jeliu)
Flags: needinfo?(
We do not know how to add more languages in the FTU application or settings application. Could Mozilla engineers help on this bug?
Flags: needinfo?(
Al, could you please provide your suggestion? Thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(atsai)
Please reference here

We'll need to add those strings only in tablet into all languages to support the display. Otherwise, this should work.
Flags: needinfo?(atsai)
More detail and clear steps for building mutlilocale
Partner can use those build config options in B2G/.userconfig file
This will enable all the currently supported keyboards on 2.1 (export GAIA_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS)
This will also fix the image resolution bug, all the Gaia images should be @2x assets on Flatfish (export GAIA_DEV_PIXELS_PER_PX=2)

Multilocale-related options are the last 3 options (LOCALES_FILE, LOCALE_BASEDIR, GAIA_LOCALES_PATH)
Then you can run this script to download all the current locales on master with:
./ gaia /path/to/B2G/gaia/locales
(First, do a |sudo chmod +x ./| on the file so you can execute it)

Note: please run it every time you do a new build, just before running ./, so that locales are updated with latests translations.

Feel free to ask if you have any issue :)
(In reply to Théo Chevalier [:tchevalier] from comment #7)
> Partner can use those build config options in B2G/.userconfig file

Just noticed I failed the first copy/paste…

Here are the build config options:

export GAIA_DEVICE_TYPE=tablet
export B2G_SYSTEM_APPS=1

export GAIA_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTS=ar,bg-BDS,bg-Pho-Ban,bg-Pho-Trad,bn-Avro,bn-Probhat,ca,cs,da,de,dz-BT,el,en,en-Colemak,en-Dvorak,en-Neo,es,es-Americas,ff,fr,fr-Dvorak-bepo,he,hi,hr,hu,it,jp-kanji,ko,lt,mk,my,nb,nl,pl,pt-BR,ro,ru,sk,sr-Cyrl,sr-Latn,sv,ta,tr-F,tr-Q,vi-Qwerty,vi-Telex,vi-Typewriter,zh-Hans-Pinyin,zh-Hant-Zhuyin

export LOCALES_FILE=gaia/locales/languages_all.json
export LOCALE_BASEDIR=gaia/locales
export GAIA_LOCALES_PATH=gaia/locales
There seem to be locales missing from that list, in particular "ours" (gd, ga, gv)
Just flashed yesterdays build onto the tablet. There are still no locales other than English on the tablet builds. This is getting a little frustrating I must say. I got the tablet specifically to help flush out l10n issues and as yet, I'm unable to do anything useful on that front because there are no locales other than English in the builds.
We now have langpacks support on 3.0, (enabled today). Should work on Flatfish as well.
Just go to Settings > Languages > Install other languages

It will be uplifted to 2.2.
Mmm ok sounds good but how do I practically get off 2.2 onto 3? I usually follow these instructions but the builds are only for 2.x? That doesn't offer me Settings > Languages > Install other languages
Just flashed the latest for Flatfish but it's still 2.2. 

>It will be uplifted to 2.2.
Sorry, I don't understand, what does this mean?
I have just flashed the 7 March version onto the tablet, it's still I've googled info about flashing 3.0 but can't find anything. Could you please let me know where I get 3.0?
Flags: needinfo?(theo.chevalier11)
Hi Michael,

You'll find people able to help you get 3.0 builds on #TCP channel on IRC, see I'm not sure what's the status of Flatfish builds these days.
Also, we are creating too much noise in this bug, this is not the right place ;)

>It will be uplifted to 2.2.

It means the langpacks support has been added to 2.2 branch as well. More info about langpacks on bug 1107341 if you're interested.
Flags: needinfo?(theo.chevalier11)
Closing this, as OS is no longer in development
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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