Closed Bug 1045547 Opened 10 years ago Closed 8 years ago

See if we can get cygwin sshd working on our windows infrastructure


(Release Engineering :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pmoore, Unassigned)



In a past life, I set up Windows servers to run sshd using cygwin.

Here is a modified form of the installation script I used:

This installed cygwin on a remote machine, and then copied a bash script over to the remote machine, and ran it, to complete the installation step:

It relies on PsTools:

This was set up for around 300 Windows 2003 servers, and worked reliably. I have not tested on other Windows versions. However, I'd like to see if I can also get cygwin/sshd working for the Windows OS versions we have at Mozilla, as the current sshd we have is rather limited.

For example, I cannot run a remote command, such as:

pmoore@Elisandra:~/git/mozilla master $ ssh cltbld@b-2008-ix-0082 "ls '/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0'" </dev/null
Connection to b-2008-ix-0082 closed by remote host.
pmoore@Elisandra:~/git/mozilla master $ 

This, and other problems, should be resolved by using cygwin.
See Also: → 944012
personally I don't *want* cygwin on these hosts, its management is both hard and cumbersome. And iirc there are some issues with its dll's as to how they interact with MSYS dll's.

That said, even if all-is-well, the path magic for cygwin is quite removed from the path magic for MSYS. e.g. cygwin is /cygdrive/c/foo/bar and iirc uses magic mount points. while Msys is /c/foo/bar and doesn't use magic mount points.

All that said, we absolutely need a better and more reliant ssh daemon on windows, and I'd be willing to sacrifice the useability concerns for that stability if no other options exist.
Depends on: b-2008-sm-0023
So, it worked!

Installed cygwin on b-2008-sm-0023.

Remote commands working, e.g.:

pmoore@Elisandra:~/git/tibco-config master $ ssh cltbld@b-2008-sm-0023 'ls; echo hello; hostname'
pmoore@Elisandra:~/git/tibco-config master $ 

scp also working...

pmoore@Elisandra:~ $ scp ship-it-config cltbld@b-2008-sm-0023:.
ship-it-config                                                                                                                                  100% 4324     4.2KB/s   00:00    
pmoore@Elisandra:~ $ ssh cltbld@b-2008-sm-0023 'ls ship*'
pmoore@Elisandra:~ $
Incidentally, to go back to the example command I could not run in comment 0, here are the results when using cygwin sshd:

pmoore@Elisandra:~ $ ssh cltbld@b-2008-sm-0023 "ls '/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0'" </dev/null
pmoore@Elisandra:~ $
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Until now I believe the objection to using cygwin was a dependency on MozillaBuild for the build process, namely:

However, on this page in the notes it says:

"If you have cygwin installed, make sure that the MozillaBuild directories come before any cygwin directories in the search path (use echo $PATH to see your search path)."

which suggests it might be possible to have both installed without problems.

The question is whether we can get builds to build with the correct PATH, but allow cygwin sshd to run, and our automation to still work.


1) I'm not sure if it is possible to put MozillaBuild directories in the PATH before cygwin for the shells that are spawned by the sshd process when connections are made. For interactive shells this should no doubt be trivial, but for non-interactive ones I'm not sure.
2) I believe the buildbot masters communicate using PeanutButter / PB protocol with the slaves, not over ssh, so maybe builds are unaffected by the ssh daemon, so long as it doesn't appear in the PATH in place of MozillaBuild tools for the buildbot slave processes.

I've reopened this bug as I'd like to test making builds via buildbot with b-2008-sm-0023 now that it has cygwin ssh daemon installed and running on it, and also testing how well we can interact with the shell over ssh (although it is unlikely we need to run builds via ssh interactive sessions).
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Assignee: nobody → pmoore
Worth investigation: (thanks Callek for the tip)
Assignee: pmoore → nobody
Working for TaskCluster:
Closed: 10 years ago8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Tools → General
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