Closed Bug 1046509 Opened 10 years ago Closed 6 years ago

[Flatfish] Lockscreen should not be disabled.


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Settings, defect, P2)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: caspy77, Unassigned, NeedInfo)



(Whiteboard: [Flatfish] [TCP])

The default for builds is currently to disable the lockscreen. 
This means that the screen does not shut off...ever (on its own).  This is a problem for several reasons, but either way, it should not be the default.
Joe, including you as I expect this is a build option for the vendor.
Flags: needinfo?(jcheng)
This is normal when we set DEVICE_DEBUG=1, the purpose of DEVICE_DEBUG=1 is to provide a developer friendly environment so it will do following things: disables screen lock and timeout on the device, and enables debugging with the ADB tool.

If screen doesn't shut off becomes a problem, it always can be turn on in settings.
is it the same behavior for the phones such as the flame?
i feel that tablets should align with the phones. 

ni? William for further comments
Flags: needinfo?(jcheng) → needinfo?(william.wyliang)
This is something that is being brought up still.  Was this behavior changed for a specific reason? If so, why? Does this also apply to other devices?
Severity: normal → major
Priority: -- → P2
Per my conversation with Asa, we do not want the DEVICE_DEBUG=1 option for a few reasons, one being consistency with other devices (and documentation).

This option was turned on in bug 1034941 to enable 'ADB and DevTools' by default for usb debugging.

If there is a way that it's possible to have that without the lockscreen and screen timeout effects of DEVICE_DEBUG=1 that would be welcome.
See Also: → 1034941
hi Danny, is it something that we can do to remove the DEVICE_DEBUG=1 option for Flatfish? Thanks
Flags: needinfo?(dliang)
I checked the default and latest build in flatfish device, they did have lock screen.
I also checked the build flag in code base of flatfish, we don't set DEVICE_DEBUG=1.

Hi Caspy7, may I know what's the default build you used?
Flags: needinfo?(dliang) → needinfo?(caspy77)
Hrm. :-/

I currently have a build dated 8-21 and the lockscreen and screen timeout are disabled (indicating DEVICE_DEBUG=1). I obtained it from the vendor here:

Notably they build early morning Taiwan time so it's still 8-20 for most everyone else.  The Git Commit Info says 2014-08-20 15:21:10.

Currently there is an problem and all builds after 8-21 are broken (see the build status page here: ). 
I can leave the ni? and update once we get another working build. 
Anyone else is, of course, welcome to do the same if they have a flatfish and this is resolved. I don't have the canon device, this has been affecting everyone with recent vendor builds.
I have now tested in the most recent build available from the vendor (8-29) and the behavior remains (no screen timeout, no lockscreen).
DEVICE_DEBUG=1 still seems to be set.
Flags: needinfo?(caspy77)
Hi Iean, 
Could you help to check the build command of the build you released on dropbox,
It looks like your build command included DEVICE_DEBUG=1 and it caused there is no lockscreen as default.
Flags: needinfo?(iean.lin)
Hi Danny,

Yes, the "DEVICE_DEBUG=1" option was turned on by the bug-1034941, please let me know if this option should be turned off, thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(iean.lin)
hi Caspy,
If we remove DEVICE_DEBUG=1 in build command, lockscreen will be enabled and USB debugging will be disabled as default. Is this your expectation?
Flags: needinfo?(caspy77)
Prior to the command being added the lockscreen was enabled and USB Debugging was set to "ADB Only". It would be my expectation that the settings would return to this state.
Flags: needinfo?(caspy77) → needinfo?(dliang)
Set REMOTE_DEBUGGER=1 can have lockscreen and USB debugging is "ADB Only".
If no concern, I will update the new build command to partner by replacing DEVICE_DEBUG=1 with REMOTE_DEBUGGER=1.
Flags: needinfo?(dliang)
What we want here is that the lockscreen WILL be enabled by default. We also requested for Devtools and ADB to be turned on by default as well. I don't know if ADB Only is the best option for testing the tablets. If we can manage to keep the lockscreen enabled, ADB and Devtools enabled by default without causing too much chaos, that would be highly appreciated.
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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