Closed Bug 1052267 Opened 10 years ago Closed 8 years ago

[FxA] Create automated testcases to test username & password string validation for firefox accounts


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::UI Tests, defect, P3)

Gonk (Firefox OS)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rpapa, Unassigned)



      No description provided.
QA Whiteboard: [fxosqa-auto-backlog+]
Ideally, there should be only one way to do this kind of username/password string validation (rather than implement a unique test to do same for every single app).  I'm assuming the same would be true within the apps themselves, but I haven't looked into this.
Taking this one, will talk with Richard to understand FxA dependencies
Assignee: nobody → gmealer
QA Whiteboard: [fxosqa-auto-backlog+] → [fxosqa-auto-s5]
After discussion:

For each place the FxA login or creation flow appears:

1) Create (if not already there) two flow tests, one valid and one invalid. These hit the Submit button and check the UI for appropriate handling.

2) Create tests for the client-side email validation. This should be a single automated test that iterates through a dataset (probably 100+ values) of email addresses built around the latest RFC (Unicode, variable number of subdomains, etc.) This dataset should be shared. These tests do *not* hit the Submit button, but test the button enabled/disabled behavior: "inject text, test button state at end, erase, next." Typing is undesirable due to speed. If the app otherwise behaves appropriately when text is set directly, we should do that.

3) Also, create a single test for character-by-character validation, checking enabled state after each character typed. This does need to use user actions character-by-character, since the behavior tracks that.

4) Create similar password tests. Only password constraint is length (must be >8) so dataset needs to include 7, 8, and 9 char values, as well as a range of character sets. Tests should look for * display, and red color on <8 char passwords. Bonus points for a string-length stress test.
Taking on for implementation in Sprint 6
QA Whiteboard: [fxosqa-auto-s5] → [fxosqa-auto-from-s5] [fxosqa-auto-s6]
QA Whiteboard: [fxosqa-auto-from-s5] [fxosqa-auto-s6] → [fxosqa-auto-from-s5] [fxosqa-auto-from-s6] [fxosqa-auto-s7]
Assignee: gmealer → nobody
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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