Closed Bug 1064137 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Intermittent e10s browser_datareporting_notification.js | User not notified about data policy on init. - Got true, expected false


(Firefox Health Report Graveyard :: Client: Desktop, defect)

Not set


(e10s+, firefox33 unaffected, firefox34 unaffected, firefox35 fixed, firefox-esr31 unaffected)

Firefox 35
Tracking Status
e10s + ---
firefox33 --- unaffected
firefox34 --- unaffected
firefox35 --- fixed
firefox-esr31 --- unaffected


(Reporter: philor, Assigned: markh)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)


(1 file) Ubuntu VM 12.04 mozilla-inbound opt test mochitest-e10s-browser-chrome-1 on 2014-09-07 16:18:41 PDT for push e67894f69449 slave: tst-linux32-spot-611 ... 16:21:28 INFO - 1410132088512 Sqlite.Connection.healthreport.sqlite TRACE Conn #0: Stmt #306 PRAGMA shrink_memory 16:21:28 INFO - dumping last 18 message(s) 16:21:28 INFO - if you need more context, please use SimpleTest.requestCompleteLog() in your test 16:21:28 INFO - 93 INFO checking window state 16:21:28 INFO - 94 INFO Console message: [JavaScript Error: "content is null" {file: "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/framescript/tab-events.js" line: 40}] 16:21:28 INFO - 95 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js | Health Reporter instance is available. 16:21:28 INFO - 96 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js | Health Reporter prefs are available. 16:21:28 INFO - 97 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js | No version should be set on init. 16:21:28 INFO - 98 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js | No date should be set on init. 16:21:28 INFO - 99 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js | User not notified about datareporting policy. 16:21:28 INFO - 100 INFO Console message: 1410132085419 Services.HealthReport.HealthReporter WARN Saved state file does not exist. 16:21:28 INFO - 101 INFO Console message: 1410132085421 Services.HealthReport.HealthReporter WARN No prefs data found. 16:21:28 INFO - 102 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js | Notification Displayed. 16:21:28 INFO - 103 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js | No notifications remain. 16:21:28 INFO - 104 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js | Version pref set. 16:21:28 INFO - 105 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js | Date pref set. 16:21:28 INFO - 106 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js | 2nd window has a global notification box. 16:21:28 INFO - 107 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js | Health Reporter instance is available. 16:21:28 INFO - 108 INFO TEST-PASS | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js | Health Reporter prefs are available. 16:21:28 INFO - 109 INFO Console message: [JavaScript Error: "content is null" {file: "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/framescript/tab-events.js" line: 40}] 16:21:28 INFO - 110 INFO Console message: [JavaScript Error: "content is null" {file: "resource://gre/modules/commonjs/framescript/tab-events.js" line: 40}] 16:21:28 INFO - 111 INFO TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js | User not notified about data policy on init. - Got true, expected false 16:21:28 INFO - Stack trace: 16:21:28 INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:test_is:793 16:21:28 INFO - chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js:onSuccess:39 16:21:28 INFO - resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm -> resource://gre/modules/Promise-backend.js:Handler.prototype.process:865 16:21:28 INFO - resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm -> resource://gre/modules/Promise-backend.js:this.PromiseWalker.walkerLoop:744 16:21:28 INFO - null:null:0 16:21:28 INFO - 112 INFO TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js | _userNotifyPromise defined. - 16:21:28 INFO - Stack trace: 16:21:28 INFO - chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js:onSuccess:40 16:21:28 INFO - resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm -> resource://gre/modules/Promise-backend.js:Handler.prototype.process:865 16:21:28 INFO - resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm -> resource://gre/modules/Promise-backend.js:this.PromiseWalker.walkerLoop:744 16:21:28 INFO - null:null:0 16:21:28 INFO - ************************* 16:21:28 INFO - A coding exception was thrown in a Promise resolution callback. 16:21:28 INFO - See 16:21:28 INFO - Full message: TypeError: policy._userNotifyPromise is null 16:21:28 INFO - Full stack: onSuccess@chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_datareporting_notification.js:41:5 16:21:28 INFO - Handler.prototype.process@resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm -> resource://gre/modules/Promise-backend.js:865:23 16:21:28 INFO - this.PromiseWalker.walkerLoop@resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm -> resource://gre/modules/Promise-backend.js:744:7 16:21:28 INFO - *************************
Summary: Intermittent browser_datareporting_notification.js | User not notified about data policy on init. - Got true, expected false → Intermittent e10s browser_datareporting_notification.js | User not notified about data policy on init. - Got true, expected false
Blocks: e10s-tests
tracking-e10s: --- → +
Assignee: nobody → mhammond
The issue with this orange is that the timer created by the data reporting service fires while the test is running - this causes the policy object used by the test to be initialized prematurely. The fix in this patch is to ensure the policy object in place when the timer is initialized is the same policy object used when the timer fires. This still leaves a very small risk of orange - if it somehow transpires that the timer was initialized as the test is running, and that test takes longer than the timeout period to complete, we might end up in the same position - but this seems extremely unlikely. An alternative might be to work out how to either disable this initialization completely during tests, but I'm not sure that's worth while. Try at, which also includes the patch to bug 1063696. Requesting review from Georg as the most recent significant modifier of the data reporting service.
Attachment #8489195 - Flags: review?(georg.fritzsche)
Comment on attachment 8489195 [details] [diff] [review] 0002-Bug-1064137-fix-datareporting-service-so-it-doesn-t-.patch Review of attachment 8489195 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- This seems ok, the second scenario seems rather unlikely.
Attachment #8489195 - Flags: review?(georg.fritzsche) → review+
Flags: qe-verify-
Flags: firefox-backlog+
Hi Mark, can you provide a point value.
Iteration: --- → 35.2
Flags: needinfo?(mhammond)
Points: --- → 3
Flags: needinfo?(mhammond)
Iteration: 35.2 → 35.1
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 35
Product: Firefox Health Report → Firefox Health Report Graveyard
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