Open Bug 106834 Opened 23 years ago Updated 9 years ago

Quick Search: Reloads message when coming out of quick search


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect)

Windows NT
Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: scottputterman, Unassigned)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)


Here's a behavior in quick search that would be cool if we could optimize. 1. Type something that will have at least one result in Quick Search 2. Select a message 3. Clear Quick Search. 4. We correctly reload the folder and select the message. It looks like the message gets reloaded. Since it's already displaying, is there a way to not reload it?
So you do not want message-pane to be cleared, when coming out of quick search?
I'm just saying that if the message is already loaded and we are about to select it again, we shouldn't reload it. Or is there a reason why it needs to reload it?
Blocks: 103734
The reason it has to be reloaded is because we clear the message-pane and thread-pane selection when coming out of quick search, so the same message has to be again loaded.
Blocks: 106943
No longer blocks: 103734
After some investigation, I have found reloading is the safe thing to do because we cannot rely whether message was fully loaded as we go from one view to another. I see myself ending up with half loaded messages if I just try to hidMessageHeaderPane() and then showMessageHeaderPane when needed. seth what do you think, cc mscott for his opinion too.
Blocks: 157217
mass re-assign.
Assignee: naving → sspitzer
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Assignee: sspitzer → mail
I've come across a related problem: when closing a quick search, the current message is not displayed, even when you select it in the top pane. I guess this is an optimisation to prevent the current message from being rendered unnecessarily, but in this case it's necessary to render the message. To reproduce this bug: select a message in the top pane, start a quick search, close it without selecting anything (no message displayed) and then select the current message in the top pane (still no message displayed). Cheers, Michael
WFIW, Thunderbird *appears* to not do this (don't see a downloading or loading message in status line as in Seamonkey). So it is possible to make it not reload. (In reply to Michael comment #6) > To reproduce this bug: select a message in the top pane, start a quick search, > close it without selecting anything (no message displayed) and then select the > current message in the top pane (still no message displayed). This WFM (doesn't fail as described) with trunk Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9a1) Gecko/20060101 SeaMonkey/1.5a Michale can you test with a trunk build to see that it fails with multiple examples?
I can confirm that this bug is fixed in Thunderbird 1.5 (20051201) for Windows - can't test Seamonkey here I'm afraid, but it was Thunderbird that originally displayed the bug. Thanks, Michael
Sander and I confirm still broken in Seamonkey, even though it is doesn't happen in Thunderbird.
QA Contact: laurel → search
Severity: normal → minor
Wayne (or someone), does it still happen after 2 years?
yes, still on TB trunk. check out another bug that talks about read status getting change to unread coming out of quick search. has a good testcase.
Component: MailNews: Search → MailNews: Message Display
Assignee: mail → nobody
QA Contact: search → message-display
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