Closed Bug 1071935 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

"How To" event instructions with host in post-submission email


(Webmaker Graveyard :: Events, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: hannah, Assigned: jon)



(Whiteboard: [wizard] [nov14] [fallcampaign][p1])


(3 files)

For events created through the wizard, the auto-confirmation email should be customized to this:
Whiteboard: [wizard] [oct3] → [wizard] [oct3] [fallcampaign]
* The [oct3] train has now left the station. So please update the whiteboard with [oct17], or whatever train you're now planning to put this on. Thanks!
Whiteboard: [wizard] [oct3] [fallcampaign] → [wizard] [oct17] [fallcampaign]
* Let's hold off on this. Pending scope changes.
Whiteboard: [wizard] [oct17] [fallcampaign] → [wizard] [oct17]
* I don't think we need this anymore. Let's re-open if I'm wrong.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Summary: Event Wizard: Share "How To" event instructions with host in post-submission email → "How To" event instructions with host in post-submission email
Matt, are you sure we don't need this? I thought there was copy on the wizard that says something along the lines of, "We've just emailed you detailed instructions for how to run your event."

Not true?
Flags: needinfo?(matt)
* Paul J will own email flow
Flags: needinfo?(matt) → needinfo?(paulj)
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
Assignee: jon → paulj
* Paul: you own next steps here I believe
Yep. Hope to have this ready for final feedback by end of day today.
Flags: needinfo?(paulj)
Email copy now available here:

Hannah and Erika have already done a pass at editing/proofing but would be great to get another set of eyes (Matt?) before committing the changes. Especially on the step by step instructions to see if those make sense. 

A few technical questions: 
- You will see if I have merge fields (event type, date, etc). I'm assuming we can insert those but if not we'll need to make generic.
- The assumption is that the activity instructions will be based on the activity selected (i.e. we won't include all 3 activities in every email). Would also like to verify this is possible. 
- I believe these emails come from "Webmaker" address today. Would like to make them come from Amira if possible. That will help us develop a more personal relationship for follow-up communications after the event and I think it is less likely to go into a spam folder (I have seen some webmaker emails show up in Postini).
Flags: needinfo?(matt)
Copy looks good to me. One question:

* Should we just link to the appropriate activity page, instead of pasting the contents into the email? Feels cleaner. 
* All three of those pages will be available on, so we could just link to them.
Flags: needinfo?(matt) → needinfo?(paulj)

> merge fields. (event type, date, etc). Can we insert those?

** this is a question for Jbuck or Aki I believe. Can one of your review the email draft above and confirm those fields are possible? 

> sender. make them come from Amira.

** Jbuck: please make it so.
Assignee: paulj → jon
Flags: needinfo?(jon)
Flags: needinfo?(aki)
I have no idea. Gavin?
Flags: needinfo?(aki) → needinfo?(gavin)
I also have no idea. Jbuck?
Flags: needinfo?(gavin)
(In reply to Matt Thompson (@OpenMatt :OpenMatt) from comment #9)
> Copy looks good to me. One question:
> * Should we just link to the appropriate activity page, instead of pasting
> the contents into the email? Feels cleaner. 
> * All three of those pages will be available on, so we could
> just link to them.

That's fine. I believe that the wizard currently says we will email you detailed instructions so I took that literally. Easy enough to change.
Flags: needinfo?(paulj)
But wait. Isn't the language on the activity page targeted towards participants and not hosts? And that's why we've re-written this in email form, specifically for hosts? Forgive me if I'm mistaken.
Thanks for the reminder, Erika. That's exactly right. These were written to speak to the event leader and therefore are slightly different than what's on the activity page.
(In reply to paulj from comment #15)
> Thanks for the reminder, Erika. That's exactly right. These were written to
> speak to the event leader and therefore are slightly different than what's
> on the activity page.

Ok, got it. Makes sense.
Here's the fields the email includes:

a) [host first name]
b) [type of event] -- (one of three chosen in Event Wizard)
c) [event date and time]
d) [link to event page]

I think the main question mark is (b). 
Aki: how are we passing the event type? Can we use an event tag for that?
Flags: needinfo?(aki)
I really don't know how event emails work. I can look at it after mozfest, but I think someone like jbuck would know off the top of his head.
Flags: needinfo?(aki)
* Ok thanks Aki.  Over to Jbuck. 

* The question isn't unique to emails per se. I'm just wondering: how does the Event Wizard tell our database which of the three event types it is? (e.g., Remix Your School, Music Video, or Private Eye?)
Whiteboard: [wizard] [oct17] → [wizard] [oct17] [fallcampaign]
Yes, we'll have the event builder add a tag for each kind of event. Doing that means that the email template can be customized for each kind of event.
Flags: needinfo?(jon)
* the [oct17] train has now left the station
* so please update with [oct31], [nov14], [nov28], etc.
* JBuck: any chance this can get implemented pre-MozFest?
Flags: needinfo?(jon)
* [oct17] has passed. Please update the whiteboard.
Yes, I think I should be able to implement it before MozFest.
Flags: needinfo?(jon)
Whiteboard: [wizard] [oct17] [fallcampaign] → [wizard] [oct31] [fallcampaign]
Did this get done?
* [oct31] is now past. Please update whiteboard to [nov14] or future train.
hey, jbuck — I'm wondering about the status of this one. Can you please update?
Flags: needinfo?(jon)
Blocks: 1093796
Sorry, no, this hasn't been done yet. I'll complete this tomorrow.
Flags: needinfo?(jon)
Whiteboard: [wizard] [oct31] [fallcampaign] → [wizard] [nov14] [fallcampaign]
Whiteboard: [wizard] [nov14] [fallcampaign] → [wizard] [nov14] [fallcampaign][p1]
I need additional information about the event for the event wizard email emails
Attachment #8520074 - Flags: review?(cade)
Attachment #8520074 - Flags: review?(cade) → review+
Attachment #8520255 - Flags: review?(kate) → review+
Attachment #8520290 - Flags: review?(kate)
Closed: 10 years ago10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
- The email that the user receives is from "Webmaker <>" but is signed by Amira

- Jbuck: possible to have the email appear from "Amira <>" instead of "Webmaker?"
Flags: needinfo?(jon)
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Also (from Andrew):

- The email body contains a line, "Your event is scheduled for 2014-12-11T02:00:00.000Z. On the day of your event, please send participants to the launch page for your activity." 

- The date/time should be formatted in a human friendly way rather than ISO.
I've changed the date formatting to 'December 11, 2014 12:00 PM'
All done!
Closed: 10 years ago10 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(jon)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment on attachment 8520290 [details] [review]

Kate r+'d this on Github
Attachment #8520290 - Flags: review?(kate) → review+
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