Closed Bug 1085158 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

FilePicker.js: "File is not defined" after selecting file to upload


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect)

35 Branch
Not set


(firefox33 unaffected, firefox34 unaffected, firefox35+ verified, firefox36+ verified, fennec35+)

Firefox 36
Tracking Status
firefox33 --- unaffected
firefox34 --- unaffected
firefox35 + verified
firefox36 + verified
fennec 35+ ---


(Reporter: joejob357, Assigned: baku)




(Keywords: reproducible)


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Android; Tablet; rv:35.0) Gecko/35.0 Firefox/35.0 Build ID: 20141019004001 Steps to reproduce: * Load: * Click Browse * Select file This is using Aurora on CyanogenMod Nightly on the Nexus 10. It is reproducible on this and at least one other site with a file upload field. Actual results: * The file upload field continued to report "No file specified" * Logcat displayed W/GeckoConsole( 5002): [JavaScript Error: "ReferenceError: File is not defined" {file: "jar:jar:file:///data/app/org.mozilla.fennec_aurora-2.apk!/assets/omni.ja!/components/FilePicker.js" line: 146}] W/GeckoConsole( 5002): [JavaScript Error: "NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS: [JavaScript Error: "File is not defined" {file: "jar:jar:file:///data/app/org.mozilla.fennec_aurora-2.apk!/assets/omni.ja!/components/FilePicker.js" line: 146}]'[JavaScript Error: "File is not defined" {file: "jar:jar:file:///data/app/org.mozilla.fennec_aurora-2.apk!/assets/omni.ja!/components/FilePicker.js" line: 146}]' when calling method: [nsIFilePicker::domfile]" {file: "jar:jar:file:///data/app/org.mozilla.fennec_aurora-2.apk!/assets/omni.ja!/components/FilePicker.js" line: 247}] I have had a similar problem running the release version of Firefox on this platform, but zooming out the page then zooming back forced the field to update. This no longer works. Expected results: The firm field should have updated to reflect the chosen file.
Summary: "File is not defined" after selecting file to upload → FilePicker.js: "File is not defined" after selecting file to upload
To expand, this workflow succeeds on v33 on the same platform; I haven't tested on v34.
After performing your steps, firefox crashes: Tested with: Device: Samsung S5 (Android 4.4) Build: Firefox for Android 36.0a1 (2014-10-19)
[Tracking Requested - why for this release]: File uploading is broken
tracking-fennec: --- → ?
Ever confirmed: true
I crash too. I'm using as a more appropriate uploader for example here. Looking for a range now.
The "File" constructor was removed from JSComponents here (bug 1047483): I'm assuming its old and deprecated and we should never have used it or something. Was intentional? bz?
Flags: needinfo?(bzbarsky)
Last good revision: dd7637cc42d5 (2014-10-08) First bad revision: f0bb13ef0ee4 (2014-10-09) Pushlog:
See Also: → 1031429
We had a shim File constructor, looks like. I'm not quite sure why exactly it got removed. Bobby, should DOM File be exposed in JSMs by default? In any case, for now you should be able to do |Cu.importGlobalProperties(['File'])| to import the 'File' constructor. That _should_ have happened in bug 1047483 but perhaps the fact that this file is named .js, not .jsm, confused things?
Blocks: 1047483
Flags: needinfo?(bzbarsky) → needinfo?(bobbyholley)
> In any case, for now you should be able to do > |Cu.importGlobalProperties(['File'])| to import the 'File' constructor. > That _should_ have happened in bug 1047483 but perhaps the fact that this > file is named .js, not .jsm, confused things? Actually, this File() is exposed to content so probably we should do: return new this._domWin.File(file); instead: return File(file); But it seems that this._domWin can be null (can it really be?) I'll propose a patch for this.
Assignee: nobody → amarchesini
Attached patch file.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #8508126 - Flags: review?(bzbarsky)
Comment on attachment 8508126 [details] [diff] [review] file.patch r=me
Attachment #8508126 - Flags: review?(bzbarsky) → review+
Attached patch file.patchSplinter Review
Attachment #8508126 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Keywords: checkin-needed
Hi, do you have a try link for this change? thanks!
Keywords: checkin-needed
(In reply to Boris Zbarsky [:bz] from comment #8) > We had a shim File constructor, looks like. I'm not quite sure why exactly > it got removed. Bobby, should DOM File be exposed in JSMs by default? Not AFAIK, at least until we add Exposed=System.
Flags: needinfo?(bobbyholley)
> Not AFAIK, at least until we add Exposed=System. The question is whether this interface should have Exposed=System, I guess.
(In reply to Boris Zbarsky [:bz] from comment #17) > > Not AFAIK, at least until we add Exposed=System. > > The question is whether this interface should have Exposed=System, I guess. Fine by me, as long as we write tests.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 36
Can we get an uplift request to Fx35?
tracking-fennec: ? → 35+
Comment on attachment 8508280 [details] [diff] [review] file.patch Approval Request Comment [Feature/regressing bug #]: 1047483 [User impact if declined]: android filepicker is broken [Describe test coverage new/current, TBPL]: none. it seems that filepicker doesn't have tests in general. [Risks and why]: the patch is very simple and it has been already verified. [String/UUID change made/needed]: none
Attachment #8508280 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora?
Attachment #8508280 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora? → approval-mozilla-aurora+
Flags: qe-verify+
Firefox crashes after performing steps from comment 0: Tested with: Firefox for Android 35 Beta 1 Firefox for Android 36.0a2 (2014-12-01) Firefox for Android 37.0a1 (2014-1-01) is also affected. Device: Nexus 4 (Android 4.4.4). See Bug 1031429.
I also tested this with the following devices: Motorla Razr (Android 4.1.2) and Asus Transformer Pad TF300T (Android 4.2.1) On Firefox for Android 35 Beta 1 With URL: - after a file is selected, 'No files selected' text is changed to reflect the chosen file. With URL from comment 0: - after a file is selected, 'No file selected' text is not updated to reflect the chosen file. Firefox for Android 36.0a2 (2014-12-02) works as expected with both URLs. I will mark as verified only Firefox 36.
Verified as fixed on Firefox 35 Beta 4 on Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.2.1)
Based on comment 24 and 25, I will remove the qe-verify flag, thanks.
Flags: qe-verify+
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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