Closed Bug 1094638 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[FFOS2.0][Woodduck][STK]Get input executed not ok during the call.


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: General, defect, P2)



(blocking-b2g:2.0M+, b2g-v2.0 affected, b2g-v2.0M affected, b2g-v2.1 affected, b2g-v2.2 affected)

blocking-b2g 2.0M+
Tracking Status
b2g-v2.0 --- affected
b2g-v2.0M --- affected
b2g-v2.1 --- affected
b2g-v2.2 --- affected


(Reporter: sync-1, Assigned: selee)




(1 file) tel:151-1324-9081 +++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #819861 +++ DEFECT DESCRIPTION:[STK]Get input executed not ok during the call. REPRODUCING PROCEDURES: 1. Load one simulated card on SIM-1; 2. Load one simulated card on SIM-2, and STK command which can send "Get input" command. 3. Make a call on SIM-1; During the call, "Get input" command will be sent from SIM-2; 4. During the call, "get input" command fetched by the MS, with terminal response: ME currently unable to process command. EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR: 4. Only after the call end up, the "get input" command can be fetch by the MS, the command will be sent from SIM-2, MS will then display the input screen, and with normal terminal response. The issue also exist on single version: SWG1+ZZ. Reporter's phone number: 0752-2639695 ASSOCIATE SPECIFICATION: TEST PLAN REFERENCE: TOOLS AND PLATFORMS USED: USER IMPACT: REPRODUCING RATE: For FT PR, Please list reference mobile's behavior: ++++++++++ end of initial bug #819861 description ++++++++++ CONTACT INFO (Name,Phone number): DEFECT DESCRIPTION: REPRODUCING PROCEDURES: EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR: ASSOCIATE SPECIFICATION: TEST PLAN REFERENCE: TOOLS AND PLATFORMS USED: USER IMPACT: REPRODUCING RATE: For FT PR, Please list reference mobile's behavior:
Hi Sean, STK bug FYI.
Blocks: Woodduck
blocking-b2g: --- → 2.0M+
Flags: needinfo?(selee)
Assignee: nobody → selee
Flags: needinfo?(selee)
Blocks: 1100201
Dear Pengfei, 我繼續補充一下我對這部分的理解跟疑問: 1. 由第一張SIM卡撥出電話後, 2. 將call screen切到背景後,由第二張卡進到可以發出get input的選項。 3. 而在接到STK_CMD_GET_INPUT後,不應該跳出對話框,並且回應 STK_RESULT_TERMINAL_CRNTLY_UNABLE_TO_PROCESS = 0x20; 對嗎? pengfei:个人觉得应如您所说的处理比较恰当. Sean: 我的理解是當call screen (SIM1) 切到背景後,進到Settings app,應該不影響SIM2的STK操作,使用者會自行點擊STK的option (發送TR),接著收到CMD顯示對話框是合理的。 請問當回應STK_RESULT_TERMINAL_CRNTLY_UNABLE_TO_PROCESS = 0x20;時,畫面應該要如何顯示? 直接跳回STK主畫面嗎? pengfei: 如果回应STK_RESULT_TERMINAL_CRNTLY_UNABLE_TO_PROCESS = 0x20,是否能实现:画面应该保持原样即保持通话过程而get input 对话框应该是要隐藏的,在通话结束后则显示get input对话框? 如果直接跳回STK主画面是说get input对话框不会再出现么?如果是,VAL是不认可. Sean: 如同我上述的回覆,使用者已經在Settings app的STK操作畫面中,點擊會顯示對話框的選項後,若是隱藏對話框,接下來就依然停在STK的選單中,會讓使用者混淆。 請問這部分的test case 有包含在spec (3gpp)中嗎? pengfei: 这部分test case是我们VAL的function case不包含在sepc中. 還請你幫忙釐清一下問題,謝謝。 Sean Lee
Hi Pengfei: 下面這個,如果協議沒有規範,就請貴司內部討論後,reject掉先。 Mozilla的分析與理由: 卡1/卡2 應該是獨立不互相干擾的,沒有理由 卡1正在做某些動作,卡2就不能運作。 3. 而在接到STK_CMD_GET_INPUT後,不應該跳出對話框,並且回應 STK_RESULT_TERMINAL_CRNTLY_UNABLE_TO_PROCESS = 0x20; 對嗎? pengfei:个人觉得应如您所说的处理比较恰当. Sean: 我的理解是當call screen (SIM1) 切到背景後,進到Settings app,應該不影響SIM2的STK操作,使用者會自行點擊STK的option (發送TR),接著收到CMD顯示對話框是合理的。 請問這部分的test case 有包含在spec (3gpp)中嗎? pengfei: 这部分test case是我们VAL的function case不包含在sepc中. Shawn Ku,
Dears: TCL:819861 Mozilla ID:1094638 MTK eService:ALPS01803061 Tittle:[FFOS2.0][Woodduck][STK]Get input executed not ok during the call. 看了以下邮件,觉得大家可能对该问题理解有误,不是SIM1在拨打电话后再去激活SIM2的STK应用,而是先激活SIM2的STK应用再执行SIM1拨打电话,检查SIM2的STK应用对SIM1的影响; 因为我们的手机是单天线的手机,SIM1在执行通话的过程中,SIM2是不能发送信息给网络的,只有等到SIM1的动作执行完成之后SIM2才能正常执行另一个动作,所以该PR的期望结果是正确的行为。 参考了以前的项目以及spec,以前的项目在SIM1通话过程中,手机会弹出SIM2 STK命令get input的输入界面,但是spec没有明确的规定说明SIM1在通话中时,SIM2是否可以弹出get input输入界面; 所以针对此问题,建议先POSTPONED。 陈沛生 Chen Peisheng
Hi Dengwei, Val co-worker confirm this bug can POSTPONED, we can close it now. Thanks.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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