Closed Bug 109758 Opened 23 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Make location bar autocomplete expand to partial URLs (history tab completion)


(SeaMonkey :: Autocomplete, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: cramer, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [awesomebar?])

From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.5+) Gecko/20011109 BuildID: 2001110906 When hitting "tab" in the location bar after entering a partial URL, the filled in URL should be the longest URL-substring of all matching URLs in the location history. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Type something like "ww" into the location bar. 2. Hit tab. Actual Results: Assuming you have several URLs that start with "ww" in your history, step 1) will start listing them, as it should. 2) will then fill in the location bar with the first url in the list. Desired Results: 2) should fill out to the largest prefix matching your history. Something like "www.y", if the only things in your history are "" and "". Filling in the first URL from the history when you hit tab seems less than useful. If I wanted the first URL I would hit down-arrow and enter. Having the auto-complete work more like a tab-completing Unix shell would be far more useful. Something like this would be possible (depending on your history, obviously): w<tab>.moz<tab>bui<tab> could easily get me to "" even if I have NEVER visited "" but instead always go directly to sub-areas through bookmarks.
except tab leaves the location bar so as to allow keyboard navigation of the UI, no? this case, the tab just selects the first thing from the drop down. Focus remains on the location bar. Tab in this situation is the same as down-arrow. Repeated tabs just cycle through the drop down.
> Repeated tabs just cycle through the drop down. That's one of the most annoying bugs in IE and Mozilla (at least for me).
Assignee: pchen → hewitt
Component: XP Apps → XP Apps: Autocomplete
QA Contact: sairuh → blakeross
Although I like the tab - autocompletion scheme of UNIX shells I'd like to behave the autocompletion of the URL Bar in a different way. Proposal: --------- I'd like to have the completion sorted by last visited, not alphabetically. When I type in an URL that I didn't bookmark before I'd like to have presented the URLs that might be a completion in it's TIMELY sorting not in an ALPHABETICAL order. For me it's most probably that I want to return to a page I use often but just didn't bookmark and these are sites that I recently visited. Let me give you an example: I want to visit the german site of google: However the site was also visited on two different occasions. Using the completion panel I have to type: + cursor down 3 times + enter (overstep two sites) Every time I have to do this again, until leaves the Site-History. If the list would be presented in a reveres timly manner the last visited would be presented first and I could use it as a reminder, what place I'd like to visit. Let's expand my example: I also have some www.geocities.xxxx and www.gmg.xxxx in the panel so when typing until www.g I even don't see the google I visited last time. Summary: -------- When typing in an adresse auocompletion should react not alphabetically like in an public telephone book (most of the sites arn't worth it to be revisited) but should show me sites, that are probably the ones I'm looking for. The only ones netscape could guess about are that I just visited. Just finer would be a completion showing me the sites I even don't know about but solves my question, but I guess this mindreading will not be implemented until Mozilla 1.0 !-)
No...this is more fundamental. The original request was for "tab" to not cycle through the list of URLs, but instead act like it does in a modern Unix shell -- filling in the location bar with the longest substring of all the listed, matching urls. So if your location history contains: And you type "bugz", those three would show up in the drop-down. Hitting tab would then change the location bar to: (because that's the longest substring). At which point you could type a "1", which would eliminate bug "23456" from the list. Hitting tab again would give you: Etc...
i've thought of this before as well. glad to come across this bug number. those of you have used bash(or other) tab-completition know how time saving it can be.
Ever confirmed: true
This enhancement should be all platforms/os's.
Blocks: 140404
I second jruderman in comment 3. Whatever the fix, please consider the need to get focus back to the content area easily. Bindings like ctrl-w to get rid of the tab don't work from the URL bar, and it's very frustrating having to tab through 5 objects just so ctrl-w will work. I suggest a binding other then tab to do the "tab" completion. One press of tab anywhere in the history dropdown or url bar really should focus the document body.
Summary: Make location bar autocomplete expand to partial URLs → Make location bar autocomplete expand to partial URLs (history tab completion)
*** Bug 137574 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Bug 137574 contains a precise description of how I want to see this feature implemented. Please read it. I will repeat the two most important details here: 1) NO COMPLETION HAPPENS until I push Tab. No drop down, no text fill in, NOTHING. 2) Do NOT blindly fill in the longest common prefix of all completion candidates. Stop at the next URL separator (/, ?, &, =, etc). Also, Tab is the only acceptable choice for keybinding. All other programs that implement autocompletion trigger it with Tab.
i second the desire for autocompletion to stop at URL seperators; one very common operation i want to do is autocomplete solely the domain, and then type in the rest of the URL. generally i have to autocomplete, the delete a load of text, then type. this is often slower than just typing the thing out :(
*** Bug 175016 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
re: use of tab instead of some other key (comments 7,10,12,13): This is obviously begging to be a "user-configurable" option. When there are clearly such good, but sadly contradictory, personal preference reasons for using tab as the key, it should be up to individuals to decide how they want it, no? Personally, I agree with both camps. Due to several other very long outstanding bugs (e.g. "autocomplete dropdown appears even when there are no matches", combined with "browse-tabs cannot be navigated using ctrl-pgdn etc when focus is on address bar") I have real problems with "tab to get to body of browser" not working at all in several situations. Equally, I repeatedly try to use tab to autocomplete as requested by the original poster of this bug, as a natural expectation arising from using bash every day of my life.
the behavior i think would fit both "camps" : 1) the auto-completion of address-bar is on constantly (no need to hit any button) 2) the autocomplete "expands" only to closest separator - . / ? = 3) there is a selection of the completed text, but only the LAST completed portion is selected 4) the history-bar opens on autocomplete (if there is any matching address); 5) the addresses in history-bar are shown on time-basis (lifo) AND the number of times visited 6) whenever tab is pressed - it changes focus to the document area
No, this does not fit the camp I'm in. Your points 2-5 are fine by me, but 1 and 6 are unacceptable. NO COMPLETION WHATSOEVER HAPPENS UNTIL I PUSH TAB. And it has to be TAB.
Let me expand a bit on the previous comment. "It has to be TAB" -- that's just a matter of what my fingers are wired to expect. It occurs to me that both camps could be satisfied on this issue with a DWIM heuristic: if something else was just typed in the location bar, then complete, otherwise cycle input focus. Also, a general keyboard-shortcut editor would make me happy. "No completion whatsoever happens until I push TAB" -- this is somewhat less obvious. The primary reason for it is that, because autocompletion fires as soon as a single letter is typed, it reliably fills in the wrong URL. And because it fills in the entire wrong URL (if it thinks it has a single match) it is difficult to correct. I have frequently typed a few letters, seen it fill in the wrong URL, hit delete to get rid of the selection, typed another letter, seen it fill in the *same* wrong URL, repeat to frustration. The other changes to completion, discussed in this bug, would mitigate this problem, but I think it would still be a problem: so I want completion to happen only when I explicitly ask for it. A secondary reason is, at the time I filed bug 137574, autocompletion was SLOW: it made the URL bar consistently lag up to ten keystrokes behind what I was typing. This seems to have been improved since, although that might just be because I now use Galeon as primary browser, so the Mozilla profile doesn't have a huge location history to search through.
"I have frequently typed a few letters, seen it fill in the wrong URL, hit delete to get rid of the selection, typed another letter, seen it fill in the *same* wrong URL, repeat to frustration." ahh, but if the completed portion were to be selected, then you wouldn't need to delete as the next character of your URL your overwrite the selected, completed text. the only diversion comes if your desired URL is a substring of something in your history, in which case you'd have an extra keystroke before hitting return.. not ideal, but liveable. but again, that should be mitigated somewhat by autocompleteing only up to the next seperator. in the end, no solution is going to please everyone. and as there appears to be a desire for preference non-proliferation, i think konstantin's proposal is a viable compromise, even though it's not precisely what i would choose.
<blockquote> ahh, but if the completed portion were to be selected, then you wouldn't need to delete as the next character of your URL your overwrite the selected, completed text. </blockquote> But that's not what should happen! After partial completion, I want no selection and the caret at the end of the line, so I can <i>keep typing</i>. Tell me this isn't the normal case. I sympathize with the desire to avoid preference proliferation. But I don't think the posters in this thread are taking into account the degree to which people's fingers are wired to expect specific, consistent behavior from keystroke commands. And in the case of completion, the wiring comes from Unix shells, which behave in the fashion I described in bug 137574. URL bar completion is <i>worse than useless</i> for me unless it implements exactly that algorithm. Of course, other people's fingers may be wired differently. Hence preferences.
you are not completely right... and yes i did not write anything about the location of carret after such completion... i was not sure what would be best - but you are probaby right and having it at the end would be good idea; but selection would be there mostly for a case when autocompletion did not get you what you wanted - and then simply hitting backspace/delete you would "undo" the last completion part... so i think together with what i proposed before it would be ok - especially due to the fact it is still avoiding inconsistency in _browser_ behavior - and that is much more important in the case than consistency with the shell ...
and another thing... as a variation for "autocomplete always on" .. the autocomplete can be "triggered" also by an interval of time that person is not typing... lets say about 100 or 200 miliseconds... then, lets say you are typing "www.moz", (thats pretty fast - by now the autocomplete did nothing) and then you take your hands off the keyboard for a while and look at the screen - what you see _almost_ immediately is "www.mozilla." this way the autocomplete does not "bother" you typing (not consuming rsources while you type) and yet does the job in a flash...
I think you misunderstood about the caret position. If completion leaves the text it inserted selected, then it doesn't matter where the caret is; the next key I hit will obliterate the insertion, which is not what I want. I want to be able to type "ht<TAB>w<TAB>sl<TAB><RET>" without pausing for breath and wind up with "" filled in and loaded. Consistency in browser behavior - I assume you mean cross platforms; that takes a distant second to consistency between the browser and all the other tools I use all day. I use only one platform, but I switch between the browser, the shell prompt, and Emacs hundreds of times a day. Completion on a .1sec pause - I'd have to use it to know if it was any good or not. However, my gut feeling is that I can insert a TAB in the middle of a keystroke sequence a lot faster than I can insert a .1sec pause there.
True... Then probably it can be : a) autocomplete works BOTH on timeout and on TAB (but tab - only if user typed at least one char since last completion or from the beginning of the line) b) configurable between these two... What would you say about that ?
Would it be possible to either clone this bug or take this and one of the other many bugs and separate them so that the following are worked on independently: 1. Improved autocomplete that doesn't just grab the first matching item in the history list. 2. Autocomplete triggering (timeout, tab, whatever). The way I see it, you generally have two requests about autocomplete. The first is to change the autocomplete to match something a bit more useful. I personally dislike the way Moz currently does autocomplete - if I want to go to the forums at ars, I'm sick of typing "" to try to go to the forum list page only to invariably have "" or whatever from a past topic be autocompleted as the entire URL. The second is how to trigger autocomplete, whether it be from a timeout, a keypress, an errant x-ray striking a memory cell, whatever. The reason I ask is that I know I personally don't care about how autocomplete is triggered, but I do know that I care about *what* gets autocompleted. In my mind, what currently happens is just wrong, and looking at the maze of duplicated bugs, I'm not the only one that thinks this way. Hell, this bug was entered in 2001, and Moz's current behaviour (1.2.1, 1.3a) doesn't appear to be much different from back then. Can we please have some final ruling about how autocomplete is going to work and put this whole autocomplete thing to bed?
*** Bug 175725 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I guess this bug is never going to actually be fixed, but bug 212907 is relevant as well, in that if TAB completion were implemented properly, it would fix both bugs.
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
No comment in more than four years. Nothing much significant ever. Location bar autocomplete has recently undergone a complete overhaul in Firefox. I expect the corresponding backend to be ported to Sm-trunk but I have no idea when.
Assignee: hewitt → nobody
OS: Linux → All
QA Contact: bugzilla
Hardware: PC → All
Whiteboard: [awesomebar?]
Target Milestone: --- → Future
For Firefox I finally hacked together an extension with essentially the functionality requested in this bug. It probably works in SM with only small changes. Since I don't use SM I probably won't make those changes myself. URL Tab Completion
QA Contact: autocomplete
It's not done with tab completion but what the places-based smart location bar does is very similar to what's requested here, so duping to the bug that introduced places history.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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