Closed Bug 1103159 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

UnboundLocalError: local variable 'result' referenced before assignment with --e10s and --total-chunks


(Testing :: Mochitest, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
e10s + ---


(Reporter: mccr8, Assigned: vaibhav1994)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: regression)


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

Running this: ./mach mochitest-browser --e10s --total-chunks 10 --this-chunk 10 Gives me this: From _tests: Kept 33741 existing; Added/updated 0; Removed 0 files and 0 directories. TEST-INFO | checking window state Browser Chrome Test Summary Passed: 0 Failed: 0 Todo: 0 *** End BrowserChrome Test Results *** Error running mach: ['mochitest-browser', '--e10s', '--total-chunks', '10', '--this-chunk', '10'] The error occurred in code that was called by the mach command. This is either a bug in the called code itself or in the way that mach is calling it. You should consider filing a bug for this issue. If filing a bug, please include the full output of mach, including this error message. The details of the failure are as follows: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'result' referenced before assignment File "/home/amccreight/mc/testing/mochitest/", line 662, in run_mochitest_browser return self.run_mochitest(test_paths, 'browser', **kwargs) File "/home/amccreight/mc/testing/mochitest/", line 785, in run_mochitest test_paths=test_paths, suite=flavor, **kwargs) File "/home/amccreight/mc/testing/mochitest/", line 390, in run_desktop_test result = runner.runTests(options) File "/home/amccreight/mc/obj-dbg/_tests/testing/mochitest/", line 1764, in runTests return result Removing the two chunk arguments, or the --e10s, makes the error go away.
This looks like it may have broken in bug 1036374, which added the |return result| without defining result on all return paths.
It works fine with total-chunks=3, so maybe the problem is that with total-chunks=10 the set of directories is empty?
ahh, most likely that is the case! I suspect we can make a better error for the case when there are no chunks.
e10s test
Blocks: e10s-tests
tracking-e10s: --- → +
Not being able to run e10s tests locally is quite bad.
Blocks: 1036374
Keywords: regression
I was able to run them, it was just that the final chunk was empty in some cases and I got this weird message.
Attached patch bug1103159.patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch will ensure that the directories being run is non-empty and then only return the result parameter, thus not giving rise to this error.
Attachment #8539450 - Flags: review?(jmaher)
Comment on attachment 8539450 [details] [diff] [review] bug1103159.patch Review of attachment 8539450 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Please make this return a value: 0 = green 1 = orange since there are no tests run, this probably should be a value of 1 ::: testing/mochitest/ @@ +1786,5 @@ > print "3 INFO Todo: %s" % self.counttodo > print "4 INFO SimpleTest FINISHED" > > + if dirs: > + return result I would rather set result to a default value and always return something. We use the return code from here when we sys.ext()
Attachment #8539450 - Flags: review?(jmaher) → review-
Attached patch bug1103159.patchSplinter Review
Placed a default value for result variable.
Attachment #8539450 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8539467 - Flags: review?(jmaher)
Comment on attachment 8539467 [details] [diff] [review] bug1103159.patch Review of attachment 8539467 [details] [diff] [review]: ----------------------------------------------------------------- thanks, how does this look locally. Make sure whilst running this locally and hitting this condition that the ./mach termination makes sense.
Attachment #8539467 - Flags: review?(jmaher) → review+
vaibhav@vaibhav:~/mozilla-inbound$ ./mach mochitest-browser --e10s --total-chunks 10 --this-chunk 10 Build configuration changed. Regenerating backend. Reticulating splines... Finished reading 2748 files in 2.13s Processed into 7569 build config descriptors in 1.71s Backend executed in 2.74s 2265 total backend files; 0 created; 1 updated; 2264 unchanged; 0 deleted; 139 -> 852 Makefile Total wall time: 6.86s; CPU time: 6.41s; Efficiency: 93%; Untracked: 0.29s From _tests: Kept 34202 existing; Added/updated 0; Removed 0 files and 0 directories. TEST-INFO | checking window state Browser Chrome Test Summary Passed: 0 Failed: 0 Todo: 0 *** End BrowserChrome Test Results *** 0 ERROR Got suite_end message before suite_start. This is the output. It shows that 0 tests are run. The last error is occurring because of bug 1060439.
this looks great, thanks!
Assignee: nobody → vaibhavmagarwal
The try run is green as expected.
Keywords: checkin-needed
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla37
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