Closed Bug 1103891 Opened 10 years ago Closed 7 years ago

[Settings]The progress bar can't be dragged before you tap the play button in "Manage Ringtones" page.


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Music, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set


(b2g-v2.0 affected, b2g-v2.0M affected, b2g-v2.1 affected, b2g-v2.2 affected)

Tracking Status
b2g-v2.0 --- affected
b2g-v2.0M --- affected
b2g-v2.1 --- affected
b2g-v2.2 --- affected


(Reporter: wangxin, Unassigned)




(2 files)

[1.Description]: [Woodduck2.0][Flame][2.0&2.1&2.2]When you first time drag(not tap play first) the music progress bar in "Manage Ringtones" page, you can see the progress bar can't be dragged. Attachment log: "logcat_1700.txt" and "bugreport_1700.txt" Attachment video: 1700.MP4 Found Time:17:00 [2.Testing Steps]: Prism: There are some music in device. 1. Launch "Settings". 2. Choose "Sound "item. 3. Tap "Manage Ringtones" button. 4. Press "+" icon. 5. Tap one music. 6. Drag the progress bar. **You can see the progress bar can‘t be dragged. 7. Tap the "Play" button. 8. Drag the progress bar. **You can drag the progress bar successfully. [3.Expected Result]: Step6: The progress bar can be dragged successfully. [4.Actual Result]: Step6:The progress bar can‘t be dragged. [5.Reproduction build]: Flame2.0 Build: Gaia-Rev 124c2f85f1b956e9e8429dab5121de702a3bc197 Gecko-Rev Build-ID 20141123000206 Version 32.0 Device-Name flame FW-Release 4.4.2 FW-Incremental eng.cltbld.20141123.032645 FW-Date Sun Nov 23 03:27:00 EST 2014 Bootloader L1TC00011880 Flame2.1 Build: Gaia-Rev afdfa629be209dd53a1b7b6d6c95eab7077ffcd9 Gecko-Rev Build-ID 20141123001201 Version 34.0 Device-Name flame FW-Release 4.4.2 FW-Incremental eng.cltbld.20141123.035029 FW-Date Sun Nov 23 03:50:40 EST 2014 Bootloader L1TC00011880 Flame2.2 Build: Gaia-Rev c5bad6d78c5fe168e3bb894fc5cb70902c9b19b1 Gecko-Rev Build-ID 20141123040209 Version 36.0a1 Device-Name flame FW-Release 4.4.2 FW-Incremental eng.cltbld.20141123.082659 FW-Date Sun Nov 23 08:27:14 EST 2014 Bootloader L1TC00011880 Woodduck Bulid Gaia-Rev 3a98f1287fa7b604891220ba5d86982ae8f9971e Gecko-Rev 03d3ab62d5b07b915434f2d1d68495ad5915ecd2 Build-ID 20141120103003 Version 32.0 Device-Name jrdhz72_w_ff FW-Release 4.4.2 FW-Incremental 1416391964 FW-Date Wed Nov 19 18:12:54 CST 2014 [6.Reproduction Frequency]: Always Recurrence TCID:Free Test
Attached video Bug video: 1700.MP4
Component: Gaia::Settings → Gaia::Music
Hi Mike, This issue still exists on latest Woodduck 2.0 and Flame 2.0/2.1/2.2, Flame2.0 build Gaia-Rev 01c32dcdc08b3c8fc8b3082870439fa2c1089f4f Gecko-Rev Build-ID 20141225000210 Version 32.0 Device-Name flame FW-Release 4.4.2 FW-Incremental eng.cltbld.20141225.033048 FW-Date Thu Dec 25 03:30:58 EST 2014 Bootloader L1TC00011880 Flame 2.1 : Gaia-Rev 17c7ad2e4919a994f0844239b483116090412dee Gecko-Rev Build-ID 20141225001203 Version 34.0 Device-Name flame FW-Release 4.4.2 FW-Incremental eng.cltbld.20141225.035108 FW-Date Thu Dec 25 03:51:19 EST 2014 Bootloader L1TC00011880 Flame 2.2: Gaia-Rev ab41c35eed35404b632a4841714b81b56364ba32 Gecko-Rev Build-ID 20141225010202 Version 37.0a1 Device-Name flame FW-Release 4.4.2 FW-Incremental eng.cltbld.20141225.043916 FW-Date Thu Dec 25 04:39:27 EST 2014 Bootloader L1TC00011880 Woodduck 2.0 build: Gaia-Rev add38992bbfb2bafca52ac1ce7f6231ac702675f Gecko-Rev 8d951d9c4988e218ec08c6118a35c7faeb70af49 Build-ID 20141225143517 Version 32.0 Device-Name jrdhz72_w_ff FW-Release 4.4.2 FW-Incremental 1419478053 FW-Date Thu Dec 25 11:27:57 CST 2014
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
since this is a general issue, remove confidential Hi SandKing, where do you get the expected result that progress bar should be enabled to drag? Hi Dominic, is this audio control is by design?
Group: woodduck-confidential
Flags: needinfo?(wangxin)
Flags: needinfo?(mlien)
Flags: needinfo?(dkuo)
Hi Mike, There is no TC for reference, I think this may be an issue after discussion with Norry.
Flags: needinfo?(wangxin)
This is probably by design but it's due to the implementation, before we actually start the previewing, the music player won't start decoding the audio file, and that's why you can see the duration is still ---:-- and the progress bar is unseekable. We should be able to adjust this to make it seekable before the first play, let's needinfo ux to confirm this. Jacqueline, am I correct on this? thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(dkuo) → needinfo?(jsavory)
Sorry for the delay here, I definitely think that if we can change this to make it possible to seek prior to the first time play we should do it.
Flags: needinfo?(jsavory)
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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