Closed Bug 11083 Opened 26 years ago Closed 25 years ago

URL bar assumes english keyboard input


(Core :: Internationalization, defect, P3)

Windows NT





(Reporter: tague, Assigned: ftang)




(Whiteboard: NS_NewURI() assumes all urls are in ascii.)

The URL bar is assuming that it will be getting English input and throwing up assertions when non-English data is typed. [It actually displays, but throws up erronious asserts] steps to reproduce : (1) turn on Japanese IME (2) type some Japanese in URL bar (3) **** watch asserts on the console With internet keywords and other similar idenitifiers, it's quite possible that someone could type Japanese into the URL bar.
Component: Browser-General → Internationalization
Assignee: don → radha
Priority: P3 → P2
Target Milestone: M11
Radha, do we fix this or does the i18n team fix it?
I need some enlightment from the widget gurus and the I18N folks. cc'ing them.
Assignee: radha → ftang
Reassign to ftang. I think he knows better about the status of this.
Assignee: ftang → tague
Dear tague, is this still happening ? if it throw assert, please attach the stack trace so they can figure out who should own it. Please use CVS blame to see who put in that assert and reassing the bug to him/her. Thanks.
QA Contact: leger → teruko
Updating QA Contact.
Assignee: tague → ftang
tague is doomed, reassign this to myself.
Target Milestone: M12 → M11
Mark it as M11 assigned. Add akkana, buster to the cc list.
The problem is not input, the problem is some event handler change the content of the content of the URL bar after we hit RETURN It seem that we should check BrowerLoadURL() in mozilla/xpfe/browser/resoures/content/navigator.js We need to check 1. the return value of document.getElementById('urlbar') 2. the return value of bmks.FindShortcut 3. appCore.loadUrl according to xpfe/browser/resources/content/navigator.xul the urlbar have the following attribute- id=urlbar type=text chromeclass=location onkeyup="if (event.which == 13) { BrowserLoadURL(); }" add rjc/waterson to the cc list since he own bmks.FindShort. rjc/waterson, I don't think you need to do anything for this bug right now. But you probably should aware this issue if you need to add more code (URL shortcut ???) to the BrowserLoadURL.
a seperate but related issue. I think the onkeyup="if (event.which == 13) XXX " is bad. The reason is we use RETURN key to commit IME to commit IME, in that case, the user may want to type MORE Japanese. Maybe we should change the KEY up / down to other value when the RETURN is for commit IME.
add radha/law and editors folks to the cc list.
I think my concern about the onkeyup have been addressed in spec level by kathy's posting of "key event handling revision 3" news:// >2. Key Event Generation >Native input methods (used when typing Japanese), aka IME, must have first >crack at all keyboard events this includes >accelerators and keybindings because they might be used by the native input >method (such as to turn them on and off). >While the IME is active, key events (keydown, keypress, keyup) will not be >generated. IME input generates text events >which are handled by a separate set of handlers. If a key event isn't consumed >by the native input method, it will result in a >sequence as described below. tague- is that true that we will do this ? filtering out keyup/down/press ? If so, I assume the NS_VK_RETURN won't got generated so the JavaScript OnKeyUp won't see it when we commit the Input Method.
Blocks: 15693
if the return key is being pressed to signal a commit, no virtual key event will be generated for it. if the return is pressed after a commit - a virtual key will be generated
Priority: P2 → P3
Blocks: 16127
Assignee: ftang → tague
tague, can you take this back since now is I doomed for IME :) I have trace down to the JavaScript in navigator.js Look at BrowerLoadURL() . It first call document.getElementById('urlbar') and then got the value. I think you should set break point at mozillay/layout/html/forms/src/nsFormControlFrame.cpp nsFormControlFrame::GetValue and 954 nsBrowserAppCore::LoadUrl(const PRUnichar *aUrl) to see which one damage the data
bulk reassign bugs to ftang for now
No longer blocks: 16127
Target Milestone: M11 → M12
Assignee: ftang → cata
cata: can you help to look at this problem.
Assignee: cata → bobj
bobj- please find someone to track this down...
Assignee: bobj → tao
Target Milestone: M12 → M13
Turns out NS_NewURI(nsIURI* *result, const nsString& spec, nsIURI* baseURI) is assuming all urlSpec are ascii encoded and calling nsString.ToNewCString() to get the internal buffer. The motivation might be to get a (char*) buffer for the subsequent call to NS_NewURI(nsIURI* *result, const char* spec, nsIURI* baseURI) The result is that non-ascii URL strings are truncated and displayed as garbage in the URL bar area.
Assignee: tao → warren
Whiteboard: NS_NewURI() assumes all urls are in ascii.
Reassign to warren.
IMO, Either the NS_NewURI() interface needs to change to take PRUniChar* or the PRUniChar* array need to be converted to UTF-8 before being passed as (char*).
Assignee: warren → valeski
Jud, Don't we do this conversion now? Can you take a look? Warren
Target Milestone: M13 → M15
NS_NewURI assumes that all urls are in UTF-8, not ASCII (at least that was the plan). The webshell needs to translate before calling NS_NewURI.
The file pointed by the URL field does not exist anymore. Replace it with a link to an article that addresses the need of fixing this bug.
over to ftang, he reworked a bunch of this recently.
Assignee: valeski → ftang
Target Milestone: M15 → M16
warren> The webshell needs to translate before calling NS_NewURI. Does this need to be kicked over to the webshell guys?
The origional problem is gone. There are some other new issue now. Mark this bug fixed.
The origional problem is gone. mark this as fixed now. There are other issue still exist but outside the scope of this bug.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I verified this in 2000041306 Win32 build.
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