Closed Bug 1115343 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[user story] As a desktop client user, I want the invitation e-mail I send to an invitee to include any attached context about the conversation so that the invitee is better prepared and more engaged when they join the room.


(Hello (Loop) :: Client, enhancement, P2)



(Not tracked)

backlog backlog+


(Reporter: RT, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [context])

User Story

As a desktop client user, I want the invitation e-mail I send to an invitee to include any attached context about the conversation so that the invitee is better prepared and more engaged when they join the room.

Acceptance criteria:
* When URL context is added to the conversation, the e-mail subject should be changed to: 

Firefox Hello conversation: [Comment or Title of Attached Page]

* When URL context is added to the conversation, the e-mail body should be changed to: 


Join me for a video conversation on Firefox Hello about:
[Comment or Title of Attached Page]

It’s the easiest way to connect by video with anyone anywhere. With Hello, you don't have to download or install anything. Just click or paste this link into your Firefox, Opera or Chrome browser to join the conversation:

If you’d like to learn more about Hello and how you can start your own free video conversations, visit

Talk to you soon!
No description provided.
Blocks: 1115340
User Story: (updated)
backlog: --- → Fx38?
User Story: (updated)
Summary: [user story] As a desktop client user, I want the invitation e-mail to a conversation to include context about the website I want to talk about. → [user story] As a desktop client user, I want the invitation e-mail I send to an invitee to include any attached context about the conversation so that the invitee is better prepared and more engaged when they join the room.
User Story: (updated)
backlog: Fx38? → Fx39?
moving up once the P1's and P2's are done - this is the next priority feature.
backlog: Fx39? → Fx38+
Rank: 30
Priority: -- → P3
moving up once the P1's and P2's are done - this is the next priority feature.
Whiteboard: [context]
backlog: Fx38+ → backlog+
Rank: 30 → 22
Flags: firefox-backlog+
Priority: P3 → P2
Severity: normal → enhancement
Depends on: 1142532
Bug 1142532 has landed, so this is now fixed.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 1181991
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