Closed Bug 1124901 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

[marketing][screenshots][sw]: 2.0 need to be localized


(Mozilla Localizations :: sw / Swahili, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: CocoMo, Assigned: tlow87)




(7 files, 6 obsolete files)

Hi Stephen, Please do not start this project until the UI 2.0 is completely done with localization and QA testing, bug fixing especially truncation issues. This is probably one of the most complicated projects to do. - Strings to be localized: - English screenshot template: (NOTE: you need to set up an account to see the images). Thank you, Peiying
Assignee: nobody → wanjaustev
Blocks: 1124875
Attached file File containing translated words (obsolete) —
I have done most of the translations. I have left a few words/phrases untranslated since it was not very clear whether they should translated or not. Kindly test the translations and get back with feedback about the same.
Better document with more translation. Please ignore previous attachment
Attachment #8601887 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Committed the file in r141082. Currently missing: 59 strings (dashboard will update within 15 minutes)
Attached file HTH.txt
ive tried all the English to Swahili i know , hehe, i tried translations of the long sentences since most of short words were translated already
Updated in r141137, but couldn't help noticing some errors. # NOTE: make a local sounding name, or use one of the names in Contact list ;[Harly’s] Birthday Siku ya Kuzaliwa ya [Harly’s] You need to replace "Harly" with a locale name. Let's say "Fabian", you need to translate it as "Fabian's Birthday". ;[name of one of the contacts, male] [name of one of the contacts, male] You need to provide a fictional local male name. ;[made up company name] [made up company name] Same here, with a company name. ;[fake personal email address] [barua pepe ya kazi ya kibinafsi] Don't translate the sentence, you need to provide a fictional email address. Please check the comments starting from line 290, they explain what you have to do. Final note. To tell the system that a string is identical to English and not untranslated, add {ok} to the translation. Example: ;Classic Buzz Classic Buzz should become ;Classic Buzz Classic Buzz {ok}
Hi Stephen, I want to chime in with what Flod mentioned above. This is the most challenging part of the project, especially doing it for the first time. In addition to what Flod mentioned, I want to stress the following or reiterate: **Fake Names** -we need you to fill in names of 6 males and 6 females (indicate in parenthesis which is which). - suggested fake names follow certain sequence. If the custom in Kenya and beyond is sorting name by surname or family name, then the initial letters of the names are next to one another, like A-B-C or M-N-O. You can check the examples in We don't need so many, but 12 total, including 6 males and 6 females. **Email Address** Fake ones **Phone numbers** Fake ones, but it follows the format in Kenya (though the screenshots are for bigger Swahili speaking markets) **Company names** Again, any names English or Swahili names, but made-up names. **Professions** This can be common profession (baker, photographer, writer) or profession unique to the region. I have shared with you the English images in Box folder: If you read another language, you can check out the .lang file to see how other languages are done (French, German, Wolof, Zulu and Xhosa...) Let
I have now understood better what is required of us here. Let me liaise with team to have a better version uploaded as soon as we can.
So should I post the 6 female and male names here? Or what exactly is the procedure at this stage? I have done a fake message on line 549 since it was a bit straight forward. Hope it is the right way to do it. Check line 50 too, where I have added a fake name. Should the names be in brackets or we should do away with the box brackets once we translate? Also check section under line 245 and advise if it is rightly done. As for the fake messages I have grasped the concept but the x-y-z and m-n-o arrangement of the fake names hasn't quite got home yet. Does it depict an order in which we use the names in the text file as we translate or what exactly does the xyz and mno analogy imply? How many made up company names are we supposed to create? The names in Kenya and general EA region (where Swahili is most spoken) are quite diverse thus settling on 6 commons surnames might be quite hard. I propose we go with common English names of which we will gladly provide ASAP. PS: Please share the box files you shared with me on email with the other localizers cc-ed on the bug.
Attachment #8601888 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Updated file in r141242. In general, the brackets simply mean that you don't need to translate that literally, you need to provide what the string explains. Line 50: no need for brackets, it has to be a "normal" sentence. I replaced it with "Siku ya Kuzaliwa ya Fatuma", hopefully it's correct. Line 245: no need for brackets.
Stephen, please update the file again with fake names, company names and professions. It is best to consolidate it in this file. Next time when we have a 2.2 release, the screenshot might be slightly different, but you have all the content of older version in this set to leverage from. It would be difficult to trace back through bugs. As soon as you update the info, we will connect with Tannie, the graphic person to get this started. Thanks!
Attached file locamotion.txt (obsolete) —
Attachment #8603801 - Attachment is obsolete: true
File committed in r141338. Some more notes. You broke the encoding. Use a real text-editor (SublimeText for example is available on all platforms) and make sure you save the file as UTF-8. Also, keeping the original file name would be nice. The [] are back, I removed them again. Can you make sure you always start from the last version of the file on SVN? There are still a few strings missing: >Oct 1, Oct 20, Oct 31 >Fake message #1-3 relevant to the subject >Fake album title/band or artist #1-8
Stephen, I second what flod pointed out here. He usually cleans up the file with each of the commit. He lists the common issues he finds, so hopefully you don't make the same one next time when you commit. And of course the most important part is that you use the file he cleaned up so you are always working with the latest file when you make changes. + Tannie, please start image curation for this general area: Once done, we can share with Stephen for review and final selection of images.
Hi Tannie, Please go ahead with the screenshot localization while we wait for Stephen to get back with us on the three strings per comment #12.
Assignee: wanjaustev → tlow87
I'm on it!
Couldn't access the .lang file referenced in these comments, but I found this ( which led me to this: Developing screenshots now!
We changed the file for African locales during the week-end (variant B, using the four different strings that Matej suggested). If a link is broken, worth checking the containing folder Sorry for the confusion.
No problem! Love that I found that link, much easier to browse for these files!
Attached image 11-Contact_List-SW.png
Stephen, could you please use the attached '11-Contact_List-SW.png' as a reference to revise the list of names you provided? It doesn't have to be ABC, but please provide last names that will fit the group numbers. You see the first group has 3 names, then 2 names, then room for one more at the bottom. This really helps to keep the graphics looking nice! Thank you.
Attached image 17-Email_Reading.png
Also, I believe you may have directly translated what was in the brackets [] below. Instead, for this screen we need a made up subject line and message. Please reference the attached '17-Email_Reading.png' for further guidance. ---- # Screen 17 (Email Reading) ;Re: [fake subject, can pick one in screen #16] Re: [Ujumbe wa uongo, unaweza ukachukua moja katika dirisha #16] ;[fake message that corresponds to the subject] [ujumbe wa uongo unao ambatana na mada]
We're also going to need some messages for the attached '27-Messaging_Conversation.png'. This screen involves a short subject line at the top of each message, and three messages in conversation. Thanks!
Stephen, I have compiled a group of images that I believe could work well for the gallery and video screenshots for the East Africa region. Please review the following link, and let me know which images would ABSOLUTELY NOT work for this region: You can go ahead and remove the images from the Board that you don't see fit. Also, please feel free to add images to this Board that you think would work better. If you don't want to sign up for a Getty account, you can use this view-only link:
Attached file screenshots_sw (obsolete) —
The images are okay and they would all work to depict an African context. I will add more to the board once I find time to do so. I have worked on the text file to submit the names in an alphabetic manner as suggested in the screen-shots above. The fake message conversation too. Please review the new attachment and advise whether the names are now fine plus the fake message conversation. What about the fake musician/fake artist/album section? In deed this has to be the most confusing part of the project :)
Updated the file in r141606. Fake message: put it on one line, but I think you only need a few words, not the entire email ;-)
Stephen, Thank you for providing revisions based on new instruction. Now you know first hand why this is a time consuming project! For the album covers and fake artists, it turns out these are real ones and can only be used as such, no translations or it will violate usage right (legal matter). We will leave them as such. This is the case for all languages.
Attached file New strings
Finally I can say I cracked the project and so it ends? Or is there a pending item on ( save for any errors as I review the screen-shots. I have noted an error that I used a fake number with a prefix from an existing mobile career. This, I believe might be problematic if it is not the same career who will launch Firefox OS. Let me make the correction and upload new text file here. I have used a totally fake Mobile Service Provider.
Attachment #8605068 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8607360 - Attachment is obsolete: true
I committed the file in r141645. Besides the album/song titles, I'm still seeing a few strings missing
Attached image 11-Contact_List-SW.png (obsolete) —
Please review the attached '11-Contact_List-SW.png' and let me know if the names are acceptable.
Attachment #8607683 - Attachment is obsolete: true
My apologies Stephen - please used the attached '11-Contact_List-SW-small.png' to review the names. Thanks!
Hi Stephen, the set of images is ready for our first round of review: Please keep in mind the comments above, and check each screen to make sure the strings are correct and make sense. I really hope we can finalize the images in the next couple days, so if you'd like to edit/contribute to that Getty link posted earlier, please do soon! Thank you!!
Also, for a screen like '03-Calendar_Day-SW', could you provide translations for AM & PM?
I'm not sure how the phone displays the time, though I realize there are many phrases for the time of day:
I think we can go with AM and PM due to the space available on the screen. The words asubuhi (AM) and mchana (pm) wouldn't fit. I have gone to ( and I can only see a folder with English screenshots. I was expecting to see a folder with Swahili screenshots.
Stephen, please check against English screenshots for context for any remaining strings that still need to be localized. Check Swahili folder for the screenshots created so far and see if the localized strings you provided still make sense, any spelling mistakes, layout issue, etc.
Just updated all PNGs to include AM & PM. Stephen, that link you provided ( are the Swahili screenshots.
Attached image error_screenshot.png
On clicking the link ( I am getting an error as per attached screenshot. As you can see there is only one EN folder. On opening the folder there are English only screen-shots. Where is the folder with the Swahili screen-shots. I can only see one Swahili screenshot that was attached by @Tannie in comment 35.
Stephen, check again to see if you have access now, I just sent you the invite.
Sorry about that Stephen! The link should work now.
The links is working now. I am reviewing the scree-shots now.
Corrections I have spotted. 04-Calendar_Event-SW.png - Should be Tukio la siku nzima NOT Tukio la suki nzima 03-Calendar_Day-SW.png - Both the place where event will take place should be Chumba 801 and Chumba Ho 01-Browser-SW.png - Tumeunda Firefox ili kulinda na kuheshimu mambo yako ya siri kila wakati. 35-Video_List-SW.png - Is it possible to have the video descriptions/titles in Swahili? How did other languages do it? 27-Messaging_Conversation-SW.png - The prefix 0763 was taken up by a new telco in Kenya. We can use a new fake number like 0799 123456 21-Gallery_Thumbnails-SW.png - (typo) Februari 2015 15-Email_Compose-SW.png - Subject of email. Kupatana pamoja. 11-Contact_List-SW.png - (typo) Matunda Ltd not Matuna Ltd 10-Contact_Detail-SW.png - Contact called John while email address belongs to James belongs. I think email address can be changed to for consistence and in Peiying's words it makes the graphics look good. Additionally , the mobile phone number can be changed to 0799 123456
Thank you Stephen for the update. Once we are done with the screenshots, make sure these changes you provided are updated in the .lang file (pick up the latest from the SVN location to update the file). This way we can reuse them when we have newer version of the screenshots. You don't waste any of your previous work.
Tannie, hopefully you can update with corrections before the weekend so Stephen and team can take a look and sign off.
Flags: needinfo?(tlow87)
Stephen, I've updated screens 01, 03, 04, 10, 11, 15, 21, 27. Screen 35 - We're going to have you translate these strings after we choose new images for the gallery. Someone has made some great additions to the Getty board, so I hope to choose the final images we'll want to use for East Africa today - then we can do one more review process, and get those strings for screen 35 worked out!
Flags: needinfo?(tlow87)
Okay, I believe we could purchase just these 10 images: Our current photos can supplement this set to fill out the East Africa languages. Stephen, would you mind telling me which photos from the following screens you would find to be NOT appropriate to use for East Africa? Screens 6,18,20,21,35. This will help us to not have to purchase so many images. If you could provide the same advice for the contact list, that would be very helpful.
Tannie, How are the screens arranged in the box folder ( I counted six and the 6th one from my end doesn't have an image. Kindly clarify how the screens are arranged. Names of the screens you want me to check would be better.
Flags: needinfo?(tlow87)
Stephen, each of the files has a number in the file name. This is the number I am referencing.
Flags: needinfo?(tlow87)
I only need you to review the five mentioned in comment 45.
You got it. The images are good to go. Translations for screen 35 are as follows. Handmade arts and craft - Vifaa vya sanaa vilivyoundwa kwa mikono Out on the water - Huko baharini Soccer on the beach - Kandanda ufukoni Taking a break - Kuchukua muda wa kupumzika Otherwise find me at bug 1124894 :)
Just to be clear, the current screens you are looking at on Box ( were developed for West Africa. I was hoping you could let me know which photos from those 5 screens mentioned (6,18,20,21,35) you would suggest we update for East Africa. Are there any individuals, landscapes, colors/patterns, that we could replace to better represent East African culture?
Tannie, I know we have purchased a few more images. Other than images, is localization work done?
All the localization work should be done now. I was hoping to get some insight into the images that I should be replacing - I don't want to arbitrarily place the new photos. But I'll go ahead and add the imaegs Matej sent over into the Contact List and Gallery. Stephen - the last screens we revised were 01, 03, 04, 10, 11, 15, 21, 27. Can you confirm all of these are correct now?
@Tannie. The screens (01, 03, 04, 10, 11, 15, 21, 27.) are good to go as far as localisation is concerned and corrections I suggested have been made. I have also reviewed all the other screens for typos and mistakes as far as Swahili grammar goes. The West African images also fit well with what happens in East Africa too so I don't see a problem with reusing them as they are. Also kindly give access to ( to mneshkev at who is a fellow localizer. He will assist and thus make this process quicker. .
+ Please provide input ASAP so we know the screenshots are ready for release to the various teams waiting for them.
10, 11, 21 & 35 have been updated with a few new images. Everything should be good to go. Stephen, would you like to review them all one more time? SW:
Except screen 01, 31,25, 24 the others are good to go live. Screen 01 should read kuwa and not kua at the section with blue text. Screen 31 should read at the notification from Brenda dakika 1 iliyopita and not dakika 1 zilizopita. Screen 24 Date should read Machi 1 and not Mechi 1 Screen 25 Date should be Machi 1 and not Mechi 1
Screens 01, 24, 25, 31 have been updated: I'll consider these good to go, and the project final! Please be sure to update the lang file with your changes. Thanks!!
SW screens live on the Partner Portal: Uploading PSDs now.
Thanks everyone!!
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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