Closed Bug 1125128 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

e10s breaks Facebook photo uploader


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
e10s m6+ ---


(Reporter: gfritzsche, Assigned: handyman)



(Keywords: regression)

* Go to "photos" -> "create album"
* A flash photo uploader should pop up

With async plugin init preffed on, it doesn't appear.
Flags: needinfo?(aklotz)
Thanks for the report!
Blocks: asyncplugininit
No longer blocks: 998863
Flags: needinfo?(aklotz)
It works on Windows. I'll reboot into OS X and try it there.
Georg, can you please retest this now that bug 1123916 has landed?
Flags: needinfo?(gfritzsche)
Now it's broken independent of async plugin init.
It is working fine in non-e10s windows though.
No longer blocks: asyncplugininit
tracking-e10s: --- → ?
Flags: needinfo?(gfritzsche) → firefox-backlog+
Keywords: regression
Summary: Async plugin init breaks Facebook photo uploader → e10s breaks Facebook photo uploader
Assignee: nobody → davidp99
I can't reproduce this in today's mozilla-central nightly.  I first had to explicitly allow Facebook to "always" launch Flash.  After that I had no problems.  I tested in e10s mode, and with dom.ipc.plugins.asyncInit set to "true" (after restarting).

> * A flash photo uploader should pop up

What, precisely, does this mean?  I saw a native filepicker (presumably from Firefox), entitled "Select file(s) to upload to".  (I didn't actually do anything with the filepicker.  I just canceled out of it.)
I should mention that I tested on OS X 10.8.5, with a non-Retina display.
> I first had to explicitly allow Facebook to "always" launch Flash.

This turns out to be because I'd changed Flash to "always ask".  It doesn't happen with the default setting to "always activate" Flash.
(In reply to Steven Michaud from comment #5)
> I can't reproduce this in today's mozilla-central nightly.  I first had to
> explicitly allow Facebook to "always" launch Flash.  After that I had no
> problems.  I tested in e10s mode, and with dom.ipc.plugins.asyncInit set to
> "true" (after restarting).
> > * A flash photo uploader should pop up
> What, precisely, does this mean?  I saw a native filepicker (presumably from
> Firefox), entitled "Select file(s) to upload to". 
> (I didn't actually do anything with the filepicker.  I just canceled out of
> it.)

Indeed, thats the Flash filepicker i mean (it is visibly from Flash and not natively from Firefox on retina because its low DPI on the high DPI screen).
It seems to have started working in the last two or three weeks then, so closing WFM.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Plugin still crashes for me on 40.0a2 (2015-05-25)build.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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