Closed Bug 1128524 Opened 10 years ago Closed 6 years ago

[Loop] Follow up bug 1126234, once the headset is disconnected while in the call the sound is not heard through the speaker


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Loop, defect)

Gonk (Firefox OS)
Not set



tracking-b2g backlog


(Reporter: isabelrios, Unassigned, NeedInfo)


(Whiteboard: [Room1.1.1_Exploratory1])

Fire E 2.0
Latest master loop build b0fd16c

-User A has created and shared a room with user B.
-User A is listening to the radio
-User A joins the room (although it is reproducible also when user A is not in the room)
-User B joins the room and user A receives the notification 
-User A taps on the notification
-User A disconnects the headset

The headset button is active, the sound should go through the speaker

Although the speaker button is active, the sound is not heard through it.

Note: if the radio is not playing before, I cannot reproduce this issue.
Assignee: nobody → josea.olivera
As I can not find my headsets... one question, Isabel, does this issue reproduce in Loop 1.1.1 branch? 
I just was wondering if this issue was always there or it raised after landing bug 1126234 in master.
Thanks a lot!
Flags: needinfo?(isabelrios)
Hi Maria,

I just tested it and it is reproducible also in 1.1.1. Seems it was there before bug 1126234 landed but as it is not a common scenario to test it was not seen before.

Loop 1.1.1/66e46db
Flags: needinfo?(isabelrios)
Find the root cause of this issue. Well, let me explain it a bit. Basically the MozSpeakerManager API allows an app that its audio goes into the speaker and viceversa. The downside of this API is that if an app forces the use of the speaker not only audio from the app itself goes into the speaker but also audio from any other app. The issue in this bug only reproduces when both the radio and the FxOS Hello app are in use (FYI FxOS Hello app uses the MozSpeakerManager API). Folling the SRT by the time the user disconnects the headsets FxOS Hello app forces the use of the speaker but audio doesn't go into the speaker actually. This is because by the time the user disconnects the headsets the radio app also stop playing audio and the behaviour implemented by the MozSpeakerManager API which is the speaker manager plumbing forces the speaker to false (audio stops going into the speaker) when the radio app is in backgroung and stops playing audio.

Given that this is how the MozSpeakerManager is implemented (I guess we are not changing that behaiour for FxOS v2.0) and only happens when both the radio and the FxOS Hello app is in use I would suggest to resolve this bug as WONTFIX.

Randy, the way the API is implemented hits issues like the one explained above do you see any chance to change or improve it? Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(globelinmoz)
Hi Slee,
could you follow this?

Flags: needinfo?(globelinmoz) → needinfo?(slee)
I'm not working on this so I'm leaving it unassigned so someone else can work on it. Sorry. Thanks!
Assignee: jaoo → nobody
[Tracking Requested - why for this release]:
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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