Closed Bug 1128560 Opened 10 years ago Closed 4 months ago

Allow targeting more specific than country: state/province, DMA


(Content Services Graveyard :: Tiles, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kghim, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [story])

Goal: Create a targeting rule to deliver Directory Tiles to specific US state or Canada province on Desktop.

1. Clients with regional customer base or regional products have requested their Tile messaging be directed to specific US States and Canada Provinces.

2. This will increase sponsored tiles relevancy to a set of target audience without actually collecting data on them. Benefits Mozilla in generating revenue from partners.
OS: Mac OS X → All
Priority: -- → P3
Hardware: x86 → All
Whiteboard: [story]
We will need to be able to set a campaign on a state-by-state basis. 

We will need to be able to get geo resolution down to DMA level too
Summary: State/Province-level geo targeting → Allow targeting more specific than country: state/province, DMA
Reminder from the privacy/legal team: We only have the ok to get to the state level.
Blocks: 1140185
Blocks: 1145418
No longer blocks: 1140185
Depends on: 1167760, 1167761, 1167762
One interesting idea I had chatting with oyiptong is we could merge suggested tiles (tiles with adgroups) that match multiple geo levels, e.g., someone in california bay area gets suggestions for that DMA + california + US + STAR(?). And directory tiles (empty adgroup) are selected from the most specific geo resolution dma -> state -> country -> star.

We could do some round robin / random selection for directory tiles, e.g., 33% DMA or 33% state or 33% country to spread out the impressions so that a california sponsored directory tile doesn't forever override a US sponsored directory tile.

I'm assuming it's safer to be correct first than reaching the complete audience (meaning we might miss out on some california impressions if we chose to show US instead).
Assignee: nobody → tspurway
Points: --- → 8
tspurway, are you taking on both the onyx (bug 1167760) and splice (bug 1167762) bugs for this feature?
Assignee: tspurway → nobody
Points: 8 → ---
Blocks: 1172713
No longer blocks: 1145418
oyiptong, will this feature be implemented just for Suggested Tiles or for Directory Tiles as well?
Flags: needinfo?(oyiptong)
This would apply to both
Flags: needinfo?(oyiptong)
This story is blocked by the development of Splice 1.2.
Blocks: 1189754
No longer blocks: 1172713
Closed: 4 months ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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