Closed Bug 1137703 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Clicking Face/audio mute icons on mobile link clicker UI behaves improperly


(Hello (Loop) :: Client, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)

backlog parking-lot


(Reporter: RT, Unassigned)



How to reproduce: 1 Point Firefox to the loop-webapp-demo.stage server 2 Generate a URL and click it on Fennec 3 Join a conversation and click the mute buttons. The enabled button turns sometimes grey or sometimes blue. Expected result: When enabled the audio or video mute buttons turn blue are the micro/camera get striked per the desktop client UX so it's obvious to the user what state he's in.
Blocks: 1115380
Blocks: 1141493
Dan, is it worth keeping this bug now, since it was about the demo we did a while ago?
Flags: needinfo?(dmose)
Mark, let's hang onto it for a bit yet, at least until we decide whether any of the code can be reused.
Flags: needinfo?(dmose)
Ok, putting as super-low priority in the parking lot, until we decide.
backlog: --- → parking-lot
Priority: -- → P5
I am marking this as WON'T FIX since we're going through a visual refresh (bug 1179164). Following the visual refresh we'll mobile optimize the new visuals therefore making this bug not relevant anymore (bug 1141493).
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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