Closed Bug 1141493 Opened 10 years ago Closed 8 years ago

[User story] As a mobile user, I want the clicker UI to look good


(Hello (Loop) :: Client, defect, P4)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: shell, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [mobile])

User Story

As a mobile user, I want the clicker UI to look good.  This is a new bug to track taking the work done for MWC from a staging server to release.


Acceptance criteria:
* Mobile/Tablet layout triggered with the following break points:
     * 320: Smartphone Portrait
     * 481: Smartphone Landscape
     * 768 Tablet Portrait 
     * 961: Tablet Landscape
* The difference between tablet and mobile designs is that some areas are expandable and other areas are fixed, the layout is the same between mobile and tablet form factors
* The Link Clicker UI and the Desktop Popped-out version are the same and should use a lot of the same code. So if the Link Clicker UI breaks down according to window size, those same responsive breaks should exist in the popped-out desktop.
* Support required on Firefox for Android, Chrome for Android, Opera for Android.
* UX supported in landscape and portrait mode
* When on Android but on a non supported browser, the user should be offered to download Firefox for Android

Note: The UX refers to the ability to swap cameras when in a conversation, this is not part of this bug and will be addressed in bug 1122040
This is a new bug to track taking the work done for MWC from a staging server to release and availability on Android. We did complete the work for MWC in bug 115380 - so renaming that bug and moving the user story to continue on. Not sure when this bug should come in our priority list. The work remaining is to see if the CSS changes we did for mobile are isolated or if they break any of the desktop functionality. Involves how we handle CSS and also Android testing.
Flags: firefox-backlog+
Depends on: 1119047, 115380
Depends on: 1137703
Shell, we have it on the roadmap aligned with the Fx38 GA release, i.e Fx40 development timelines.
Hardware: x86 → All
Rank: 35
moved up after talking with RT. Dan is going to give an estimate after the opentok bug - as will likely get some ideas from that. Seeing 15% of link clickers coming from Android - so don't want to let the improvements for MWC bit rots before being merged. There is CSS strategy that needs to be determined to do the integration.
Rank: 35 → 26
Priority: P3 → P2
Depends on: 1083779
User Story: (updated)
No longer depends on: 1083779
Depends on: 1138453
Blocks: 1179163
No longer blocks: loop_mvp
Rank: 26 → 28
Rank: 28 → 24
Rank: 24 → 27
Lowering the priority since we decided to drop mobile support for now.
Rank: 27 → 45
Priority: P2 → P4
Support for Hello/Loop has been discontinued. Hence closing the old bugs. Thank you for your support.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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