Closed Bug 1142589 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[Loop] Adapt FxOS Loop client to room name parameter changes for context in conversations


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::Loop, defect, P2)




tracking-b2g backlog


(Reporter: standard8, Unassigned)



      No description provided.
Bug 1141105 is implementing server-side changes for how roomName is handled in room information - it will be encrypted and saved as part of the context about a room.

See here for background information:

There's a transition plan in place - see bug 1141105 comment 2, obviously the FxOS client will need to update for these changes to be able to continue setting and viewing the roomName.
Blocks: 1115340
Depends on: 1141105
See Also: → 1141133, 1142522
Summary: [Loop → [Loop] Adapt FxOS Loop client to room name parameter changes for context in conversations
Hi Maria,

Is there anyone that could look at this bug on FxOS?  There's a new feature (Implement ability to add context to conversations - bug 1115340) that will require changes in the server API.  See Mark's comments for the change and timing.
Flags: needinfo?(oteo)
Priority: -- → P2
Flags: needinfo?(oteo)
Thanks Shell for raising this issue, unfortunately and for the time being, there are not plans to continue releasing more versions of FxOS Loop Client so the team is not working on the application anymore.

As you know the FxOS Loop Client has been only released in Germany because of the commercial agreements. If the server changes do not affect those users I think there is nothing we should do. If the changes affect those uses (I have not seen any target milestone in the bugs), I'd like Product team to evaluate them (adding ni to Romain).
Flags: needinfo?(rtestard)
Maria, my understanding is that this change will affect FxOS client users - this will cause them not to see room names since it will now be data encrypted on the server requiring client side mechanisms to decrypt it.

Per the timelines are:
- When a 39 client finds a room with a roomName, it copies it into the encrypted context and leaves it on the room. Changes to the room name are written to both the roomName and the context fields.
- In 40, we change this behavior so that any context changes instead set roomName to something like "Upgrade Firefox to see room names."
- Sometime in the 41-42 timeframe, we update the server to stop using the roomName field altogether.
Flags: needinfo?(rtestard)
Blocks: 1166283
[Tracking Requested - why for this release]:
I am closing this now since we have no plans to onward develop the FxOS client at the moment.
If we pick this up again we should have an exhaustive review of all broken items besides just this one.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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