Closed Bug 1152445 Opened 9 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Macintosh address autocomplete hangs


(MailNews Core :: LDAP Integration, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: geek2go, Unassigned)



(Keywords: hang, regression, regressionwindow-wanted, Whiteboard: [regression:TB2?][not an addon])

User Agent: iCab/5.5 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X)

Steps to reproduce:

In Thunderbird 31.6.0 running on OS X 10.10.2 (Yosemite) on a MacBook Pro, when I go to compose a new message, if I type characters into the “To:” field at any speed faster than “Molasses in January”, Thunderbird freezes, and I have to force quit and restart it, and then enter the address way… more… slowly… to be able to compose a message.

I should also note that I have LDAP lookups enabled, and the connection to the LDAP server is encrypted with SSL.

Also, this behaviour seems to have changed with release 24.8.0. Up until then, I never saw this happening.

Actual results:

Thunderbird freezes, and never unfreezes (I have left it alone for up to half an hour, but nothing changes).

Expected results:

I should just be able to type in the name and get a match, then proceed to compose my message.
This bug is about a freeze and a crash so "critical" is a better choice for Importance.

Also, I think this one could be really a dupe of some other bug. I am going to do a research now.
Severity: normal → critical
Keywords: hang
The hang actually occurs even when an LDAP account is not enabled. I've had it happen when I start to type a portion of an address that's in my local address book as well. It happens frequently enough that it hurts productivity and causes loss of data at times.
I too have had the same problem for quite some time, both with addresses from my LDAP account and with local addresses.  It completely hangs Thunderbird, and my only resort is to Force Quit Thunderbird and restart the program.  I experience the problem maybe 2 or 3 times each day, unless, like the first person, I remember to type as "slowly as Molasses in January."  I really lose productivity as a result of this.  I was sure this would have been so obvious that it would have been fixed several weeks ago, but finally, there is a bug report about the problem.
I think there was a bug fix for LDAP crash recently?
Flags: needinfo?(syshagarwal)
(In reply to :aceman from comment #4)
> I think there was a bug fix for LDAP crash recently?

Ya, LDAP crash was addressed in bug 1064230. But I am not sure if it fixes the problem for this bug reporter. Also, comment 2 says another story of autocomplete hanging even without the LDAP.

Flags: needinfo?(syshagarwal)
(In reply to :aceman from comment #4)
> I think there was a bug fix for LDAP crash recently?

I had hoped that patch would solve this issue, but it didn’t, so I’m guessing that the problem I’m running into must be something else.
rkent landed another crash fix for AB on bug 1152364 , so, if someone can try the latest daily, we can know whether this crash issue still exists.

(In reply to Suyash Agarwal (:sshagarwal) (away till 19th of May) from comment #7)
> rkent landed another crash fix for AB on bug 1152364 , so, if someone can
> try the latest daily, we can know whether this crash issue still exists.
> Thanks.

Does it work for you in version 38?
Component: Untriaged → LDAP Integration
Flags: needinfo?(geek2go)
Product: Thunderbird → MailNews Core
I upgraded to version 38 last night on my Mac. This morning I started typing in the first part of an address and TB hung, so no change. Sigh.
Mark, please post here your crash ID (which you can find in Help/Troubleshooting Information)
It hung again a short while ago, so this is the latest information.

  Application Basics

    Name: Thunderbird
    Version: 38.0.1
    User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.9; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.0.1
    Profile Folder: Show in Finder
    Application Build ID: 20150608103712
    Enabled Plugins: about:plugins
    Build Configuration: about:buildconfig
    Memory Use: about:memory

  Crash Reports (7/9/14) (10/21/13) (12/3/12) (11/13/12) (7/9/12)

    Lightning,, true, {e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}
    Mail Redirect, 0.8.5, true, {CC3C233D-6668-41bc-AAEB-F3A1D1D594F5}
    Toggle Word Wrap, 1.9.1-signed, true, {cafe3945-058e-47e3-87f8-75bc120b9638}
    Certificate Patrol,, false, CertPatrol@PSYC.EU
    Enigmail, 1.8.2, false, {847b3a00-7ab1-11d4-8f02-006008948af5}
    Quote Colors, 0.3, false, {B274D460-4DF9-454c-AC69-CA71398D7498}

  Important Modified Preferences

    Name: Value

      accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar: 0
      browser.cache.disk.capacity: 10240
      browser.cache.disk.smart_size_cached_value: 358400
      browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run: false
      browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max: false
      extensions.lastAppVersion: 38.0.1
      font.internaluseonly.changed: true Times
      font.size.variable.x-western: 14
      mail.openMessageBehavior.version: 1
      mail.spotlight.firstRunDone: true e472fb9c-5f9b-844a-964d-fa41a58348a
      network.cookie.cookieBehavior: 1
      network.cookie.prefsMigrated: true
      network.predictor.cleaned-up: true
      places.database.lastMaintenance: 1434550531
      places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages: 104858
      plugin.importedState: true
      plugin.state.hpvirtualrooms-plugin: 0
      plugin.state.iphotophotocast: 0
      plugin.state.officelivebrowserplugin: 0
      privacy.donottrackheader.enabled: true


      Vendor ID: 0x8086
      Device ID: 0x 166
      WebGL Renderer: false
      GPU Accelerated Windows: 2/2 OpenGL

      AzureCanvasBackend: quartz
      AzureSkiaAccelerated: 0
      AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: none
      AzureContentBackend: quartz


  Incremental GC: 1


    Activated: 0
    Prevent Accessibility: 0

  Library Versions

      Expected minimum version
      Version in use


      3.18.1 Basic ECC
      3.18.1 Basic ECC

      NSS Util

      NSS SSL
      3.18.1 Basic ECC
      3.18.1 Basic ECC

      NSS S/MIME
      3.18.1 Basic ECC
      3.18.1 Basic ECC
I updated to TB 38.0.1 today, and then promptly got another hang, so I, too, have to report that the bug hasdn't been squashed yet.
Flags: needinfo?(geek2go)
The thought beletedly occurred to me that one or more of the add-ons I'm running might have something to do with this, so he's what I have:

British English Dictionary 1.19.1
Certificate Patrol
Display Mail User Agent 1.7.0
ImportExportTools 3.2.1 (I could probably ditch this. In fact, I think I will.)
Mail Redirect 0.8.5
Signature Switch 1.6.13
Version: 31 → 38
(In reply to Geek to Go from comment #13)
> The thought beletedly occurred to me that one or more of the add-ons I'm
> running might have something to do with this, so he's what I have:
> British English Dictionary 1.19.1
> Certificate Patrol
> Display Mail User Agent 1.7.0
> EditHMTL
> ImportExportTools 3.2.1 (I could probably ditch this. In fact, I think I
> will.)
> Lightning
> Mail Redirect 0.8.5
> Signature Switch 1.6.13

I wouldn't think that any of those would cause problems with ldap autocomplete. But
- have you tested with most of them disabled?
- is 38.2.0 any better?
Flags: needinfo?(geek2go)
See Also: → 1064230
38.2.0 made no difference, but I finally got around to disabling all my add-ons, and then re-enabling them one by one. I had

Certificate Patrol
Signature Switch 1.6.13

back on, and things seemed to be working fine. But as soon as I re-enabled

Mail Redirect 0.8.7

the problem reappeared. I don’t know enough to know whether Mail Redirect itself is the problem, or some interaction of Mail Redirect and one of the other add-ons. But if it’s Mail Redirect, that’s kind of a bummer, because I use it all the time. (People will insist on writing to me directly instead of to the helpdesk like they’re supposed to.)
Flags: needinfo?(geek2go)
I'm the developer of Mail Redirect and I'd like to fix this if it's indeed a Mail Redirect problem. Only problem is that I can't reproduce it on my Windows system or on my virtual Mac OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion.
Maybe someone can file a bug on and give me more information on the regression range for Thunderbird. I'm also interested if this bug occurs with older versions of Mail Redirect, like Mail Redirect 0.8.3 or 0.8.4, which can be downloaded from
In my private mail I was told that this hang also occurs with Mail Redirect disabled by Greg Slade [:Geek to Go] and Mark Petterson, so Mail Redirect isn't the culprit after all.

It would be good to know if this problem really only exists on Mac OS X and if so, on what version of Mac OS X. And it would also be great if someone could find the regression range. Greg said it started with Thunderbird 24.8.

I don't know how easy it is to reproduce this bug, but when it happens consistently when you type an address too fast it might be easy to reproduce and the regression range can be easily found with mozregression <>
This is still occurring in Mac OS X 10.9.5, TB 38.3.0
please post your crash IDs. Thanks
Flags: needinfo?(geek2go)
Flags: needinfo?(dlweller5678)
From what I gathered Thunderbird doesn't crash, but hangs instead. It becomes unresponsive and stays that way. Maybe first wait on the needinfo, but I think this bug's summary should be changed…
Ah, right. The crash IDs in comment 11 are probably unrelated
Summary: Thunderbird for Macintosh crashes on LDAP lookup → Thunderbird for Macintosh hangs on LDAP lookup
Restatement of questions to all of you who see this bug:

* Is it a regression for you, i.e. is there a release for which this did not happen for you?
* Are you able to reproduce on a machine other than Mac?
* Does it happen if ldap address book directory lookup is DISABLED in preferences | composition | addressing
Whiteboard: [not a crash][not an addon]
> * Is it a regression for you, i.e. is there a release for which this did not
> happen for you?

For me, the problem started with release 24.8.0. Previous versions didn’t have the problem.

> * Are you able to reproduce on a machine other than Mac?

I only have a Mac, but I’ve never heard of this problem happening on any other platform.

> * Does it happen if ldap address book directory lookup is DISABLED in
> preferences | composition | addressing

Yes, it does.

Flags: needinfo?(geek2go)
Thanks Greg. That's the kind of information that can move us forward. Sorry I missed your earlier reference to 24.8.0.  

> if I type characters into the “To:” field at any speed faster than “Molasses in January”, Thunderbird freezes
Can you qualify this please in terms of actual number of seconds per character or characters per second - roughly?
In terms of effect, does it mean "typing fast enough that auto complete doesn't make a suggestion while typing"?

Those who see the problem only with LDAP should refer to bug 727883, bug 975380, or bug 373167
Flags: needinfo?(geek2go)
Summary: Thunderbird for Macintosh hangs on LDAP lookup → Macintosh address autocomplete hangs
Whiteboard: [not a crash][not an addon] → [regression:TB2?][not a crash][not an addon]
>> if I type characters into the “To:” field at any speed faster than “Molasses in January”,
>> Thunderbird freezes

> Can you qualify this please in terms of actual number of seconds per
> character or characters per second - roughly?

Back in the dark ages, I was once tested as typing at 44 wpm. I may have gotten a little faster since, but I’m probably still well below the average typing speed, so when I say “slow” I mean “really, really slow”.

> In terms of effect, does it mean "typing fast enough that auto complete
> doesn't make a suggestion while typing"?
Autocomplete does usually pop up with a suggestion, but then T-Bird hangs, so the suggestion doesn’t change as I type more (for that matter, neither do the contents of the “To:” field).

Flags: needinfo?(geek2go)
If this still happens on Thunderbird 45.1...

To reiterate, most of us helping you in the bug reports don't have Macs. So we really need someone in this bug report to find a regression range for us. should make it easy.
Flags: needinfo?(markpatt2001)
Flags: needinfo?(geek2go)
Whiteboard: [regression:TB2?][not a crash][not an addon] → [regression:TB2?][not an addon]
Yes, it happened again this morning, so the bug is still not fixed.

Flags: needinfo?(geek2go)
> should make it easy.

I don’t think that word means what you think it means.
I noticed that the release notes for 45.4.0 include a fix for a bug called "Recipient addresses were shown in red despite being inserted from the address book in some circumstances." I had noticed that at the same time that the lookup freezes started occurring, but didn't report it since it bothered me. So, as soon as I installed 45.4.0, I deliberately tried to crash it by typing something very quickly into the "To:" field, and instead of crashing, it let me backspace and carry on. So, pending confirmation from others who have experienced the same bug, this one might be fixed now, too.

Sorry, that should have read "didn't report it since it didn't bother me".
WFM per comment 30
Closed: 7 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(markpatt2001)
Flags: needinfo?(dlweller5678)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
See Also: → 975380, 373167
Sorry. I spoke too soon. It still happens. It happened this morning in 52.6.0. It's just not as common as it was when I first reported it. I have noticed that it's more likely to crash if I make a typo while entering an address and hit the delete (backspace) key to try to fix it.
(In reply to Geek to Go from comment #33)
> Sorry. I spoke too soon. It still happens. It happened this morning in
> 52.6.0. It's just not as common as it was when I first reported it. I have
> noticed that it's more likely to crash if I make a typo while entering an
> address and hit the delete (backspace) key to try to fix it.

Still fails for you?
Flags: needinfo?(geek2go)
Sorry for the delayed reply. This only strikes occasionally, and I can go for days or even weeks without it happening, but it happened again this morning, so, yes, I can report that Thunderbird 52.9.1 is still affected.
It happened again this morning. Here's the Troubleshooting information. (I notice that there are no crash logs for the last two crashes. I have to Force Quit T-bird every time this happens, so possibly the freeze is somehow keeping it from making crash reports.)

  Application Basics

    Name: Thunderbird
    Version: 52.9.1
    User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.13; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.9.1
    Profile Folder: Show in Finder
    Application Build ID: 20180709124824
    Enabled Plugins: about:plugins
    Build Configuration: about:buildconfig
    Memory Use: about:memory
    Profiles: about:profiles

  Mail and News Accounts
      INCOMING: account1, , (none) Local Folders, plain, passwordCleartext

      INCOMING: account5, , (pop3), SSL, passwordCleartext
      OUTGOING: ,, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext, true
      OUTGOING: ,, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext, false
      OUTGOING: ,, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext, false
      OUTGOING: ,, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext, false

      INCOMING: account6, , (pop3), SSL, passwordCleartext
      OUTGOING: ,, SSL, passwordCleartext, true

      INCOMING: account11, , (pop3) [REDACTED]:995, SSL, passwordCleartext
      OUTGOING: , [REDACTED]:587, alwaysSTARTTLS, passwordCleartext, true

      INCOMING: account16, , (imap) [REDACTED]:993, SSL, passwordCleartext
      OUTGOING: , [REDACTED]:465, SSL, passwordCleartext, true

      INCOMING: account17, , (imap) [REDACTED]:993, SSL, passwordCleartext
      OUTGOING: , [REDACTED]:465, SSL, passwordCleartext, true

  Crash Reports (2018-05-07) (2018-03-13) (2017-04-11) (2015-12-03) (2015-12-03)

    Certificate Patrol, 2.0.16, true, CertPatrol@PSYC.EU
    Display Mail User Agent, 1.7.0, true, {F8147CF4-B9E3-445B-AA87-081ED66548F8}
    EditHtml,, true, {4a104f95-6584-4f9d-81cf-8071c43d5510}
    Lightning,, true, {e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}
    Mail Redirect, 0.9.6, true, {CC3C233D-6668-41bc-AAEB-F3A1D1D594F5}
    Signature Switch, 1.6.16, true, {2ab1b709-ba03-4361-abf9-c50b964ff75d}

  Important Modified Preferences

    Name: Value

      accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar: 0
      browser.cache.disk.capacity: 5120
      browser.cache.disk.filesystem_reported: 1
      browser.cache.disk.smart_size.enabled: false
      browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run: false
      browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max: false
      extensions.lastAppVersion: 52.9.1
      font.internaluseonly.changed: true
      font.minimum-size.x-western: 12
      font.size.variable.x-western: 12
      general.useragent.extra.mnenhy: Mnenhy/0.8.4
      mail.openMessageBehavior.version: 1
      mail.spotlight.firstRunDone: true abf50865-e501-f240-8de3-57fa5f93507 {"threadCol":{"visible":true,"ordinal":"1"},"flaggedCol":{"visible":true,"ordinal":"21"},"attachmentCol":{"visible":fals… 1
      network.cookie.cookieBehavior: 2
      network.cookie.prefsMigrated: true
      network.predictor.cleaned-up: true
      places.database.lastMaintenance: 1537468691
      places.history.enabled: false
      places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages: 122334
      plugin.importedState: true
      plugin.state.adobepdfviewernpapi: 0
      plugin.state.citrixonlinewebdeploymentplugin: 0
      plugin.state.flash: 0
      plugin.state.iphotophotocast: 0
      plugin.state.quicktime plugin: 0
      plugin.state.vseedetection_x: 0
      plugin.state.webex: 0
      print.macosx.pagesetup-2: PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiPz4KPCFET0NUWVBFIHBsaXN0IFBVQkxJQyAiLS8vQXBwbGUvL0RURCBQTElTVCAxLjAvL0VO…
      privacy.sanitize.timeSpan: 0
      security.disable_button.openCertManager: false
      security.disable_button.openDeviceManager: false
      security.enable_java: false
      security.OCSP.disable_button.managecrl: false
      security.sandbox.content.tempDirSuffix: {89f28010-9f45-5b45-b8b0-a667be34ec7f}


      GPU #1
      Vendor ID: 0x8086
      Device ID: 0x0166

      WebGL Renderer: Intel Inc. -- Intel HD Graphics 4000 OpenGL Engine -- 2.1 INTEL-10.36.19

      AzureCanvasBackend: skia
      AzureCanvasAccelerated: 0
      AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: none
      AzureContentBackend: skia
      TileHeight: 512
      TileWidth: 512


  Incremental GC: 1


    Activated: 0
    Prevent Accessibility: 0

  Library Versions

      Expected minimum version
      Version in use



      NSS Util

      NSS SSL

      NSS S/MIME
Flags: needinfo?(geek2go)
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