Closed Bug 1165136 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Remove `public` keywords from ChangeVerifier interface


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(firefox42 fixed)

Firefox 42
Tracking Status
firefox42 --- fixed


(Reporter: mcomella, Assigned: gioyik, Mentored)


(Whiteboard: [lang=java][good first bug])


(1 file)^[^\0]*%24&hitlimit=&tree=mozilla-central

Intellij tells me it's redundant for interface methods!

To start, set up a build environment - you can see the instructions here:

The code you would be fixing are in our Robocop test framework, so you'll need to set that up too:

When you make changes in the mobile/android/tests/browser/robocop directory, you should only need to recompile Robocop, not the entire browser, for these changes.

While you're developing, I recommend running just a single test at a time because the full robocop test suite takes a long time to run (at least 30 minutes).

If you need any help, you can reply to this bug, or feel free to message me on IRC - my nick is "mcomella" and you can find me in #mobile. If you need IRC setup instructions, see

Thanks and happy coding! ^_^

I am new to Mozilla community. I'd like to take this one for my first bug. Can you assign it to me? Thank you :)
Hieu - go for it! I've assigned it to you. Let us know if you have any questions by clicking the "Need More Information" box at the bottom of this bug, and picking a mentor.
Assignee: nobody → ltronghieu1989
Flags: needinfo?(mhoye)
Hey, Hieu - if you have a question, you should add your question to the comment box and then add the "Need more information from" flag.

Is there a specific question you have?
Flags: needinfo?(mhoye) → needinfo?(ltronghieu1989)
Hi Michael,

Can you show me how to import Java project for the directory /mobile/android/tests/browser/robocop? I used to work with .sln or .vcxproj files (From Visual Studio for C/C++). I don't know if there is any backend build for Java to support this kind of thing here? Please advise
Flags: needinfo?(ltronghieu1989) → needinfo?(michael.l.comella)
(In reply to Hieu Le from comment #4)
> Can you show me how to import Java project for the directory
> /mobile/android/tests/browser/robocop? I used to work with .sln or .vcxproj
> files (From Visual Studio for C/C++). I don't know if there is any backend
> build for Java to support this kind of thing here? Please advise

Unfortunately, the only IDEs we currently support are Intellij (preferred) and Eclipse. See [1] for setup instructions. You're welcome to try getting your IDE of choice to import our project, but we will be unable to help you if things go wrong. Note that our project layout is non-standard and has several pre-processed files so this could be difficult. If you attempt to use a different IDE and have questions about the build system specifically, nalexander is the person to ask.

On that note, you mentioned Visual Studio - are you running Windows? As far as I know, we don't support building directly on Windows. Instead, we recommend that Windows users build in a Linux VM. One dev, capella, has some experience with this.

Flags: needinfo?(michael.l.comella)
Thank you for the respond.
I will try the link to setup for the work.
the command ./mach ide intellij didn't work for me. It says:
"./mach: line 9 exec: python: not found"
Do you know if I missed something there?
(In reply to Hieu Le from comment #7)
> the command ./mach ide intellij didn't work for me. It says:
> "./mach: line 9 exec: python: not found"
> Do you know if I missed something there?

It seems like you do not have a Python interpreter installed. On Linux you can install Python using your favorite package manager. On MacOS X python should be pre-installed. If you are using Windows: You can download a Python interpreter from but building Fennec is not yet supported on Windows according to the wiki[1] and bug 1169873. For general help building Fennec (and faster help, at least on working days depending on timezone) try joining the irc chat: #mobile on (See [2]).

Attached patch 1165136.patchSplinter Review
Attachment #8637652 - Flags: review?(mhaigh)
Attachment #8637652 - Flags: review?(michael.l.comella)

I attached a patch for this bug. Could you review it and tell me if is ok?

Hieu, I'm going to reassign this to Giovanny due to inactivity - let me know if you'd like another bug to work on.
Assignee: ltronghieu1989 → gioyik
Comment on attachment 8637652 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 8637652 [details] [diff] [review]:

Same deal as bug 1183902 comment 6 - add the "checkin-needed" keyword when the push goes green.
Attachment #8637652 - Flags: review?(michael.l.comella)
Attachment #8637652 - Flags: review?(mhaigh)
Attachment #8637652 - Flags: review+
Treeherder is green! Let's celebrate! :)
Keywords: checkin-needed
Thank you Michael for the feedback. If there are more bugs to work on, I will be glad to work on them :)
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 42
Hey, Giovanny.

Perhaps you'd like to try bug 1128561 for back-end or bug 1091826 for front-end?
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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