Closed Bug 1175938 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Upgrade tester image's glibc to >= 2.17 (or base it on later version of Ubuntu)


(Taskcluster :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ahal, Unassigned)



I'm trying to get tests running, but Firefox aborts with the following: firefox: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.17' not found (required by /home/worker/build/application/firefox/firefox) Example log: I've confirmed that the "tester" image only has glibc version 2.15 installed. I don't know how to update it other than basing the base image on something later than Ubuntu 12.04.
Jonas, do you have any ideas on the best way to proceed? Seems my options are: 1) Figure out how to upgrade glibc in ubuntu 12.04 (seems this may be difficult without breaking things) 2) Use a later version of ubuntu for the tester image 3) Create a separate base image specifically for desktop firefox tests
Flags: needinfo?(jopsen)
seems like the best thing would be to move to a newer image and identify the common packages needed for a linux tester for both b2g and desktop firefox. We can then just inherit from that and diverge for specific b2g and firefox needs. I'm not aware of the common needs between each, but more than willing to dig in and help build that out.
I find it a little strange that firefox has this error, but b2g-desktop doesn't. I wonder if there is some difference in how they were built that would account for it. Is there a particular reason we're using Ubuntu 12.04 instead of 14.04 or even 15.04? Upgrading the base Ubuntu image we use would be the easiest way to fix this, though I guess that could impact the tests. But your plan sounds good to me. Aside from this issue, the only other difference I've found so far is bug 1176031.
Flags: needinfo?(jopsen)
Talked to Morgan, the build is using a later version of Ubuntu as an image, so that firefox was built with a later version of glibc. Our options are to upgrade the tester image or downgrade the builder image. I'll try upgrading the tester, if that blows up with too many test failures, Morgan said she'd downgrade the builder.
We talked about this in another bug, but this is kind of important and we shouldn't wallpaper it. If we change the minimum required version of glibc for Firefox that impacts the systems that our builds will run on, so we should be making an explicit decision there! We probably need to fix the TC builds to link against an older glibc.
bug 1164617 comment 3 was the discussion I was remembering.
The fix for this is bug 1179818.
In fact, I'd consider this a dupe..
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Note that with bug 1179805 landed, that tc build would have failed in the first place.
Component: TaskCluster → General
Product: Testing → Taskcluster
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla41
Version: unspecified → Trunk
Resetting Version and Target Milestone that accidentally got changed...
Target Milestone: mozilla41 → ---
Version: Trunk → unspecified
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