Closed Bug 1177423 Opened 9 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Revise Tab Queue Toast


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mhaigh, Unassigned)



As discussed as part of a V2 for Tab Queue we should revise the Tab Queue toast to make it more obvious.  We can use this opportunity to also create a UI which will aloow us to add extra actions to the overlay (open in private tab etc)
antlam: can you supply some mockups?
Flags: needinfo?(alam)

I have the designs underway but apart from opening in a private tab, what else did we discuss? I need you to jog my memory a bit! I'll also have to figure out how this would affect "Open external links in PB" if the user has that turned on as well.
Flags: needinfo?(mhaigh)
From our meeting:

We discussed that we disliked that the tab queue toast wasn't obvious enough, it can get lost in other UI and there's nothing about it which gets your attention.  We agreed that it'd be better to add some animation to the toast appearing, to draw the eye.

We discussed the pros and cons of two options:

1, Having a chatheads style notification which is always onscreen (from the time you queue your first tab to the time you open Fx).  This notification would display some contextual info (number of tabs queued for example) and when you press it, it'd display some other options such as "Open all tabs now", "Open all tabs in PB", "Disable TQ for <time>".  As with chatheads, you'd be able to reposition the toast or drag it to an X which would hide it for the time being.  

2, A toast which hides after <x> seconds unless interacted with together with a notification which would provide longer term options.  If the user touches the toast then it displays more options, such as "Open  now", "Open now in PB", "Disable TQ for <time>" and the notification would provide similar options and act as a backup if the user needed to interact with the TQ whilst the toast wasn't onscreen.

The idea is to have something small on-screen to give the user just enough info at the right time which they can interact with if wanted, or ignore.  With both these options there's a path to display more info once the user has interacted with the toast, such as the queued urls and other features which we currently don't have, thus future proofing.
Flags: needinfo?(mhaigh)
Assignee: mhaigh → nobody
Flags: needinfo?(alam)
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Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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