Closed Bug 1178756 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

[ServiceWorkers] Create performance test plan


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)

FxOS-S2 (10Jul)


(Reporter: arcturus, Assigned: salva)



We have a meta bug for tracking performance in SW: With some bugs assigned. We also need to create a series of performance test to measure and share this data with the DOM content team.
Target Milestone: --- → FxOS-S2 (10Jul)
Taking to ensure we talk about this before the end of the spring (i.e. today)
Assignee: nobody → salva
# Service Worker & ServiceWorkerWare performance measurements Notice these measurements demonstrate only the local increase in time. This should be multiplied by the average time for applications using this technology. ## Related to service worker impact on the main loop The intention is to determine the cost for the main loop into create the service worker and see if there is an impact on the max FPS (60fps). 1. Measure the time to send an intercepted XHR. These tests should be done for single-core and dual-core devices. Curves for multicore would be nice-to-have for the remaining measurements. ## Related to client requests for resources We are going to measure a complete request which includes waking the worker up overhead but this should be the average use case. So we should ensure that each request awakes the worker. 1. Measure image simple request (non cached). 2. Measure image simple request (cached in http cache / pinned cache). 3. Measure image intercepted request (stored as base64 in the sw). 4. Measure image intercepted request (in an offline cache). 5. Measure image intercepted request (via sww, base64). 6. Measure image intercepted request (via sww, offline cache). Repeat the tests ensuring the sw in running so we can measure times without creation overhead as well. Not counting this time is possible. Same tests must be performed from XHR and fetch() instead of resources. ## Related to communications via post message NOTE: Don't know if needed since [there are performance measures]( for this but related with workers in general. Now we are going to measure communication between client and sw and viceversa. Again, this measures should include the waking up overhead. 1. Measure sending a small payload to the sw. 2. Measure sending a big payload to the sw and see the available bandwith. 3. Measure sending a small payload to the client. 4. Measure sending a big payload to the client and see the available bandwith. Repeat without taking into account waking up overhead. ## Related to client request and focused on SWW 1. Model the time response based on the number of middleware plugged in the worker. 2. Characterize memory / time consumption of the different algorithms for SWW. ## Related to service workers 1. Time to perform .clone() 2. Time to store a response (can be measured from Content) 3. Time to get a response (can be measured from Content) 4. Measure the average life time of a sw
Comment #2 presents the overview of the performance test plan for Service Workers and Service Worker Ware, this overview will be translated to a metabug and specific bugs in the Sprint Planning next Monday, July, 10th. Apart from the bugs derived from the planning. It is necessary to define a testing methodology to allow multiple developers to take care of the different bugs at the same time it's ensured we are measuring all the same way. This specific task will be open as another different bug next Monday too. We have opted to not use Raptor because its maturity state, in an attempt to avoid introducing noise both in measurements and methodology.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
See Also: → 1210704
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