Closed Bug 1193054 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Loan gbrown an aws slave for Android 4.3 mochitests


(Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard :: CIDuty, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gbrown, Assigned: gbrown)



In support of bug 981881, I want to examine an aws test host, of the type that we use to run "Android 4.3 API11+ opt" mochitests.
Email sent to :gbrown for further instructions. Loaning machines: - tst-emulator64-ec2-gbrown Hi Geoff, I am going to assign this to you to keep track of the loan. When you are finished with the loan forever, please comment stating so here in the bug, and mark the bug as RESOLVED. By the way, now that this aws instance has been created, starting and stopping it can happen in a flash! If you are not going to be using this machine for multiple hours, let us know in this bug and we can stop it. Comment again when you want it started back up. * For faster turnaround, ping #releng (look for nick with 'buildduty')
No longer blocks: tst-emulator64-ec2-gbrown
OS: Unspecified → Linux
Hardware: Unspecified → x86_64
Assignee: nobody → gbrown
I have been trying to reproduce the test failures seen in bug 981881 on the loaner and have found that some of the tests that consistently fail on try consistently pass on the loaner: The loaner does not behave the same as the instances running Android 4.3 mochitests on try! I think I know why. "Android 4.3 API11+ opt" mochitests run on m1.medium instances; this loaner is a c3.xlarge instance ("Android 4.3 API11+ opt" *reftests* run on c3.xlarge...but I'm just interested in mochitests for this bug). I verified the instance types by running "ec2metadata" in a try push, and manually on the loaner. Can you change the instance type of this loaner to m1.medium, or alternately, give me a new loaner of type m1.medium?
Flags: needinfo?(alin.selagea)
Hi Geoff, I changed the instance type to m1.medium. Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(alin.selagea)
I am all done with this loaner now. Thanks!
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Loan Requests → Buildduty
Product: Release Engineering → Infrastructure & Operations
Product: Infrastructure & Operations → Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard
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