Closed Bug 1193372 Opened 10 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Need better handling when new jobs types and groups are ingested incorrectly the first time


(Tree Management :: Treeherder: Data Ingestion, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: camd, Unassigned)



Sometimes jobs are posted to Treeherder with incorrect data, like a type in the group name, then it is corrected and it's posted with the fixed group name. But chunks that were posted with the bad group name the FIRST time, will continue to use that typo'd group. We need a way to easily either fix the broken group, or use the new, corrected group going forward. See Bug 1188987 for an example of this happening. In that case, I just corrected the problem directly in the DB because that was fastest and simplest. But we need a better long-term solution to this.
Blocks: 1081600, 1188987
No longer blocks: 1081600
Note: check bug 1166118 as one test case of this happening.
Priority: -- → P2
Bug 1241280 is an instance of this (IIUC). Could I please get some help to get that instance fixed? Thanks
Priority: P2 → P3
Blocks: 1284557
I feel like this problem would just go away if we fixed bug 1215587.
Wlach: yep, it would. Bug 1215587 is on my list to fix this quarter. This bites us enough times that we can't/shouldn't live with it any longer. We can close this bug as a dup of 1215587. That one is the real issue. This would have just been a band-aid.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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