Closed Bug 11956 Opened 26 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[key]Key Press events are not being generated correctly


(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, defect, P1)

Windows NT





(Reporter: rods, Assigned: ftang)



The IME event processing code does not generate generate a "key pressed" event for a "<control>1". It also generates events for when the shift key is pressed without any other keys being pressed (I think this is incorrect.) The current IME is ifdef'ed with my old event processing code. I have made the appropriate changes (in my tree) to have it process all the key up,press,down combinations correctly for most all key combinations. I coud check in this code and it would enable the correct processing of events until the IME key events are working properly.
rod, does your fix allow for the case where a keyDown handler consumes the event and declare that no more processing should occur (nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault), such that a keyPress event won't be generated? I don't know if the consume-no-default is sufficient, maybe there is some way to set an event flag to cancel further event generation? nsGUIEvent.h is almost completely undocumented, so I have no way of knowing what the various flags mean or what their semantics are.
Is there something I can do to test it? Is there a situation that cancels after the key down?
actally, it shouldn't consume the event as Steve requests above. I spoke with joki last Friday and he didn't think that the down event should cancel the keypress.
i thought the event model we agreed to last time had no cancellation of keydown events and generated events for every key transition. can you put you fixes into an attachement so that we can look at them.
The fixes were to my old key event processing code not to the IME code. In a nut shell I generate a PRESS event for every OnChar and then send a PRESS event after the key down for al special keys that don't invoke a ystem OnChar. Here are the diffs: Index: nsWindow.cpp =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsWindow.cpp,v retrieving revision 3.187 diff -r3.187 nsWindow.cpp 2158c2158 < #if 1 --- > #ifdef DO_IME 2174a2175 > BOOL doPress = FALSE; 2182a2184 > doPress = TRUE; 2187c2189,2193 < asciiKey = 0; // just to be paranoid --- > //asciiKey = 0; // just to be paranoid > BYTE keyState[256]; > ::GetKeyboardState(keyState); > ::ToAscii(aVirtualKeyCode, aScanCode, keyState, &asciiKey, FALSE); > aVirtualKeyCode = asciiKey; 2196c2202,2206 < return DispatchKeyEvent(NS_KEY_DOWN, asciiKey, aVirtualKeyCode); --- > BOOL status = DispatchKeyEvent(NS_KEY_DOWN, asciiKey, aVirtualKeyCode); > if (doPress && status) { > status = DispatchKeyEvent(NS_KEY_PRESS, asciiKey, aVirtualKeyCode); > } > return status; 2243c2253 < #if 1 --- > #ifdef DO_IME 2283c2293 < return DispatchKeyEvent(NS_KEY_DOWN, aVirtualKeyCode, aVirtualKeyCode); --- > return DispatchKeyEvent(NS_KEY_PRESS, aVirtualKeyCode, aVirtualKeyCode); 2401c2411 < #if 1 --- > #ifdef DO_IME 2439c2449 < result = OnChar(char_result,0,false); --- > result = OnChar(char_result,ch,false); 2453c2463 < if (mIsControlDown && !mIsAltDown && --- > /*if (mIsControlDown && !mIsAltDown && 2459c2469 < } --- > }*/ 2480c2490 < if (!mIMEIsComposing) --- > if (!mIMEIsComposing) { 2482c2492 < else --- > } else Index: nsWindow.h =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsWindow.h,v retrieving revision 3.76 diff -r3.76 nsWindow.h 41a42 > //#define DO_IME 170c171 < #if 1 --- > #ifdef DO_IME
I don't think that going back to old code is the right thing to do. This regresses i18n functionality. If we need to fix this for M9, the fix should be done in the existing code.
Target Milestone: M10
Just to make sure we're all clear and ok on the keydown cancelling keypress thing. 4.x cancelled keypresses based on keydowns. The DOM Level 2 spec doesn't say anything about cancellation. When we last gathered and talked non-cancellation seemed like the right thing for i18n and applications could work with this. So unless we feel a strong need to add this I think we'll probably work without the cancellation. This was a rather obscure feature in the 4.x model which I *think* we can get by without.
so another interesting point was raised in that for ctrl+key we always send the uppercase charcode to the keypress event but for just key or alt+key we send the lowercase version unless the shift key is pressed. This probably needs to change to a more uniform model where the ctrl+key sends a lower/uppercase version as well. Tague, what are i18n implications of something like this?
Target Milestone: M10 → M11
there's no way i'm going to get this done for m10. i realize that it is a blocker - but there are other bigger blockers that i needed to look at first.
Will it will be done before beta? We have to have it generating non-IME key code correctly for beta. Actually, we really need it generating non-IME key code in M10. If not, we should go back to my old code.
please work with lyecies and ftang if you aren't happy with the priority this item is getting.
Blocks: 15693
Assignee: tague → ftang
reassign to ftang per i18ngrp reassignment meeting.
Target Milestone: M12 → M11
Priority: P3 → P1
Summary: Key Press events are not being generated correctly → [key]Key Press events are not being generated correctly
Blocks: 16127
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
fix in keyEvent_19991004_BRANCH landing
Mass update: changing qacontact to
QA Contact: janc → ckritzer
Updating QA Contact.
QA Contact: ckritzer → lorca
Reassigning QA Contact for all open and unverified bugs previously under Lorca's care to Gerardo as per phone conversation this morning.
QA Contact: lorca → gerardok
QA contact updated
QA Contact: gerardok → madhur
Component: Event Handling → User events and focus handling
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