Bug 1197068
Opened 10 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
CFNetwork.framework strings are not translated
(Firefox for iOS :: Browser, defect)
Tracking | Status | |
fxios | + | --- |
(Reporter: petercpg, Unassigned)
(1 file)
35.31 KB,
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In Bug 1196794 I noticed that we are not having error page for "too many HTTP redirects" localized. (see attachment)
The string comes from iOS directly and not localizable, we might need to check what happened and/or have it localizable on our own.
Comment 1•9 years ago
This should probably be morphed/checked to see if error codes can/may be translatable. Stephan?
If it's just a missing translation for this particular locale we can move this bug to Mozilla Localizations.
Flags: needinfo?(sleroux)
Comment 2•9 years ago
The unlocalized title is coming from the HTTP error and we don't bind the title of the error to our localized strings files. We need to add map an entry from our localized strings to the error's NSLocalizedDescriptionKey using NSError's userInfo property: (a bit down the page).
So this is two parts:
1. Engineering work to add in the mappings to expose these error strings to localizers
2. Localize the missing network errors
Flags: needinfo?(sleroux)
Comment 3•9 years ago
Just curious, but does overriding the translation really work here? The value stored under NSLocalizedDescriptionKey in the userInfo dictionary should already be translated. Because of this, I had assumed the translation look-up to be performed at the time the NSError is created which happens inside of CFNetwork using the CFNetwork string resources. Shouldn't that look-up completely ignore any translations we add to the main bundle?
These are the strings I was able to grep from the CFNetwork resources:
$ find /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Resources/ -name *.lproj -exec ls {}/Localizable.strings \; -exec cp {}/Localizable.strings ~/Desktop \; -exec plutil -convert xml1 ~/Desktop/Localizable.strings \; -exec grep -A 1 "Err-1007" ~/Desktop/Localizable.strings \;
<string>يوجد الكثير من عمليات إعادة توجيه HTTP</string>
<string>massa redireccionaments HTTP</string>
<string>příliš mnoho přesměrování HTTP</string>
<string>for mange HTTP-omdirigeringer</string>
<string>te veel HTTP-omleidingen</string>
<string>πάρα πολλές ανακατευθύνσεις HTTP</string>
<string>too many HTTP redirects</string>
<string>demasiados redireccionamientos HTTP</string>
<string>liikaa HTTP-uudelleenohjauksia</string>
<string>trop de redirections HTTP</string>
<string>Zu viele HTTP-Umleitungen</string>
<string>יותר מדי הפניות של HTTP</string>
<string>previše preusmjeravanja HTTP protokola</string>
<string>túl sok HTTP átirányítás</string>
<string>terlalu banyak pengalihan HTTP</string>
<string>troppi HTTP ridiretti</string>
<string>HTTP のリダイレクトが多すぎます</string>
<string>HTTP 재이동이 너무 많음</string>
<string>terlalu banyak ubah hala HTTP</string>
<string>for mange HTTP-omdirigeringer</string>
<string>zbyt wiele przekierowań HTTP</string>
<string>demasiados redirecionamentos de HTTP</string>
<string>demasiados redireccionamentos HTTP</string>
<string>prea multe redirecționări HTTP</string>
<string>слишком много переадресовок HTTP</string>
<string>príliš veľa presmerovaní HTTP</string>
<string>demasiados redireccionamientos HTTP</string>
<string>för många HTTP-omdirigeringar</string>
<string>มีการเปลี่ยนเส้นทาง HTTP มากเกินไป</string>
<string>çok fazla HTTP yönlendirmesi</string>
<string>забагато переадресувань HTTP</string>
<string>quá nhiều chuyển hướng HTTP</string>
<string>太多的 HTTP 重定向</string>
<string>太多 HTTP 轉址</string>
All of these should (theoretically) show up as long as the app is configured to be localizable in the respective locale. I'm not sure how this is handled in Firefox on iOS though because the project file only lists English as the development language and no translations.
Peter, what is the locale in which the screenshot was taken?
Flags: needinfo?(petercpg)
Reporter | ||
Comment 4•9 years ago
The screenshot was taken in zh-TW, I didn't test in in other locales listed above.
Flags: needinfo?(petercpg)
Comment 6•9 years ago
Re-summarize this better if need be
--- → ?
Summary: Missing localized "too many HTTP redirects" error page → CFNetwork.framework strings are not translated
Comment 7•9 years ago
From the duplicate report; strings shown in English with device set as `pl`
Error-1200, should be:
<string>Wystąpił błąd SSL i nie można ustanowić bezpiecznego połączenia z serwerem.</string>
Updated•9 years ago
Updated•9 years ago
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
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