Closed Bug 1204217 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Please provide a reading mode opt-out for websites


(Firefox Graveyard :: Reading List, defect)

40 Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: soeren.hentzschel, Unassigned)


The reading mode is a great feature! But it does not make sense on every page of a website and it does not work well on every page. And I think Firefox should not show the reader mode icon if it does not make sense or does not work as expected. I suggest a possibility for websites to opt-out for the reading mode (meta tag or something different). Example: I have a blog and it's great that Firefox offers a reading mode in the article view. But Firefox also shows the reading mode icon on the home page of my blog and I don't think that it makes sense there. As website owner I want the reading mode functionality in my articles but not on my home page. It's difficult for Firefox to know if the reading mode makes sense or not. That's the reason why I suggest to give website authors the possibility to tell Firefox that the reading mode is wanted or not.
Product: Firefox → Firefox Graveyard
As this ticket was moved to "Firefox Graveyard" two years ago it can be closed…
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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