Closed Bug 1209959 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Release Notes link in Thunderbird 38.3.0 doesn't work


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

38 Branch
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: dannyfox, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0
Build ID: 20150917150946

Steps to reproduce:

Installed newly-released TB 38.3.0 and wanted to check Release Notes.  Clicked MENU, RELEASE NOTES.

Actual results:

Firefox launched and displayed "Ooooops" message, saying page (URL) was not available:

Expected results:

Release Notes page should come up.
We don't have release notes for Daily, right? So 404 is correct I guess.
Oh the problem here is: redirecting from to is not working properly. Then I cannot fix it.
(In reply to Kohei Yoshino [:kohei] from comment #2)
> We don't have release notes for Daily, right? So 404 is correct I guess.

But I'm talking 38.3.0, installed from the standard public RELEASE channel.
perhaps related to product details?

I confess, in QA I did not test release notes menu item from Thunderbird itself. I don't know about anyone else
Flags: needinfo?(sledru)
Component: Untriaged → General
I suspect I missed "[X]   Push release notes live"
Kohei, your Comment 6 inspired me to try a little hacking.  Having updated to 38.3.0 on my laptop and getting the problem, I checked my tower before updating and recall seeing "38.2.0" embedded as a folder in the URL.  So I tried THIS -- and it worked.

Original:  "nightly" (which likely triggered your Comment #2...)

My hack:  "38.3.0" (refer to the actual release)
So the page does exist but the redirect is broken.
I fixed a redirect in commit r147235
not sure it is the issue.
And I did push the release notes live:
Flags: needinfo?(sledru)
Yes the page exists.  I don't know how the "redirect" process actually works.  The URLs I quoted in my Comment 8 come from the browser (FF).  First, as given by TB's HELP, RELEASE NOTES menu choice.  Second, as I manually replaced "nightly" with "38.3.0".

Just now (after Sylvestre's push), I retried the menu link but it still fails.
(In reply to Dan Pernokis from comment #11)
> Just now (after Sylvestre's push), I retried the menu link but it still
> fails.
Yes, there is a latency before deployment.
release notes still MIA for me.
But got it now. Also Joe a few minutes ago.

Thanks Sylvestre
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
And I just got it.  (Had a few failures, flushed cache again and it worked.)
Thanks, guys!

Now if you could only implement the same RELEASE NOTES thing in Firefox. :)
(In reply to Dan Pernokis from comment #15)
> Now if you could only implement the same RELEASE NOTES thing in Firefox. :)
You mean having a direct link to the release notes from the app?
YES!  FF needs a RELEASE NOTES feature (under HELP) the same as TB has.  I always like to check new release info, and end up going through a complicated manual process to find the page on Mozilla.
Indeed. You are asking to the right person, I worked on bug 1047395 a while ago and I will come back to it.
That would be great, Sylvestre!

I had a quick look, and I see early complaints there too about "no release notes" and "not easy to find RNs on the website".  I skimmed over the format discussions -- TB's display format is fine.

The only awkward thing is the link going to the full list of bugs "in this release" -- different format, fully displayed (OK), but there is no indication on how to get to previous releases & fixes.  I know there is a longer (continuous) list, broken into segments by release -- I've seen it a few times, probably accessible from the "not-easy-to-find" pages I can't locate. :)

Let me know if you want to move this discussion to 1047395, stay here anyway, or start a new bug.
Please move the discussion on this other bug :)
Thanks, Sylvestre -- we'll end the discussion here.

To continue, please go to Bug 1047395 (pick up at Comment #16)...
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