Closed Bug 121546 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

dist/bin/chrome/overlayinfo/ is not being created (missing overlays)


(Core :: XUL, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jrgmorrison, Assigned: mozilla)



The linux builds on 'btek' and 'comet' are both missing the directory dist/bin/chrome/overlayinfo/. That means that certain overlays are not attached to the browser since this was not created. This is almost certainly why startup and window-open time dropped on comet and other tinderboxen. It may also be why the boxset and lhasa mailnews test are orange. The most likely change, IMO, in the period where the times dropped, is rjc's checkin for RDF changes.
marking blocker, we need to fix this asap
Severity: normal → blocker
Keywords: smoketest
cc'ing darin in case he can spot the bustage faster; rjc's checkin was heavy on nsIFile stuff.
i don't follow how this bug might be related to rjc's nsRDFXMLDataSource, nsLocalStore, and nsIOServiceMac changes. can anyone confirm that this bug is fixed by locally backing out rjc's patch?
I'll test this in a moment (I'm getting the pageload regression tested right now).
Okay, backed out cvs update -j1.122 -j1.121 mozilla/rdf/base/src/nsRDFXMLDataSource.cpp cvs update -j1.43 -j1.42 mozilla/rdf/datasource/src/nsLocalStore.cpp cvs update -j1.6 -j1.5 mozilla/netwerk/base/src/nsIOServiceMac.cpp and dist/bin/chrome/overlayinfo/* was created on the next start of the browser (for a build that was pulled about 9:15pm) Okay, so let's back it out.
jrgm's changes have been backed out.
> jrgm's changes have been backed out. Blame Canada!!
downgrading (and maybe rjc just wants to deal with this on bug 113894)
Severity: blocker → major
Keywords: smoketest
is this why MailNews, AB, PSM, Chatzilla and most under "Tasks/Tools" are missing in 2002-012321 on linux? After a full install as root, all components can be started. But quitting and starting moz as user, all mentioned components are gone. Only browser and composer remains.
Yes, just chuck that build. It will have problems.
*** Bug 121596 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 121597 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Closing this as the fixes for bug # 113894 were backed out. Notice that a new patch for # 113894 was just checked in, too. ;)
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